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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. In the same post you said "If you're not going to introduce some level of gun control, then the guy taking his kid rabbit hunting is no different than the guy intending to do harm. A gun in the truck, is a gun in the truck." and then "The world is not black and white" That constitutes talking out of both sides of your mouth. If the world is not black and white, which it isnt, then you need to look at situations in context, and take them for what they are. A gun in the truck of a law abiding citizen is completely different than a gun in the hand of someone walking into a building to blow people away. Same thing as the handgun in the waistband of someone that is legally carrying that firearm is completely different than the gun in the waistband of the guy thats about to rob a 7-11.
  2. The government has done a good job at driving manufacturing out of this country. Keep handing out more and more, and raising the taxes to try and support it, then add all kinds of red tape to build, etc. On top of that, create a lawsuit industry where anyone can put a large legal burden on a company for anything they darn well please, and what do you expect to happen? Of course those companies went overseas, its too much hassle and too expensive to do business here. Its pretty sad to think that the situation is so bad, that its less expensive to ship everything half way around the globe, than it is to manufacture it here. But, ya know, just keep blaming the corporations instead of pointing the finger at the huge, bloated, cant stop spending government that has driven industry out of the country. Now they want to start telling companies how much they can pay their executives? Double the minimum wage? What do you think is going to happen then?
  3. You never asked me anything. But now that you have... I do have kids, and I wouldnt give that much of a thought to someone pulling up with a rifle or shotgun in the back window of their truck. I also wouldnt pay much attention to the black guy or middle easterner in the caddy either. Not in my area. Now if I was in the city, in a completely different type of situation, then yes, I would. Its all based upon the context of the situation. I honestly feel safer knowing there are armed, law abiding citizens around me. Youre right, nothing is black and white, but maybe you should start living by the advice you tend to hand out around here. You constantly speak from both sides of your mouth in an effort to try and make your point. Its pretty amusing.
  4. Yep, because all of us that live in rural areas are just a bunch of slack jawed mouth breathers, right?
  5. Sure they will garner a bit more attention around an airport, but with a gun rack in the back window? Id only give them added attention because Ive never seen a middle eastern redneck lol.
  6. This past year I left a job that I had 4 weeks of vacation time and a weeks worth of personal time at. I went to a much larger company and lost my vacation time for the first year, so last season, I was limited to a few evenings early on, and then all weekends and holidays after that. It put a big dent in my usual hunting time. This year Im back to having vacation time, though not as much, but it was well worth it from a career, financial and personal perspective, so I cant complain. Ill get the vaca time back again in time.
  7. Hes trolling, trying to paint people as racist. Most likely because, exactly like you say, hes the one with the hang ups.
  8. Its doing great. It did awesome over the winter for plowing, the only two complaints I have are that the headlights get blocked by the plow, and the plow is so short, it cant pile the snow very high. To solve the headlight issue, Ill be adding an LED light bar to the top of the cage, right under the roof. The snow piling issue, well, I dont have that solution solved just yet. The big problem with that this year, was we had so much snow without a melt. I was pushing snow across the street by the end of the winter. Not supposed to do that, but I had no choice, I ran out of room.
  9. Heres what phade is talking about. I replaced my old off road lights with an LED light bar. I also have a big one that will be at the top of the windshield.
  10. Its in the works lol. Not that it really matters, you cant run that light bar on the street. Its like looking into the sun. That one is just the 23", just wait till the 50" goes on above the windshield lol.
  11. I might as well be with the work load I have now days lol. Between that, the kids and the house, I dont have much time for getting on here.
  12. Got started on work the last few weeks down at one of the farms. We ended up frost and over seeding all of our trails with clover. Its been a couple of years since we did some of the areas, and it was the first year for a couple of newer trails. We went through a tad over 300lbs of seed in total. We still have another 150lbs of high quality white clover seed that will be used for a couple of plots. This weekend I want to get down there and start mowing down a couple of spots where new plots will be going in. We typically mow them as short as we can before starting to spray and till. Last weekend we found some good turkey sign. The bird numbers are up by quite a bit on the two farms I hunt, Ive seen more birds last fall and this spring than I ever have at both of them. Hopefully I can get on them in a couple of weeks!
  13. I planted it in September I believe. Ill have to look through some things and get you the date.
  14. I did mine this year in a turkey frier. Next year Ill have something different to speed it up.
  15. Just a few more days until the banquet! If any of you want to buy tickets ahead of time, now is your chance! Its gonna be a great time!
  16. phade, if you want a fairly inexpensive camera system, let me know. Ill line you up and install it for you. Seeing some cameras placed under the eves is a good deterrent and if they dont see them, youll see who it was that broke in. You can set some of them up to alert you via text or email, and you can remote in and view the cameras from anywhere at anytime.
  17. I ended up with close to a gallon and a half of syrup this year, just from 3 trees. I paid $30 for 4 taps, buckets, cheese cloth and a couple of funnels. Other than the cheese cloth, that will all be used again, so I dont count it in the expense. I spent $40 for propane to boil. I still have a full tank left, so take $18 off of that, and I have $22 into a gallon and a half of syrup. The big expenditure was time, but it really wasnt too bad, as I was getting plenty of stuff done around the house at the same time. Next year Im going to expand my operation a bit by tapping trees on my fathers property. There, Ill be using taps fitted with tubing running to a 55 gallon drum or two as collection points. Ill just need tubing and taps, the drums I am getting at no cost. I am going to pick up a second burner and install a valve to run them off of natural gas from the house. It will cost me even less than it did this year and Ill end up with more syrup. Its not a pricey hobby really, and breaks up the monotony of the crap weather this time of the year.
  18. I wont plug them next year then. I was told to plug them to keep bugs out. Thanks for the heads up.
  19. I ended up pulling my taps and plugging the holes last weekend. Boiled down 43 gallons of sap and ended up with a gallon of syrup that landed between light and medium amber. Its yummy. I do run mine through cheese cloth when I pour it into the jars. It wont last long enough to ferment lol.
  20. Shoot me a PM with your asking price and shipping when you are ready.
  21. Its not those things at all belo, stop trying to be a freaking martyr around here. Like I said in the other thread, you are far more prone to rubbing people the wrong way when you use falsities to try and support your opinion. There are plenty of people on here that disagree with one another and respectfully discuss their differences. People here are generally passionate about hunting and the outdoors, and that passion is reflected in their posts. No reason to whine about it. If you dont like it, then dont visit the site, or open those posts.
  22. The personal shots were originally fired by you in post 59.
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