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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I dont Let the movers touch my mounts, they go into my vehicle.
  2. Yeah the portability factor is a big feature of the Mavic
  3. We used to call them Swamp Cows at deer camp down there
  4. 10 years ago they identified a new species of human ancestor from a 40,000 year old finger bone and a few teeth found in friggin Siberia.
  5. If you are looking to do photography, and are prepared to spend $1000, I would suggest going with the DJI Phantom 4 refurbed from DJI. You can get them for less than $700 and it will give you everything to get started. Some good add ons that will keep you under a grand would be a multi battery charger and 3-4 extra batteries. The Mavics are nice, but the Phantom 4 gives you a much better camera, more flight time, etc.
  6. I usually target the shoulders because they dont go far, if anywhere. Plus, like I said, not much meat there so to me, its not a big loss. Id rather lose the meat and have a short track. I think the longest I had one go after a shoulder shot was 60ish yards, and that only happened once. Every other time they have been DRT or 20-30 yards away from where they were hit.
  7. This would be way better for a halloween display
  8. Seen it before. Wish Id stop seeing it.
  9. Of which he is the chairman. He wanted the policy change, Id bet on it.
  10. Actually, Ed Stack is the Chairman, CEO and largest stock holder, so he is, essentially the primary owner of the company. https://www.forbes.com/profile/edward-stack/
  11. Its just TurkeyFoot in the pink bunny suit after he took a tumble into the mud.
  12. Right. The Jackalope population was decimated when the DEC started releasing Chupacabras and Mountain Lions into the NY woods.
  13. I bought a TC Hot Shot to teach the kids with. Haley has outgrown it, but Evan has already been shooting it here and there. Makes for a great little squirrel gun too, except the trigger guard is a bit small for my fingers, but it still works.
  14. If it was me, Id sell them and take the cash elsewhere.
  15. Ive shot plenty of deer on the run, during drives, still hunting, hunting from a treestand, on the ground, etc. I know where Im hunting, where the safe shooting lanes and areas are and if anyone else is around, I know where they will be. The same basic rules apply to shooting an animal thats standing still and shooting one on the run. Know your background, dont shoot at a silhouetted animal (such as on a hill top), know your background, and finally, know your background. I will say, that Ive missed a few here and there when they have been moving, but I always knew where my bullet would end up if I did miss, or it passed through the deer.
  16. Ive lived on the water (directly on Tampa Bay) and now I live in the woods. Ill be honest, its a toss up for me, I love both. I will say though, that I do not enjoy having my neighbors too close, and the cost/taxes of waterfront property in this state are insane. When we were house shopping last summer and fall, we looked at a house on Honeoye Lake. It was a very nice house, the view of the lake was amazing, but the neighbors were less than 100 feet away on both sides, there was only about 1/2 acre of land, and the house was right near the road. Now Honeoye Lake isnt that bad traffic wise, as its such a small lake, but we did not like the neighbors being so close, with no real way to block them out from the view. The house we ended up buying has 15 acres of wooded land, we are at the end of a 1/2 mile long private road with only 3 other houses on it, and when the leaves are on the trees, you cant even see any of the neighbors. Both homes were around the same price. The one on the lake was half the size and half again the taxes. The house we bought has a big pond, with a floating dock and it stocked with Largemouth and Bluegills, so I can fish right in my back yard, plus I can hunt the 15 acres of woods. It was a pretty easy choice when it came down to it.
  17. If you are trimming properly, theres only 5 or 6 lbs of meat on the front shoulders anyhow.
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