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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Honestly, how many of those per year do you hear about? You hear far more stories of idiots driving drunk and killing people on their way back from a fireworks show every year.
  2. Actually fireworks arent that expensive, and many of them are very nice. Maybe not as big as the ones the display companies use, but the average joe probably sholdnt play around with those. The consumer grade ones are dangerous enough if you dont use your head. For less than $500 you can have enough to set off from dusk until long after midnight, with some pretty good stuff mixed in there, not just bottle rockets and roman candles. I have no issues with fireworks, I have a ton of experience with them. I used to put together pretty big display boards for the 4th, had the timing on the fuses and all that good stuff down to a science. Ive received a few burns, but nothing bad. In a decade of doing it, we never had any real accidents or injuries worse than minor burns. Of course, none of that was done in NY.
  3. Thats a stretch i would think, and not something that has happened very often. I highly doubt the cops would have arrived while the shooting was going down, or when people had guns drawn.
  4. You can have that grip in NY as well if you use the correct mag lock.
  5. You are more than welcome to come out to our branch's events, though I know its a bit of a drive for you. Theres a branch out in the Buffalo Niagara Falls area that is trying to get going as well. IMO the biggest issue with the QDMA in this state has been that it was not run very well at a state level in the past, and the branches that have been around have pretty much been on their own. The state advisory counsil has been built and funding to drive it is on the way. Things will fall in place alot better now with the new regional director and state advisory council. NY's membership is growing, there are new branches forming and older ones getting fired back up. Its gonna take a little time, but the organization is growing in NY. Some of the NY branches have been spreading the word for members and others to be active and voice their opinions to the DEC on the proposals. Thats about all that can be done with those at this point. As dbhunter said, the NY branches and state council has been pretty active with pushing the new poaching regs along. dbhunter, the QDMA is highly active with things down in PA.
  6. We cant get to half of the areas we need to either, and even if we could, some of them are so wet we cant till anyhow. Spray? Why bother now? Better off to just hope stuff dries up and we can get fall plots in by mid summer.
  7. The deer on our farms are used to the horses as well. I get pics all the time of the horses being ridden by and deer right there shortly after. Funny story, last year on a fox hunt, the farm manager had a doe run right into her horse. The deer ended up dead, and she was lucky the horse didnt throw her.
  8. At 17 she should have had the talk already. My daughter is 11, starting to have crushes on boys, and the talks (yes, there will be more than one of them) have already started.
  9. Same song, different day... Subject:Bowhunters Opposes A8021 and S5807 Required text: (This text will be included in your message) I am a bowhunter and am urging you NOT to support A8021 and S5807 (Gunther/Gallivan). The purpose of the above bill is to have the crossbow reclassified as a conventional bow. I have serious safety concerns as explained below.The modern crossbow much more closely resembles and functions as a firearm than those bows which are allowed in archery season (longbow, recurve and compound bow). Although a crossbow uses a string and a hunting tipped shaft, the similarity ends there. The crossbow has a stock, trigger and most are equipped with a telescopic sight. Whereas a conventional bow must be hand drawn with each arrow and hand held, crossbows are pre cocked (pre loaded) and may be rested on support when fired. Whereas the average range at which a deer is taken with a conventional bow has remained at under twenty yards for decades, the long range capabilities of the crossbow are widely promoted by their manufacturers. In 2014, when allowing the crossbow to be used during the last two weeks of archery season in the southern zone (and last 10 days in the NZ), the NYSDEC recognized the superiority of the crossbow and thereby decided it would be best to require that users purchase a Muzzle loader permit. This assures its users have attended a firearm safety class. Another acknowledgement by the DEC that the crossbow has superior capabilities was the attachment of a 250 foot minimum discharge distance from dwellings while the conventional bow is allowed only a 150 foot discharge distance. One of the features of A8021 and S5807 is to eliminate the 200 pound (draw) weight restriction on crossbows. This is between three and four times the (draw) weight of most conventional bows. The extremely high draw poundage of a crossbow are able to be attained because the crossbow uses mechanical means to draw the string while conventional bows do not allow automatic draw devices. The modern crossbow is an ever evolving piece of machinery. They are getting more powerful and faster every year and as such need to have restrictions that will assure the safety of all those that share the woods. The final piece of A8021 and S5807 is to allow the crossbow to be used by 12 and 13 year olds during the Columbus Day weekend youth firearm hunt. Currently 12 and 13 year olds are already permitted to use conventional archery equipment throughout all archery seasons. The Columbus day youth firearm hunt was implemented by the DEC to give 14 and 15 year old firearm hunters an early opportunity to use a firearm. Those same 14 and 15 year olds are already allowed to use the crossbow during the crossbow part of archery season. With the long range capabilities of the crossbow, coupled with their telescopic sights, the mechanical / technical advantages that already exist and advancements being made every year, there are numerous safety concerns that are attached with the use of a crossbow and I urge you to not support A8021 and S5807 I would spend the two minutes to tear down these silly statements, but Id just be repeating myself for the 30th time.
  10. Treelimb Premium quiver, yep, built in hanger....
  11. On our way home yesterday afternoon, we watched a home about a mile or two from my house with a 30 foot wide waterfall flowing into it from runoff behind it. I drive by that place every day and have never seen it flooded like that. Later on I had to go to Canandaigua and there were a few roads over in Bloomfield shut down because they were flooded. Clogged and over capacity culverts were causing all kinds of water to flow right down 5&20 in a couple of spots too. Some parking lots over in Avon were under a bunch of water too. The ground is so wet at this point, all it takes is a little rain to get the flooding started.
  12. Actually if you read the studies and findings, youll be able to see the lack of correlation between the deer's movements and the dates of moon phases. The studies all show a direct correlation between photoperiodism and rutting activity. You will also see how different weather conditions affect them. The most recent, most advanced GPS studies (using far more accurate, dependable and long term equipment) results are pretty clear. Im not looking to debate or argue about it, just saying people should read the studies and draw their conclusions. I just have a tendancy to believe verifiable data from multiple studies in multiple areas that come to a similar conclusion.
  13. While I agree with BSH on some things, youd be better off looking int the GPS collar studies done on deer that have proven that the moon theories are a myth, along with the idea of deer being nocturnal, the october lull, etc.
  14. Protesting doesnt do as much as getting involved with an organization that has some political pull, and matches up with your beliefs and values. Emailing, sending letters and making phone calls to your representatives are also part of how you help to make a change. I dont know about you, but i have much more going on in my life other than the discussions i have on this site.
  15. ....says the biggest troll on the site that blows his stack when people call him out on his conspiracy theories and say anything against his religious beliefs...
  16. Would make a great bow to give to a young person just getting started.
  17. Anything over 4.5 is tough to judge. Id agree that it had to be a pretty old deer, or it was eating rocks.
  18. Im the same way, just cant bring myself do do it.
  19. I need to clean up the coffee I just spit on my desk...
  20. First post of the thread was what mentioned arguing about the subject...
  21. I agree. Its a bow, it should require a bow safety course and it should be included in all of bow season.
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