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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. its kinda tough to hear, about mid way through the video clip
  2. Im working from home today sitting on the deck, they are on the ground now gobbling like mad.
  3. I went out on the deck this morning to have a cup of coffee and the turkeys were gobbling. Caught a little video of them, turn up the sound. It wont be long now!
  4. That Maxus sure is nice.... http://www.browning.com/products/firearms/shotguns/maxus-shotguns/current-production/maxus-rifled-deer-mossy-oak-break-up-country.html I could throw a turkey barrel on it too...hmmmm Of course, Id have more into the gun than the hunt is costing me hahaha
  5. That is pretty nice, Id need it to be blued though, and a Vortex scope, no Leupolds for me.
  6. Yeah apparently, from the reading I did, you can own AR15s (which are classed as "restricted" firearms), but you can only shoot them at approved ranges. Theres some sort of testing you have to go through as well. Its kind of a bummer because everything that I have read about the .458 SOCOM, makes it an awesome round for anything inside of 200 yards that you need some knockdown power on. I have one lever gun right now, a Marlin 30-30. Its not really my favorite though.
  7. Cant bring a handgun up there. Not all of the stands are that short, they have rifle stands, box blinds, and stands set for archery. Im figuring shots could be anywhere between 12 yards and probably 100.
  8. The first thing that popped into my head was an AR15 running .458 SOCOM. I looked into the laws up there, and you cant use an AR for hunting apparently. Ill have to see whats available in the calibers you are talking about. This time around Im thinking a nice wood stocked, classic looking hunting rifle with a mid range variable scope on top.
  9. The only down side to this hunt is its gonna knock a week out of my turkey season next year lol
  10. Of course I just want an excuse for a new gun hahaha
  11. I am going on a spring black bear hunt in Quebec in May of 2018 with a group of guys. After having a conference call with the outfitter, Im thinking that my deer rifle may not be the ideal rifle for the hunt, so I am mulling over different options, and wanted to see what you guys have for advice. The first few days of the hunt, Im going to use my bow, then switch to a gun if I havent gotten one yet. The two options I have at my disposal currently are my Remington 700 .308 and my TC Encore .50 cal muzzleloader. I know the Encore would be a good choice, but with this being my first bear hunt, and first out of state hunt, I dont know if I really want to take the chance with it, plus its an excuse to buy a new rifle, and I kinda feel like I need to take advantage of that lol. The outfitter did say that they may put gun hunters in archery stands depending on where the bears have been active, so I may be looking at shots as close as 15 yards. I dont want to just poke a hole in the bear and not get any bullet expansion. No need for lost bears or super long track jobs. So lets hear it, what are some good options?
  12. Depends on how much weight you are hauling. I have a WD hitch that I typically use with our camper, but I also have the tabs that I can add to my flatbed trailer so I can use it with that if needed.
  13. That limit most likely has to do with taking fewer fish, as there are far fewer of them than other game fish
  14. No, lots of laws get passed that way. Its BS if you ask me, laws and such should be getting passed on their own merit, not by adding them as fine print to something completely different.
  15. The fish analogy doesnt work though. The size requirements for fish are due to each species ability to spawn. Take Largemouth for instance, they will not spawn until they hit 10" in length. Thats why NY says you cant keep anything under 12". Deer can and will breed as yearlings, antler size has nothing to do with it.
  16. I believe that allowing someone to choose what buck they want to shoot, which everyone does, is more important than shooting two of them each year, which very few do with any regularity. Cost vs benefits to me.
  17. Thank you sir, youve been a huge help.
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