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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Elmo

  1. I lucky to be young and fit enough, that dragging 200 lbs up the side of a mountain isn't a walk in the park but can be accomplished. I'm not leaving it's side.
  2. Pump action or break action? How do you pull the action back on a shotgun? I heard of keeping the bolt unlocked on a bolt action to prevent it from firing but wouldn't sliding the action back on a pump action open the ejection door to the chamber and then dirt and debris can fall into the chamber?
  3. It amazes me how careless and nonchalant people can be with such a dangerous weapon. I never keep a bullet in the chamber unless I'm stalking. If I'm simply hiking to my spot or casually hiking, I will keep ammo in the mag but make sure the chamber is empty. Once I was at the shooting range with the shotgun and when I was done for the day, I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to shoot the last shot. She pumped the shotgun (the empty shell ejected) but when she fired, it was empty. I thought I must have miss counted how many rounds I had fired. I checked the gun and it was empty. We packed up and went home. At home, I always check my gun again and this time I found the round in the magazine tube. Apparently when my girlfriend cocked the shotgun, she cocked it just hard enough to eject the spent round but not hard enough to chamber the next. The whole drive back, I had a live round not in the chamber but in the magazine and even that freaked me out.
  4. If the just wanted to steal the valuables in the vehicle they wouldn't have gone through all that effort to cause that amount of damage. it would have been too much wasted energy and made them stayed within the crime scene much longer than necessary. Doesn't sound like theives to me. I'm thinking some anti's and/or vandals who took the oppurtunity to take the wallet because they stumbled on it.
  5. A friend of mine was breaking up with her ex and got into an argument. He grabbed her by the neck forcibly. She was able to get out of the apartment. The next morning, we went back to protect her while she gathered her stuff and found the cops there. Apparently he went and filed a report against her saying she assaulted and threatened him. He's like 250+ lbs and she's 140. She was told to stay away from her own apartment! I spoke to some cops and they told me the smart ingenius move on his part even if it was a sleezy. Cops can only go by what's reported. Since she never made a report and he did, if he came after her and we beat his a*& down, how does that look to the cops? All they see was a report that a female assaulted and threatened him then the next day she returned with two guys who beat the crap out of him. Filing a police report even if you never follow through and press charges is a powerful maneuver. You'll aways have that legal weapon in your pocket even if you never use it.
  6. If they've already successfully taken a deer and was dragging it out, was it necessary to keep a bullet in the chamber?
  7. +1. If I know you're there, you're too close.
  8. Hey Tiger. I'm also from NYC. Have not hunt LI yet. I've always headed up north. You can try: Sterling Forest Stewart State Park Storm King Mountain West Point California Hill Any of the DEP Watershed lands (apply for the permit online. It's free) There's a bunch of others as well. I don't know how far your are willing to travel or your hunting means. Some of the parks have their own specific regulations. Make sure you know what they are before you go.
  9. Here's the sucker...magnified.
  10. Geez! That's a wide spread!
  11. I hate those people who tip toes the law. I don't agree with any of it but he tip toed it while you unfortunately corssed it. It sucks because he sort of baited you into it. I feel bad for you and your son and I hope you get your stuff back. I also hope you busted his face real good.
  12. Just found and removed a half engorged deer tick right at the base of my privates. Not sure how it got there. Last time I was in the woods was back on Monday. Maybe from the clothes? Had done laundry a couple of nights ago. Having girlfriend help me remove it. That's a first. Now she's all grossed out because we've bedded just the other night.
  13. The human race has pretty much chased every single threat out of the woods for you already. The only thing you have to fear is stepping into a crack and twisting your ankles. Always carry a light source with you just in case. Black bears run away from you when they hear/smell you coming. If they didn't, we would have hunted them into extinction in the New York area as we did with every grizzly, wolf, and mountain lion. Matter of fact, the black bears true success for survival is it's ability to hide from humans.
  14. Being constantly chased by cops and drug sniffing dogs, us New Yorkers can clearly tell what a German Shepherd looks like.
  15. Don't bring anything warm. I've never had a problem getting cold out there. I use to carry a CamelBak but then the tube kept freezing up on me.
  16. The show has now shifted away from The TravelChannel and moved to The Sportsman Channel under a new name: "Steven Rinella - Meateater". Will air sometime in January.
  17. Elmo


    Hmm...I'm always skeptical if I can't see actual flames. Can you taste a difference?
  18. Elmo


    I grew up in the kitchen so I have no problem with it. My girlfriend also cooks so we alternate duties. Unfortunately, most nights we come home tired or we forget to leave meat out to defrost so we end up ordering out a lot.
  19. Thanks! I'm make a note of it.
  20. Trust me, all of that was already said when I was being dared into ordering it.
  21. Where can I get some? I would like to try some. My mom makes this pigs blood jello cubes that she then stir fries with vegatable or throws into soup. Looks like tofu except it's reddish brown and has a gamey, minerally taste. I'm into trying different cuisines. I'd figure that thousand of people in their respective cultures eat that stuff and enjoy it so it is only bad because we culturally are close-minded to accept their way of thinking. Keep in mind that there are millions of Hindu's who can't understand how we can eat a sacred animal such a cow. Of the craziest stuff I've eaten: Deep fried grasshopper taco's at a Mexican restaurant. Scorpion on a toast in Santa Monica. Soft shell turtle in soup in China, Roasted Guniea Pig in Peru, and Bulls Penis in a Japanese restaurant. Of all the crazy things I've eaten, the Bulls Penis I had to spit back out because when you look at it, you can tell it's a penis and it was also much bigger than mine but it has no taste. Completely bland. Nastiest tasting food I've eaten was poi-poi (a root vegatable in Hawaii where they mash it into a pudding).
  22. Knowing others are not having any better luck makes me feel better because I haven't seen anything. It's not like they're too far for a shot. I mean nothing at all which doesn't give me much hope for gun season.
  23. Know when and where is the next class, how to sign up, and how much does it cost for the weapons familiarity class is being held near NYC?
  24. And yes, I do agree. Should be kept as is. Safety is worth much more than a turkey or deer.
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