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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. So do I. If/when I buy another one, I am thinking of doing this.
  2. Hopefully that down trend continues right into the toilet
  3. Oh good gravy, If i posted all of the redneck engineered things Ive ever made, youd be reading for days lol.
  4. I dont know lol. I havent tried one, but the grip angle looks better. HAHAHAHA, I love spending other peoples money for them.
  5. I just bought some sneakers, might have picked them up at Dicks to gain score card points in the past. I bought directly from Nike this time.
  6. I think Stags NY compliant stock would be more comfortable than the Thordsen, its still hideous
  7. I toss them in the back of my ATV, then pop that on the trailer most of the time. The bed of my truck is for gear, plus its not easy getting a deer up in there since I lifted the truck. If I was you, Id just use a hitch hauler. You can get them pretty inexpensively at Harbor Freight.
  8. Im not sure where you are located, but if you are in the WNY area, you can go through Top Notch Firearm Sales. That who will be handling mine. His name is Keith, really nice guy, but youll have to make an appointment, as its a side thing for him. His regular job is as a Sheriffs deputy.
  9. Thats the beauty of an AR. Just buy multiple uppers to use on the same lower. Its pretty much the TC Encore in semi auto.
  10. You can go two ways, first is buy a lower (or stripped and parts) and an upper from RRA or one of the other companies that make them, then get the parts to make it compliant and put it together. Second way would be to talk to a LGS and have a non-compliant one shipped to them, then have them do the work before they transfer it to you. I will have a new AR on its way this week. The rifle I am buying is non-compliant, and the shop doing the transfer is going to make it compliant. I actually found one thats less money than I can build one for. BTW, you DO NOT have to pin the mag. I confirmed this with my county's DA, and the sheriffs department, the MagLock is compliant.
  11. Reminds me of a poker night one of my buddies had. He bought a few big bags of wings and was making them in his deep fryer while we played poker. He started taking them out and they were tiny like that. I asked him how long it took to round up enough pigeons for that many wings. It stuck, we still bust on him about his pigeon wings 13 years later lol
  12. Similar ballistics to a 45/70, and Ive seen plenty of guys on here espouse how that is the perfect whitetail/black bear round.
  13. In an AR platform, you can get a .458 SOCOM that is the same weight as a carbine length .223, and still be slinging a 250 or 300 grain hunk of lead. Other than the upper, everything on the rifle is standard AR fare, even the magazines, as you use a regular 223 mag with them. If I was going to buy a light weight carbine for big game, thats what Id be going with.
  14. Breakfast this morning. 3 egg Mexican omelette with ground venison and Sriracha.
  15. Sorry, I didnt see the $150 in there. Its squished next to the photo. Carry on...
  16. A 2 year old Lennox. The pellet stove sits in the basement. If I run that only, on high, it will keep the house at around 60 degrees. Remember, we are talking about a 3000 square foot 2 story house and a 1000 square foot basement. Takes alot of BTUs to heat that about of space. I have noticed that the pellets I buy from Tractor Supply do not do nearly as good of a job as the ones I buy from the local sawmill.
  17. I made one last year on the grill. I made a flat sheet of bacon, then laid the turkey breast on it, injected it with a little bit of Cajun Injector jalapeno butter marinade, then rolled it up, used some toothpicks to hold it together and slow cooked it on the grill. It was outstanding.
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