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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. It was actually not bad in the summer. My loincloth had lots of holes in it from the thorn bushes. Made for a nice breeze on my nether-regions.
  2. By far, my favorite wild game would be fresh grouper with red snapper being a very close second. Thats the biggest thing I miss about living in Florida, the seafood is so fresh and plentiful. If you take saltwater game out of the mix, I have to go with Walleye, then Perch and Crappie for freshwater fish. Bacon wrapped wild turkey breast, Elk and venison backstraps for land based meats.
  3. Thaats kind of a personal question, dont you think?
  4. I did it in a loincloth with bark on my feet kept in place with bubble gum. Had to protect them from the 3 miles of thorn bushes between our house and the school.
  5. I plan on buying a splitter, but figured a processor would be good so I can knock out the majority at once. I dont mind doing the stacking, lord knows I could use the exercise
  6. Are you cutting and splitting with a chainsaw and splitter? I was thinking of looking into buying green logs in the spring and renting a processor. I can get about 2 years (20 face cords) out of a load of logs. I just have to see what the cost of the processor rental would be to see if its worth it to do.
  7. I could just dump it into my water system tank
  8. Would certainly cut boil time down by quite a bit
  9. 3000 plus the finished basement, so close to 4000, and its 70-75 degrees in most of the house, 80 plus in the living room when I get the wood stove cranking. I realize that I will probably be overbuying a bit, but thats ok, it will all get used eventually.
  10. I have a pellet stove and a wood burner. I had no idea what to expect for usage. I think since we moved in in early January we have burned close to 2 tons of pellets and the wood supply the previous owners left, which they said should be more than enough to get us through, is down to maybe a face cord left. Ive burned close to 4 I believe. Based on what we have used this year so far, Im figuring on getting 5 tons of pellets and 10 face cords of wood next year. Still cheaper than electric heat, which is our backup.
  11. Found a pic of FastEddie faxing some paperwork the other day
  12. Wait, you still fax things? What are they? Stone tablets?
  13. If you scroll through the comments, someone posted a pic of him from 2012 (if the date on the camera was right), and he had a larger rack back then. The deer in the trail cam picture looked about right for a 5 year old buck, and antler configuration seemed consistent.
  14. Last night Haley was over and after dinner I laid the box on the table and said "Happy Birthday Kiddo" as her eyes lit up. I helped show her how to install the bolt and magazine and work the action. The smile on her face was priceless and she started asking when she could shoot it. I told her next weekend, as long as the weather is good, we can stop by Runnings and pick up the scope mount and rings, along with a couple of boxes of rounds, and take it out back and get it sighted in along with patterning her turkey gun she got last year. She kept talking about what kind of sling she wants, and that she needs a gun case to carry it in. It was great to see her so excited. I told her to wipe it down before it went into the safe. I swear she sat there for 10 mins with a clean cloth making sure every bit of it was clean before she put it away. I forgot my darn phone at my office last night, or Id add a pic of her with her new baby. Ill get a few when we take it out to sight it in.
  15. The Springields arent bad at all, except when it comes to how easy they are to conceal. When I originally bought mine, I was down to a choice between an HK and the X D. They are both nice, but when it came down to it, I went with the X D because the HK felt too wide in the grip to me, it just wasnt comfortable. I will say that the HK had a nicer trigger, but lets face it, its a self defense gun, and generally speaking, range to the target is going to be short, so a not quite as smooth trigger is no issue. The XDS has a nicer trigger, I think, than the first generation of X D did. I like it wayyyyyy better than that friggin hinged S&W trigger.
  16. Riding near home is fun and all, but tug is a whole different ball game.
  17. They are having a great season for snowmobiling up at tug this year, thats for sure.
  18. No problem! The XDS is a single stack, which is why its so much thinner. All of the other X D variants are double stack. Great guns, just not that comfortable to carry concealed.
  19. This winter hasnt been particularly bad really. Heres snowfall totals for various cities in NY since 1940. Totals for this year are up till today. Bottom numbers are averages, not including this year. We are slightly above average. Turkeys will be fine.
  20. The regular X D is nice, I had the 40, but the XDS is alot smaller and more carry friendly.
  21. Good luck with that guys. Were still in the little to nothing area.
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