I went out this morning until 11:00 am without seeing a thing. I went to take out the garbage this afternoon and saw this guy watching me. Then to make matters worse , my mailman asked me if I had seen the 13 pointer running around the neighborhood. He told me that he had seen it 3 times in the last 2 weeks.
Congratulations on a beautiful cat....love them spots ! I'm so friggin jealous but glad you posted the photo. I hope to someday get one myself as it's #1 on my bucket list. Would you mind sharing what caliber you shot it with and the approximate distance ? How big of an exit hole (if any) was there ? Way to go grampy !
I'm sitting in my tree stand this morning when I spot something white moving thru the woods. I look thru my binoculars and see a woman wearing a camo jacket , green pants , a backpack and a white knit hat casually strolling thru the woods. This happened around 8am. At first I thought she might be still hunting but I didn't see any weapon. I remember thinking that's a good way to get shot. Then about an hour later she came by again. Then the kid on the four wheeler decided to do a few doughnuts on the logging road that leads to my stand. That was enough for me.......I'm disgusted already and it's only the 3rd day.
They are the best butchers I've ever used. I see now that they're processing whole carcasses again. However , you only have 2 choices for their butchering services.
Choice #1 The whole deer processed into chop meat.
Choice # 2 The whole deer processed into sausages , kielbasa , salami , etc...
Malafy can refer you to local butchers also.
At the SVA theatre in Manhattan. ( 333 West 23rd Street )
He was there to promote the movie " Eric Clapton : Life In 12 Bars " , which was his life story and will be released this February. I was lucky to get seats in the front row and 1 of the 3 autographs he signed as he left the stage. It was an excellent movie if your a Clapton fan.