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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. The light on the lower floor was already confirmed to be a strobe. The window was intact. I remember seeing a video showing it early on, it was probably the 3rd video i saw yesterday morning. I thought it was a muzzle flash as well, but it turned out not to be.
  2. He hasnt worked for Lockheed Martin since the 80s, The picture that I saw claiming he was at an anti-Trump rally looks nothing like him. Its still pretty early in the investigation as to what exactly happened and why. Theres going to be a ton of cnflicting reports, especially early on.
  3. Not to mention the guy claiming 9/11 was an inside job. Im buying stock in Reynolds wrap after reading that drivel.
  4. Wait, you would be happy to "give" the first week of a 7 week season to the recurve and long bow guys? Well, how generous of you! I mean, they only started archery season to begin with. A week to themselves sounds just fine! How about this? Oct 1 - Nov 4 its all archery tackle. Compounds, recurves, crossbows, longbows. Then from Nov 4 - gun opener, its primitive bows only. Longbows and recurves. Sound good?
  5. And as someone that hunts with a vertical bow, supports full inclusion of crossbows, and crossbow owner, I will fight as hard as I can to keep that from happening. I do have to say though, I have zero issues with the youth deer hunt, just like I have zero issues with the youth turkey hunt.
  6. That was quite possibly one of the best things to happen yesterday.
  7. I have, multiple times, and you arent going to make it as smooth for as long as the fire that was coming from that building. Sorry, but you arent.
  8. The mechanical release holding onto the string, and creating a slightly different type of pull (if its attached to the wrist). The cams make drawing the bow back simpler and lighter so that it can shoot the arrow faster and allow it to be held drawn longer. Sorry man, just facts.
  9. Me either. I could really easily just leave work and go do something else for the rest of the day lol.
  10. Nope, you said that "most arguments" for full crossbow inclusion can be applied to putting guns in an archery season. I asked what arguments can transfer.
  11. I dont like it because it doesnt answer my question. Good lord, you get riled up into a tizzy over crossbows so badly that your reading comprehension just shuts off.
  12. Still not an answer to what I asked, and its a huge leaping assumption to boot.
  13. When we created it, the only reason we separated them was to keep the infighting to a minimum. I originally wanted to leave the crossbow threads in the bow hunting section. The site owner and some of us moderators discussed what to do, and this is what we decided upon. Its funny though, the anti-crossbow crowd just cant help themselves, and visit the crossbow forum constantly just to piss and moan.
  14. Apples and oranges. Lets try to stay on subject. Im still waiting to hear an answer to what I asked. Not holding my breath though.
  15. Its not auto cocking, you still have to draw it manually. BTW, you know YOUR version of archery, and thats it. Weve debated about the real definition of archery before, and yours is close, but it doesnt match.
  16. Yes it is. Its an arrow propelled by energy stored in the limbs, off of a string. It kills with a broadhead in the same manor as any other type of bow. The Ravin is actually slightly more similar to a vertical bow in that the arrow doesnt travel down any type of (whats referred to as) rail or "barrel". It sits on a rest just like a vertical bow. Just because they market it as "shooting rifle like groups" at 100 yards, doesnt mean you should be taking 100 yard shots through the woods with it. Its also not legal to hunt with in NY due to it not being wide enough to meet the regs.
  17. Just curious, can you explain what arguments supporting full inclusion would be able to be used to support adding guns to an archery season?
  18. I support full inclusion for everyone. All archery equipment belongs in the archery season. Otherwise, compounds should be segmented off into their own season as well.
  19. We forgot to bring our harnesses, my girlfriend saved the day bringing them to us though. Forgot my binos and felt lost without them. Couldn’t find one of my gloves also. It’s always something the first couple of hunts.
  20. Haley and I had a fun sit. Had a few does come close but wouldn’t get into a lane. First time she had her bow in her hand and release on the sting waiting to draw. She kept talking about how hard her heart was beating. She really wants a deer this year especially since last year was a waste after I injured my knee.
  21. Just had a young buck come by. He came in behind us, we never heard him till he caught Haley moving and bolted. Scared the crap out of us.
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