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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Due to unforseen family issues this year, Im not making syrup. Hopefully next year will work out.
  2. I might have to buy one because I like the music they use in the commercial...
  3. It has nothing to do with the southern tier, its Tug Hill and the areas up that way that basically depend on snowmobile season to make ends meet for the rest of the year. Take a trip up there and see whats going on some year and youll see why.
  4. Yes I was sure. Watching the deer after the shot, zero blood, hair or anything else where they were, etc. My scope had gotten bumped and after missing those deer (all in one day), I checked the rifle and found it to be off by quite a bit.
  5. Me either. I googled it when I read your post. Im not making excuses for what he did, just saying.
  6. You apparently havent spent much time around the skateboarding, snowboarding scene. I used to back in the day. Ever watch jackass? The typical skate/snowboarding crowd isnt really too far off from that. The guys in Jackass became famous from bits they did in Big Brother magazine, which was/is a skateboarding magazine. Read up on what hes accused of, its not really abnormal stuff considering that type of crowd.
  7. I watched part of it. I like to watch the winter olympics, not so much the summer games though. Hockey, biathalon, speed skating, luge, bobsledding, snowboard halfpipe, skiing, etc. All great stuff.
  8. Id hunt deer with a 9mm all day long with the right bullet.
  9. Id call DEC so they can take a look an/or test the animal
  10. What does that have to do with anything? Arrows dont kill using shock to the target.
  11. They definitely look up, but I dont think its anything new. They are usually looking up when they notice movement or something out of place. Ive seen them look up at birds or squirrels that are in trees and move or make sounds.
  12. LMAO, oh Ive missed ALOT of deer, 3 just this past season (all with the gun this year though). Im sure there will be many more.
  13. Apples and oranges. Arrows dont kill the same way as bullets do. Shock and bleeding vs cutting and bleeding.
  14. Because leaves and branches blowing in the wind are normal sounds for them. From my experience, deer are more alert once the wind gets to be more than a breeze, as its harder for them to hear and smell things. If they evolved to know what an arrow is, or that its danger, then i suspect they would do more than take a couple of bounds when you miss, which is what I have seen happen multiple times in the past. Im not a scientist by any means, just speaking from experience and what I have learned about deer from articles, books, etc over the years.
  15. She doesnt wear underwear so that would be useless
  16. I usually like to keep the loader on as much as possible, but when Im working in tight plots plowing or whatever, I tend to take the loader off for maneuverability sake.
  17. No, I dont think that they would. They are most likely hearing some odd noise coming toward them and just reacting, as deer do to anything they perceive as danger.
  18. If you get any loader that isnt quick detach, youre an idiot lol
  19. No, American Equipment in Farmington. I talked to him last year and he doesnt care where I buy the tractor, he can do any warranty work, etc.
  20. I gave my gf one of those Edible Arraingement things. A crap load of chocolate dipped strawberries. My plans for tonight entail hanging out at the hockey rink for both of my kids practices.
  21. The specs I looked at were both lift capacity at full height.
  22. No. They are reacting to something, plain and simple. If you watch them enough, they react the same exact way to anything out of the ordinary that is close enough to them to possibly be danger. The way they drop is not actually them ducking the arrow, its how they preload their leg muscles when they take off running, or when they jump, etc.
  23. I think so as well. I stopped using G5 Montecs because of how loud they are. When I was using them, I could head a loud, distinct hiss all the way to the target. Check out this video
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