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the blur

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. I hunted 2 hours north of Gogama. It was thick in some areas, and very open in others. Maybe because it's much colder there. My bear went 30 yards after I put 1 through the heart.
  2. If you do bear over bait in Canada. They start baiting 1 or 2 months before opening day. They bait on a schedule, and only 1 person can maintain a bait site, because of body odor. Throwing a hamburger on the ground isn't going to keep a bear coming back.
  3. the blur

    No Fawns

    Is that boy scout camp huntable ? I've seen a lot of deer & bear there. but never really checked into weather they let you hunt there.
  4. It's time I start doing my own butchering. I lost a third of my meat last season. I went over everything, weighed in / out; documented it carefully, 33% is a serious #. I watched people skin & bone out various animals. Never watched the butchering process. I used 4 different butchers over the years... depending on where I'm hunting, and where I'll be to pick it up. Only 1 uses vacuum packing. 1 uses saran wrap on the inside, and then brown paper on the outside. Works fine. 1 uses butcher paper, and that works fine too. Even after a year. the other uses zip lock bags, and doesn't even squeeze the air out. I found no method is better than other. even after the meat is frozen for a year.
  5. the blur

    No Fawns

    There were 3 in the field tonight. Low light. I pulled out my rifle & practiced target acquisition. 1 mama doe, and 2 fawns, but they didn't have spots. Maybe they were from last year??? Definitely much smaller than the mama doe.
  6. There is an entire facebook group dedicated to NE food plots. The work is insurmountable. It requires heavy equipment, hours & hours of intense labor. And it's expensive. I wouldn't exactly call it baiting, like throwing out a bag of corn. I manage my little 3 acres, not for deer. Just to keep it looking nice as my house sits on the middle. Wooded and grass. It's a lot of work.
  7. That is great information. I would have never imagined that. Especially in wild animals. Please post up some pictures.
  8. Food plots are watering holes are legit. I know people in Ohio (non-hunters) who throw down bags of corn. and then he posts pictures of deer head to head in a corn feeder. & then he can't figure out why the deer are diseased. I'm like deer are never head to head in the wild. They hang out together, and mingle. But they don't butt heads in a feeder.
  9. Wow, that picture is impressive !!! I'm doing it for sure. No where as extensive as yours, just a kiddy pool. I'll need some gold fish to eat the mosquitos, because it's close to my house. I know the deer will find it within a few nights.
  10. Anyone try a water hole? Like burying a kiddie pool, or building a pond, with a pond liner ?
  11. I'm weak, what's the minimum draw weight to take a deer with ? My shoulder isn't what it was since surgery....
  12. I'm planting fruit trees this season. Then next season, I'll plant around them with .... something attractive to deer.
  13. Do the deer munch down your corn stalks ?
  14. I brought some fruit trees to develop my plot. I need to keep the deer out of my plot until it develops into something substantial. Is there something other than a high fence that will keep deer out ?
  15. the blur

    No Fawns

    I have seen none this year. Really strange. In fact, day time sightings are down 99% this season. If I didn't have trail cams, I would think all the deer are gone.
  16. I once had a spooked running deer, running towards me jumped directly over my head. Couldn't have been more than 2' over my head. I was sitting on a log.
  17. This year, I have seen nothing. Last year, I had 2 fawns on my lawn basking in the evening sun every day after work. All I get is a big muscular doe on the cams. Only 1. My neighbor is logging, and I think that upset all the deer.
  18. I was trapping a 10 acre parcel in Sullivan. Just a weekend hobby thing. Not overly serious about it. I got 4 Raccoons during the season. Just got a call from the owner, they are still having Raccoon problems. Garbage being torn up. Chickens being eaten. Sheds being destroyed. They want all the Raccoons dead. To which I explained, then they must be disposed of. Can't keep the fur during the off season. So they may call an exterminator, or wait until December, which they'll have me back regardless. I don't know the normal population, but there seems to be an endless supply of Raccoons where they munch on garbage & chickens.
  19. If it were my land, I'd set up foot hold traps all over. Take the trapping class, learn about it, and set up a few.
  20. I got a freshly hit doe. Cop had to finish her with 2 slugs. Then gave me a tag, and helped me load it. The driver of the car also helped load the deer. Was happy that it wasn't going to waste. Upstate cops have tags, and know what to do. Next time, I will tell the cop HEAD SHOTS !! 2 slugs was a bit excessive.
  21. That would be great! I'll even send you a prepaid UPS label. Just give it to any UPS man, or UPS store.
  22. I'm not a tree stand guy. I'm not an archer. In fact, I stay away from stands. I hunt from the ground only. My concern is I know the guide has the Cabela type stands, with the rail. Not sure how it will work out.
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