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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I love venison heart. So do my kids. I look forward to it every year.
  2. My uncle shot a 7 or 8 point doe that was in hard horn
  3. Thanksgiving is a must hunt for us. Its a day that we do drives and have a great time before going home to sit down to a great dinner. Theres always deer on the ground by the time people head home. Im looking forward to it.
  4. Could wolves migrate here? Sure. Have they? All signs point to no. Is that anything other than a @ 45 or 50 lb yote in the original pic? Nope.
  5. Could it be they didnt speak to the same DEC officer? Maybe the officer was asked, by their boss, not to talk to the press about it? Who knows.
  6. Use the trap on its paw to judge size.
  7. Second weekend of gun season, I was in one of my food plot stands on Saturday morning. It was really nice with a good coating of snow. Saw 2 small does step out into the one plot before daylight, and had a young 7 point come through the thicket behind me and basically pose for me at 10 yards. Made for a great pic... After about 10am, my feet were getting a little cold, and there hadnt been alot of action, so I decided to do a bit of still hunting. That resulted in seeing a couple of does but I had no shots at them.I called up my buddy to see what he was doing, and I decided to go do a bit more still hunting at the other farm. He was going to meet me down there in a bit, so I headed over. Within 10 minutes of entering the woods, I saw an opportunity at a young doe at about 60 to 70 yards, so I took her. My buddy met me with the wheeler, and we got her all set and back to the truck. We decided to do a little scouting before I had to head home for the day. Found some fresh rubs and a freshly opened scrape or two. Sunday I got down to the farm, and didnt see much, so we decided we would try and get some guys together for some small drives of one of the farms. Nobody could make it, so my buddy and I ended up still hunting, and did a few 2 man drives of some scrub brush areas. He saw 3 does in total, but they were headed the wrong way for either of us to get a shot. While we were doing this, we talked about scouting an area of the farm that we had been wanting to set up on, but hadnt, because we had too much going on pre season. We walked over to the area and immediately saw a large rub on one of the cedar trees out in the pasture... We scouted the area and found a big rub line and a few scrapes that were fresh. We looked the area over and I decided on a tree that would offer good bow coverage for next year, and great rifle coverage for this year. We went to the other end of the property and yanked a hang on and sticks that we had in a marginal spot and got it all setup in the tree I wanted to put it in. After I got the set hung, I sat up there and looked around. It sits on the edge of a thicket with a bunch of trails running through it. The thicket separates a big open pasture from a good section of Shagbark Oaks, with a large wooded ravine on one end, and a huge open hay field on the other. I can get rifle shots at the whole funnel, and two really good pinch points, as well as the thicket and a huge part of the open pasture. The open pasture is the same section that I killed a buck in the year before last with my muzzleloader. This stand should be very productive, if not this year, in future years. Cant wait to hunt it. We sat at the other farm that evening, didnt see anything, and heard very few shots in the area. On to Thanksgiving, which is always my best week of the season!
  8. 100lbs? not even close, look at the wolf Biz's dad is holding up, thats not much more than 100lbs and a heck of alot larger than the yote in the trap. Timber Wolves look nothing like coyotes, other than they have long fur, similar colors and are dogs. The show pistolp71 is referring to is on Netflix, and can be downloaded. Its a good one and does a good job explaining the wolf/coyote hybridization history.
  9. I havent had much time to update this. The final weekend of bow season I had a great buck come in, but he would not get out of the heavy brush, and I passed several smaller bucks as well. I ended bow season empty handed this year. Gun season started, and I was able to get home from a business trip late the night before, and be in my stand at the time I wanted to be there. The morning started out a little slow, then I heard some rustling at the bottom of the ridge below me. I could see through the heavy brush, that there was a buck hitting a scrape. He was pawing the ground, breaking branches in a tree, and I was just waiting for him to step out into the clear for a shot. Just about that time, I saw some orange a couple hundred yards to my North, and a small 4 point busted out of the brush just across the property line from me and took off. The buck I was waiting on took notice, and left in a hurry as well. I was a little bummed, but what can you do? About 10 minutes later, I caught some movement off to my right, and saw a couple of nice doe heading through the thick cover North of the food plot, so I grabbed my rifle and got ready for them to head out across the cow pasture. Just then, I saw a third doe heading up the same trail, and she stopped in a small clearing. I put my crosshairs on the back of her rib cage (she was quartering away) and squeezed the trigger. The doe took a small lunge forward, but pretty much dropped in her tracks. After a few mins I got down just to check her out. I found her 10 feet from where she was when I shot her. Turned out to be a good liver/lungs hit, breaking the last rib on the enterance side and exiting just behind her off side shoulder. After gutting her, I was very impressed at the damage that the 150 grain Federal Fusion had done. Heres a couple of pics... Sunrise... View from the stand... Doe Down... One of my buddys knocked down a great buck that morning. It was one of the ones we had on our list for this year. Pretty sure he was a 3 or 4 year old, but we will check the jawbone once he gets around to getting it out. Heres a couple of trail cam pics from a month or so ago... The afternoon hunt was good as well, I had some things to do that evening, so unless it was a great buck, I wasnt shooting. I ended up passing on 7 different doe from one of my stands in the swamp. I ended up getting sick that night and the next morning, but made it out for the afternoon hunt on day 2. Saw two small bucks, no does.
  10. We use screw in steps, bow hangers, etc on private land. Has never killed a tree, but we do not use them in trees that the land owner may sell for timber.
  11. Its a yote. probably 35 maybe 40 lbs.
  12. um, those ears are clearly pointed and large, and the snout is very pointed. Im not sure what pic you are looking at but compare Biz's pic of an actual wolf to the OPs pic of the coyote.
  13. Yeah looks like a good yote. I have some trail cam pics of a couple on our farm that would give that one a run for its money.
  14. 150lbs? Not even close. It only looks so big because he is squatting 15 feet behind it.
  15. Make sure its windy (as in windy enough to make the corn rustle and cover your sound), and move into the wind, or youll get busted long before you see any deer. Also be sure of your background before you shoot.
  16. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/5803-dec-interactive-map-tool/ this thread is pinned to the top of this forum. Lots of great info
  17. Hang on a second, he was asking you why you quoted the post you did and replied to it the way you did. WTH are you jumping all over his back for? Actually Culver has contributed greatly to this site many times. He hunts his ass off and is a hell of a guy. He doesnt post alot of his kills, many people on here are the same way. He actually does some things to give back to the hunting community and youth hunters. You have no clue what you are talking about on this one.
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