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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I’ll take it. Shoot me a message. I just got a die set for this caliber, have primers and powder but not a ton of brass.
  2. The Grey one came with a lock, not sure what it is. the black one is a lower from DSI, and it’s built with no lock and no release machined into the lower at all. If I ever Move to a free state, or NY ever changes the rules on detachable mags, I just Send them this lower and they will send me a regular one with a release button.
  3. I have no explanation for why it hasn’t been covered. I could tell you names, but won’t out of respect to their families. Just passing on what info that I can
  4. You can not accept it all you want, but all 3 of them are still laying in hospital beds as we speak.
  5. From the vaccine. None of them tested positive for Covid and all of them were admitted to the ICU within 3-5 days of the vaccine.
  6. A while back I purchased a new scope for my 6.5 Grendel, which has become my predator hunting day rig. It included a mount that worked fine on the rifle he had, but when I mounted it on mine, the adjustment ring on the bell of the scope was ever so slightly touching the top rail of my hand guard. I shot It like that a few times, and just didn’t feel comfortable with it, so I picked Up a slightly taller Vortex cantilever mount. This one is perfect, just the right clearance. I also added a Vortex Venom holo sight at a 45 degree angle to handle those short range shots when critters pop out close to me. I’m just waiting on some bullets I ordered So I can Load up some empty brass and get it sighted in. This setup should be absolutely perfect for daytime hunting and whenever I choose to hunt under lights at night.
  7. Medical industry. As of right now, that person is still in the ICU on life support. Two more people that we personally know are now in the ICU after taking the vaccine. One of which is a 29 year old woman who was healthy before the vaccine. Now she’s on a respirator.
  8. No, I understood. My comments weren’t directed at you. Sorry if they seemed to be. Just so you all know, One of my girlfriends friends is currently in the ICU in Rochester after taking the Pfizer vaccine. His reactions started within hours of taking it, gradually got worse and he is in the ICU as of this morning. He was healthy and then his employer told him he would be fired if he didn’t take it.
  9. You’re free to feel however you like, but to refuse medical care to someone that has legitimate concerns over a vaccine that has undergone no long term testing would be a pretty shitty way to be, don’t you think? Honestly, that kind of thought process, of taking an extreme stance against anyone that doesn’t think the way you do, or does not share the same opinion as you do, becoming so prevalent in our country in recent years is just plain disgusting. It’s exactly what certain groups want though, to divide us in any way possible. I've said my piece on this subject. I dont care who agrees with me and who doesn’t. You do you, I’ll do me.
  10. I am Fully aware of the differences between this vaccine and most others. How many commercials do you see for lawsuits regarding drugs, treatments, chemicals, etc that we were all told for years were perfectly safe, only to find out years later that they cause cancer, and many other things. You’re telling me that a brand new type of vaccine, which works differently than any vaccine that has ever been used, and was developed and studied for less than 8 months is safe? I just Don’t buy it. Again, if you want to take it, knock yourself out. I’ll hold off and see how things go with those that do take it. If I cant fly or whatever for a while, so be it.
  11. Has nothing to do with being an “anti-vaxxer”, myself and my kids have done all other vaccines, no issues with tried and true vaccines. I’m just not comfortable being injected with something that is a brand new type of vaccine that has had zero long term studies. If it was a virus with a much lower survival rate, my opinion would most likely be different.
  12. For me it’s the extremely short time in testing and the fact that the drug companies have been given a pass on responsibility for long term effects. I’ll take my chances with 99.9% survival rate. I’m pretty sure I had It early on, before tests were readily available. Had all of the typical symptoms and it was a month or so until I was Feeling normal again. Anyone else chooses to get it, that’s their choice, and not my concern.
  13. Good choice. I run nothing but Wicked Lights. I have a similar model on my night setup with an IR scope. I got the one that does 2 types of IR plus red. I keep it on red mode so I can Tell when it’s on or off and then flip it to IR once I’m ready to hunt.
  14. At night I place my call right under my gun tripod. Unless you are hunting with an all thermal setup, you want them to look at you so you can see their eyes shine.
  15. Post up pics of your 2020-2021 Predator kills here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  16. Finally picked up a tree last night. Got the lights on this morning so the kids can decorate. we have tall vaulted ceilings and I wanted a 15ft tree, but that will wait till next year. I have To buy a much bigger stand for that.
  17. Lol I know, right? Maybe I’ll pick one up later today.
  18. We are really slacking this year. Been so busy working on getting the new house organized that we haven’t picked up a tree yet, or done any decorating inside. I had A couple of hours free one day a couple weeks ago and did a half assed job putting some lights on the outside, but that’s it.
  19. Interesting. Have you checked your email address to make sure it’s correct? Could have something to do with your email spam blocker as well. If it’s flagging emails from the forum and bouncing them back, that would cause it.
  20. My first car was a stick, I’ve owned a few since then and have no issues with them. Today’s automatics are better in just about every application though. Faster too. One of my buddy’s has a Hellcat identical to mine with the exception that it’s a 6 speed. He knows how to shift that car but can’t beat mine unless I break traction. That being said, when I end up buying a second fun car, it will be a manual. They are fun on different levels than autos.
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