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Everything posted by Elmo

  1. Was out all day yesterday. Saw one squirrel and I can count the number of chipmunks I saw in one hand. A couple of weeks ago I would see that within an hour. Did the freak snow storm mess up natures biological clock?
  2. Looks like a coyotes but much too small. Fox? Raccoon? My dog weighs 12 lbs and her scat is like 4 times the size of this.
  3. Geez! I'm pulling 7.84 in and 2.08 up. I have the triple play package with Optimum. My building doesn't have FIOS. =(
  4. ny hunter...hookahs are those middle-eastern smoking pipes that has the water bowl at the bottom. Looks like a giant bong. "Shisha" is the flavored tobacco you put in it. I was introduced to it back in my college days by some Indian friends but now it's like the new "cool" and yuppie thing to do apparently. fasteddie...the girlfriend would kill me but I wouldn't mind your idea of a hookah is it was a high end one. But for $20 bucks it's probably going to be one that's filled with every type of venereal disease out there.
  5. Right with you man. Quit the same time. While I haven't touched a cigarette since, I have to admit I still hit the hookah here and there and whenever I get my hands on a nice Cuban.
  6. By the way, the class she called about wasn't even listed in the DEC listing anymore by the time she called because it was filled.
  7. Chris...ironically, I just dropped my niece off at her hunter's ed course. (I came back to grab a bite to eat then heading back out to pick her up.) She signed up this past Wednesday and the class was already completely book. The instructor said that eventhough the class is already full, he'll squeeze her in. Usually people don't show up but even if everyone does, he'll try and accommodate her. Lesson learned. It never hurts to call and ask.
  8. Ahh...okay. Figure why the photographer never warned the dude.
  9. Friend of mine showed me this picture.
  10. Interesting. Now that you mentioned it, I spent 6 years at the University of Michigan (yes, I party a whole lot but sadly, didn't party enough) and I don't think I saw one out there at all.
  11. I've realize the chipmunks are to the backwoods what sewer rats are to NYC. They're everywhere and they walk around like they own the joint.
  12. Elmo


    Read under the section "Manner Of Taking" http://www.eregulations.com/newyork/hunting/turkey-hunting/
  13. Also, under new content, any one with a star next to it was a thread that you had a post in.
  14. Noah: I think if someone is willing to ask you want you want and set a price limit they might also be open to just giving you a gift certificate to somewhere and then you just throw in a extra bill for something you really want. Just a suggestion. Not sure if you're comfortable asking for that or if they're willing to do it. I came across a similar gift situation. They ask if there's anything I want and I said "there's nothing I really want but since this other person also doesn't know what to get me, why don't the two of you talk to each other, pool your money together, and get me this expesive item I actually do want?" And that's what they did. Just an idea. I bought the Field & Stream Primetime Lite. Works find for me but I don't have anything to compare it to. What I can say is that when I'm out hunting with it, I come across some choice locations but can't climb it because the tree's first limb is too low so you can't get the climber around the limb or the tree is at a slight angle, etc. Makes think if I should have sacrificed the comfort and bought climbing steps and a tree saddle setup instead.
  15. Investing hundreds of dollars on ScentBlocker gear or spraying all your stuff down with Scent Killer. Is the ScentBlocker really worth that much?
  16. Woah! A climber tree stand is illegal on state land?
  17. I'm just annoyed it went on sale. I paid full price for this a couple of months ago from somewhere else.
  18. What's a good fawn bleat mouth call?
  19. Seems like every book or instructional DVD I've read/seen is all about getting that one prized buck. I'm not a trophy hunter. I'm just concerned about filling the freezer. Seeing how there's so many does out there, is there any special tricks/tips I can use to bring them in?
  20. Geez! That second video was like bursting a water balloon filled with Kool-Aid!
  21. Yes but use a red spotlight as not to spook the 'yotes.
  22. Well, you have a choice. You can watch your in-laws open socks on x-mas or you can watch one of your old hunts.
  23. "Isn't it way better to just have it etched in your memory and maybe a photo or two with the animal once it's down?" It is certainly easier for sure...and the etching into the memory is a given anyway but yes, it is about documenting, preserving, and sharing your memories. I guess it's the same reason why people video/photography vacation and family trips.
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