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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. .243 for deer. 7mm-08 for Elk. I gave my .30-06 to my son. I gave him the shotgun as well. I can sit at the range all day with a semi auto .243. My bolt action .243 has a little more kick, but the semi auto .243 is the way to go. No deer will run away from a .243 85 gr.
  2. It's amazing they can run 40 yards after a perfect hit.
  3. I started shooting the plastic top ammo at the range. Dead on accurate. Haven't tried it on a deer yet. Nice deer !
  4. Guided hunt, or DIY ? I got my 1st cow Elk this season, in Colorado.
  5. Not much you can do when the Elk is out west. 1 butcher in town. 1 UPS store that will dry ice and ship it. Towns are 30 miles apart. I'm sure the UPS store is eating well too. The only way is to stay out there, watch the butcher, and personally watch the UPS store until the carton is taped closed, and on it's way. I thought of taking the meat home on the plane, but that is not easy.
  6. I called deer search last year. They don't have anyone in Ulster county... I was bummed out for a while. We trailed blood for 400 yards, and then it vanished.
  7. I just had a 600lb Elk butchered. Ended up with 145lbs. We figured it should have netted 200 lbs. I'm sure the butcher is eating well, and 1/2 the town................... oh well. kinda disappointing, but somewhat expected.
  8. I saw 5 doe's on my front lawn late last night. 1st time all season seeing such a big group. Usually it's a mama, and 2 fawns. When do they usually start yarding up for winter ?
  9. If you watch the long haul truckers, 90% of them now have moose bars on the front of their trucks. and they get an insurance discount for having moose bars.
  10. I just read the guides. You're correct, it would have to be fully butchered before coming home. Or I can take the back straps, and filets, and dump the rest in the woods. From what I read, I couldn't even have it mounted in NY. I would need to find a PA butcher, and PA taxi.
  11. Are doe tags transferable like NYS ?
  12. Generally speaking, if you shoot them through both lungs, they aren't going very far. And you even have margin for error.
  13. I actually have 1 (just 1), bolt action hunting rifle. I can't figure out the doe permit system, is it similar to ours ?
  14. I was just invited to hunt in North Central PA. How does the tag system work? Is it similar to ours ? Bucks / Doe's ?? By unit # ? I wouldn't even know where to start.
  15. DIY are always 1/2 the price, but you're going into new territory, which is not easy...
  16. If you want Elk or Mule Deer in the west, you're spending serious money. At least $5,000, without butchering or mounting.
  17. I decided to clean up some of it, and remove the dead debris. The back 1/2 I'll leave more natural, although it looks completely overgrown, thickets, I know there is wildlife in the underbrush. Raccoons, rabbits, etc.
  18. I do have those invasive vines. They strangle the trees, and grow like crazy. They call them woody vines. They are nasty, I call them strangulation vines. I cut them at the base, but they still are attached to the trees.
  19. Never really owned any land before. Now I have 10 acres of mostly wooden heaven. There are a few dead trees on the property. Do you guys generally cut them down, or let nature take its course ? My intentions are to leave the land 100% natural. No clearing, no building. I just figure if I remove dead trees, new growth will happen that much faster. What's your opinion ?
  20. http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/07/news/economy/howard-schultz-hillary-clinton/index.html What a f-in dumbassss. I hope he loses 50% of his customers.
  21. This weekend is not the weekend to go to Brookhaven range. It's range day for Campsite gun shop, and 10 zillion people will be there. I'm also looking for a place to hunt. I live just west of you.
  22. It outright sucks. I lost my father in March. He died in my arms after battling a long illness. I'm not depressed, but I am thoroughly bummed out. This entire past week, I just start crying at times. I thought it would get better with time, but it's not. Whenever I want to tell my father something, or think of him, it just sucks to know he is gone forever. and in my religion, the coffin goes in the ground, and the family buries the coffin. So there is total closure. But it sucks big time.
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