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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Thats completely subjective. Lots of people wont go more than 45 or 50 down a back country road. They act like Im being an idiot when I pass them going 55 or 60. Regardless, are you saying that because someone is tailgating you, that gives you the right to brake check them and "teach them a lesson"? What if they dont react in time, and they DO rear end you, which send your car or theirs into oncoming traffic and someone is killed as a result? Would that be worth it, just because you thought they were being an idiot, or would you have been better off to just mind your business and go about your day?
  2. Thats great, but what about all of the other animals they kill? Cities arent the only place that feral cats live. People drop their cats off out in the country all the time.
  3. Wacky rigged Sankos/creatures, Spinnerbaits, different styles of Rapalas, Pop-Rs and Joes Flies. That covers my typical bass interval. Once in a while Ill switch it up with other types of lures, but those are what I catch most of my bass on.
  4. We have a cat, hes very affectionate, stays indoors all winter, cuddles up to us, etc. During the summer, when he goes outside, he hunts and kills everything he can catch. A couple of times, weve found dead bats on the steps. Honestly, I wish my girlfriend would keep him in the house. Cats are proficient killers, and do a number on wildlife, especially songbirds.
  5. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/09/0907_040907_feralcats.html
  6. Heres the way I look at it. I have insurance, if they hit me, its their fault, my stuff gets fixed, they get a ticket to boot, time to move on. On the other hand, if I were to brake check them and cause an accident, well, the outcome can be very bad and I dont need that on my conscious, plus I dont need the legal "road rage" headaches. Its like people that freak out, flip you off, speed up, etc when you pass them. Dont those people have better things to worry about other than you want to drive faster than they are? Who cares. People need to stop worrying about what other people are doing so much, and concentrate on their own business.
  7. I have to agree, he would just be a normal schlub if he didnt have money or notoriety.
  8. I could honestly care less what the numb nuts behind me is doing. Tailgate me all you want, you wont get a reaction out of me.
  9. Yes, but if they tell the officer that you brake checked them, you are now guilty of road rage (aka reckless driving).
  10. Its crazy how many feral cats get hit by lightning in certain areas
  11. And will also earn you a ticket or worse if they hit you when you brake check them. Its considered road rage.
  12. What difference is there between them learning bad habits from their parents or mentors when they are 12 as they would when they are 14? This type of reasoning just blows my mind. No wonder most kids want nothing to do with hunting.
  13. I use a few different setups for predator hunting, but I dont ever carry a backpack when I go. For daytime hunting I use either a collapsible stool or collapsible turkey seat. At night I stand up.
  14. Theres really no debate. JT takes the cake hands down.
  15. Timberlake is the man. Guy has it all, looks, talent and common sense. Anyone that says anything else is just jealous.
  16. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Tsunami-Warning-Manhattan-Test-Fail-Accuweather-National-Weather-Service-Twitter-Hawaii-Missile-472933943.html
  17. I enjoy the kill, Im not afraid to admit it. Is it my favorite part of the hunt? No, not really. If I didnt enjoy it at all, Id just take pictures.
  18. Ive had 4 or 5 Bushnell scopes in the past. If someone gave me one for free, Id sell it. I have a pair of Bushnell binos that are ok.
  19. I can speak for the Vortex illuminated reticles. They are great, yes you can turn it off, you can also change the intensity for various light conditions. One tip, do not get the same color reticle as your kill light is. If you use white light at night, green or red, but if you use a red light, get a green reticle or vice versa.
  20. If you do some google searching, you can find places that rent them out. Try before you buy.
  21. Vortex Viper series gets my vote. I hunt with a 2.5-10X40 Viper HS on my Remmy 700 both day and night and it works fine. When I get done with my dedicated varmint rifle, I will go with a 44 or 50 mm objective, as it will be used for night hunting, and that extra does make a difference. Well, thats if I dont end up going with one of the ATN night vision scopes. Keep your eyes open for a used Vortex if budget is an issue. The lifetime warranty is fully transferrable, so if theres anything wrong with it, send it back and Vortex will give you a new one.
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