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Water Rat

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. Whether your for it or against it , time to cross your fingers !!!!
  2. Me neither........at least not on the receiving end.
  3. All the variety's you mentioned are delicious too . I couldn't remember the names of them until you mentioned it. I think I bought them in Franklin County , NY. The corn that they sell in the local supermarkets down here are terrible in comparison .
  4. If anyone gives a rat's ass....The September 2013 issue of New York Game and Fish will feature a special section of crossbow tactic's , gear , locations and new products.
  5. Have you ever planted a variety of corn called Bodacious ? I bought some from a road side stand up state a few years ago and was undeniably the best corn on the cob I've ever eaten . Are you talking about corn that is feed to livestock ?
  6. Do you know if it was a requirement at one time ?
  7. That picture reminds me of the movie "The Mask " with Jim Carey for some reason .
  8. Yes , that's what I was trying to say . I could have sworn that was a requirement when I passed my hunter's ed certificate for bow hunting .This was back in the early 1980's though. Damn......I must be getting senile.
  9. Didn't anyone have to pass an proficiency test for a compound bow ?
  10. Water Rat


    When would you estimate the poults hatched in Jrs5144's photo.......approximately May 13th then ?
  11. Thank God for supermarkets. If I had to hunt for food , I would have starved years ago.
  12. While your at it......get rid of the "MTV Raps" , where all the gang-banging rappers glorify guns , money and ho's. It's freaking deplorable what kids watch on TV.
  13. Sorry fasteddie....I thought you were talking about gray squirrels.
  14. For what ?......You called it twice .
  15. Whoa........lol I can vouch for that !
  16. Maybe a larger animal takes longer for rigor mortis to set in than a smaller animal ? How does a squirrel succumb of lead poisoning in June ? Oh I get it....I guess it's time for a different brand of bird seed ?
  17. I almost used rabbit guard , but seriously they sounded like they were going to break those cheap casement windows. I used to and still do have a bird feeder where I used to feed the turkeys with bird seed. They used to walk right up to me. I have some nice 35mm photos but never had the patience to learn how to paste , copy , scan or whatever it takes to download them . Hopefully someday !
  18. I had to put chicken wire around all the basement windows because they did it all summer long.
  19. I was awaken one morning by the sound of something/someone tapping on our bedroom window. I got up out of bed and looked out the window and watch a gobble pecking at it' reflection in the basement window. I have even seen them pecking at their reflection in the chrome bumper of my truck while parked in the driveway.
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