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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Just wait till your kids start playing sports lol. Both of mine play hockey, and my time with everything else has shrunk, including hunting. My daughter has already started having practices and games, and my son starts the 18th. Heres my average week: Sunday - hunt for a few hours if I can, go to my daughters hockey game either here or in Buffalo, hunt more if I can Monday - Work, daughters hockey Tuesday - work, maybe get out hunting after work Wednesday - work, sons hockey, daughters hockey Thursday - work, maybe get out to hunt Friday - work, maybe get out to hunt Saturday - maybe hunt a few hours, sons hockey, daughters hockey game either here or Buffalo, maybe get out to hunt if I can Thats not including normal time working on stuff at home, spending time with my girlfriend, etc etc. I also travel for work, and this time of year seems to be their favorite time to send me all over the country. The struggle is real my friend lol
  2. I hear ya, but there are situations that just dont allow the time for someone to be what Id consider proficient. Some homes dont have a basement or a full basement, some people live in trailers or apartments, etc and just have no choice than to go to a range, which takes up time to go back and forth. Those are the people that I have in mind when I say that it would be a good thing for them to be able to be included. Of course there are going to be slob crossbow hunters, just like there are slob bow hunters and slob gun hunters, that is always going to be the case. The guys that think they will step into the woods with a crossbow and it will be like gun hunting are going to find out real quick that isnt the case. If your woodsmanship skills suck, sure you can still get within 100 or 200 yards of a deer and shoot it with a gun, but once deer are inside of that 50 yard mark, its a different ballgame. Ill use myself as an example. I didnt grow up in a hunting family, my dad had quit hunting years before I was born, and the members of my family that did hunt lived pretty far away, so basically I had a few friends around my age and a couple that were a bit older, that did their best to show me the ropes when I started out. Looking back though, I had no idea what I was doing. Sure I shot some deer here and there, but thinking about the times that I did, most of it was dumb luck. Then I started taking more of an interest in how to really hunt bigger bucks, as I wasnt having much luck at all with them. I read alot, and started researching and talking to other hunters more and more. I started using tactics that some bowhunters suggested, and thats when my luck started to change. It wasnt actual luck, I was just learning woodsmanship, and how to get close to deer undetected. Thats when I really started to discover bow hunting. I picked up a bow and practiced my ass off for a good solid year before I felt comfortable enough to hunt with it. Once I did, I was in for quite a surprise when the basic skills I had picked up no longer worked for me with a bow. So I started learning more, and found that the more I learned, the better my odds were. If I was a slob that wasnt interested in improving myself and my skills, I would have hung my bow up a long time ago. Basically I believe that guys that pick up a crossbow without ever bow hunting before, will go one of two ways. They will either give it up after a season or two and continue to gun hunt, or they will work toward becoming a better bow hunter and fit right in with the rest of us. Who knows, maybe in time they will seek more of a challenge and pick up a vertical bow. I dont see how that is bad for the sport in any way. The true slob hunters, well, there isnt much we can do about that. They will always be there no matter what weapon or season we are talking about.
  3. If we had it toward Rochester, we could see if we can get a group into Rochester Brooks for a round of clays (one of the best clays courses Ive ever been to), and there are a ton of good restaurants within 20 mins of there. For Batavia though, Center Street is awesome. Great food for sure.
  4. Which is why I said that in this guys case, from what I have seen and heard (excuses about bad shots due to form not being correct), a crossbow may solve some of his mistakes. I never said it would cure all of his issues. You guys feel free to continue twisting what I said to suit your agenda though.
  5. So, if they arent archery equipment, why would they have to take the bowhunters course? You are contradicting yourself. BTW, I agree that they should take the bowhunters course, because they are in fact, using a bow.
  6. I dont need to agree to some outlandish idea just because you can try to crowbar your point into mine. The point that I am speaking of has to do with archery equipment, not just any equipment, because its an archery season. Crossbows arent a "super weapon", they are just a bow that takes less practice to be proficient with. The exaggerations that some of you come up with in your arguments are completely ridiculous.
  7. Who are you to judge people’s lives? There are plenty of people that have kids, work multiple jobs and have to squeeze time just to get in the Woods. It doesn’t make them any less passionate, it just means they have different priorities and responsibilities than others let’s face it, not everyone wants to be or can be as dedicated to deer hunting as most of us that are on this site. Bottom line is, a crossbow is another form of archery equipment. I believe it belongs in archery season with the rest of them. Stop with the airbow, its not a bow, no limbs, no string. It’s an air gun. I would honestly have no issue with taking away some time from gun season, but it shouldn’t be given to bow hunters. We already have 7 weeks. I’d rather see a break between the seasons or a split gun season.
  8. See, thats the problem with you guys. You are the ones that always make that jump to rifles. Noone else does. I already said that a crossbow probably wouldnt be the solution to every one of the guys screw ups, but if it solves some of them, its an improvement. Maybe being successful on deer will calm him down an bit and he will take less bad shots. You see, the assumption game can go both ways.
  9. Well, I dont see more participation in the sport as a bad thing. I would prefer it to be participation by hunters that dont act like slobs. I know guys that would love to hunt during bow season but just dont have the time to properly practice, so they just dont do it. I wouldnt call any of them slobs, as they are ethical gun hunters. I just dont see a problem with a weapon being available that they can squeeze into their schedules.
  10. I understand your points as well. We just seem to look at things a little differently. Nothing wrong with that. If we all agreed on everything, it would be a boring site lol.
  11. Yes you can. Its all in the caliber. Predator season is open along side deer, and you can still hunt at night with the aid of spotlights. BTW, you are replying to 5 year old posts lol
  12. Hes using a proxy service. We will take care of it anyway. Just another keyboard tough guy that wouldnt say a damn thing to anyones face.
  13. I dont see it as a reward, and Im not trying to praise people for being lazy or incompetent, but the fact is they are in the woods with us. For the betterment of the sport, Id like to see dead deer, not deer running around with arrows hanging out of them, giving all of us a bad name. We have a neighbor at one of the farms I hunt that takes the most stupid shots at deer every single year. We have made alot of comments to him about it and he always has an excuse like "I torqued my bow." or "I had to shoot from an odd angle" or "I chose the wrong pin". One year, we had 3 different deer running around with his arrows hanging out of their hindquarters, backs, etc. The land owner was out riding his horse one day and came across 2 of them. We had a rather lengthy discussion with him about the fact that the neighbor was responsible for it, as he was ready to tell us no more archery hunting on his property. Would a crossbow fix this guys problems? Probably not all of them, but if you can take the equipment and form out of the equation, maybe it would solve 50 or 75% of his screw ups. That would save alot of grief that we have to deal with from people that dont really understand archery hunting.
  14. Congrats! Id say you got a little lucky on that one. I wouldnt try it again haha
  15. The only way I could guarantee you that would be for you to bring along a large stack of cash and I can help you book a hunt on my girlfriends uncles hunting ranch a few miles from my place. Youd be more than welcome to come out and hunt our farms though, we may or may not have a couple of bucks that would fit your bill roaming around one of the farms.
  16. There are already plenty of slob bowhunters in the woods that dont practice properly, dont take care of their equipment, etc. They are going to hunt regardless of what you think about them because they took the course and bought the tags, so they are in fact, entitled to participate. Why not put a weapon in their hands that they can make a good, ethical shot with?
  17. BTW, your second account is gone now as well.
  18. Hey Pistol Pete, Didnt you call everyone on this site a bunch of morons yesterday right before I banned you? Let me see if I can find the exact quote when I warned you for posting a pic of the dead shooter....
  19. Twice I’ve put arrows through backstraps, those were not recoverable, as they didn’t die as a result. Twice I put arrows in the kill zone but was unable to find the deer. I have no idea how many deer I’ve killed with my bow, but I’d say I have around a 90% recovery rate.
  20. They should have to take the bow course, just like someone that hunts with a vertical bow. No need for a special course.
  21. Oh I agree. I would like to see them release nothing but the right info so that there are less reasons to question it. I just had to admit that the guy in the pics they released from the anti trump rally do look like him. I didn’t think so at first.
  22. Well if you know exactly where the deer are gonna go every single time, then there’s no challenge to it regardless of what weapon you use. Where I hunt, they don’t typically do that, and even with a gun (which is a lot less bulky than a crossbow), once deer get within 50 yards, it’s a bit of a challenge to move at the right times to get the gun up and on target. Same deal with a crossbow. You may not have to draw it with the deer right there, but you still need to know how and when to move to get it on target. The one advantage you have is that you don’t have to hold back the draw weight. As far as why would someone want a crossbow when they have a vertical bow goes. Variety is the spice of life. Same reason a person would have multiple guns. I don’t know about you, but the same thing day in and day out gets boring to me. I like to mix things up now and then. The way it stands now, I’ll probably hunt with my vertical bow till crossbow starts, then I’ll hunt with my crossbow till gun opens because I only have a couple of weeks to use it. If it was included in all of Archery season, I’d be switching what I took into the woods depending on how I felt that day or what stand I’m sitting in.
  23. So I started looking around at what was out there concerning the anti Trump rally and I found a YouTube video that shows a different pic that I hadnt seen before. I take it back, it does look to me that it is him at the rally. It still might not be him, but Im sure we will find out soon enough whether it is or not.
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