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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I agree 100% with Culver. I did the same thing. Set my standards to 8 points, right off the bat. Stuck to them and ended up with a basket 8 as my first buck. I took crap from alot of people for letting small ones pass before I shot my first buck. I kept telling them not to worry about what Im doing. Im proud of that buck, to alot of guys hes nothing special, to me he was though. I waited a long time and passed on a ton of smaller bucks. He hangs on my wall, and will always be the most special one on it to me.
  2. Its illegal to shoot a deer with a rimfire, is it not?
  3. Yup Troubleshooting 101: -Are you using windows explorer or another program? Windows explorer doesnt have an automatic "transfer" option, you have to chose what to do. Easiest way is to open the "removable device/drive" in explorer, and copy (or cut) and paste the files into whatever folder on your PC you want to. -Also, are you sure they are going into separate folders, or are you using some other type of view that would categorize them by date.
  4. Since 1999 for me. I missed a few years when I lived in Florida and Ohio. Didnt miss one before that though.
  5. Ive already started it. I know of a few great buck bedding spots on our farms. I stalk them whenever I get the chance. Any time I find a spot where I notice bucks bedding (usually found while still hunting or scouting and I bump a buck off the spot a couple of times) I will start strategizing how I can kill a buck in that bed. This year we went so far as to bush hog a trail that I can use to stalk a bed Ive been trying to make a move on for the last 2 years. Its nearly impossible until we made this trail, and even now it will only work on a specific wind. Last year my buddy closed the deal on the biggest buck hes ever shot while he was accompanying me on one of these stalks. I have fallen in love with still hunting the last few years. Its a ton of fun.
  6. Exactly. Education. No need to force feed it to everyone with laws.
  7. My ex used to give me alot of crap because she had an idea of how many stands I have lol.
  8. Wait, you are pro-AR and asking why the sport has to change? Contradict yourself much? Its fine to hold certain values to yourself, but when you start brow beating others because they dont do it your way, or looking down your nose at them, thats when the Elitist label becomes appropriate.
  9. Try the heat packs like I said. They work pretty much all day
  10. It was your first post, the sentiment was clear as a bell. Then you backed it up with subsequent posts.
  11. You look down on "gun hunters...", and the less dedicated weekend guys, aka the majority of the hunting population. I could provide plenty of examples of you bashing those that dont hunt like you. Should I link a few crossbow threads? How about THIS thread for crying out loud? I did not say anything about a hunter quitting for the reasons of being unsafe or anything like that. Im talking about the Im better than you because you dont hunt like I do (scent control, tons of time in the woods, etc) attitude that they are given by some, turning them off of the sport. Ive seen it happen.
  12. Right, and calling "gun hunters...." slobs does nothing good for our image either.
  13. Between 2 properties I think my group (6 guys) has somewhere around 40 stands. Its a mix of hang ons, single man ladders, double stands. We add to the number every year. This coming year may be an exception though, we are looking to switch or hang ons to mostly, if not all, ladder sticks instead of screw in steps. Not sure about having so many climbers, Id probably choose my favorite, sell the other two and buy hang ons and sticks with the money.
  14. Sounds like you might be using some software instead of just windows to upload them.
  15. Mine is easier to shop for. Apparently the clam shell style ones like mine arent as picky with bags. Just what Ive read. Mine does great with any of them. Ive used the off brand and industrial type ones before.
  16. Im out hewe hunting for wabbits.... Sorry Elmer, I dont mean you personally lol
  17. I can tell you, I have one. Metal on metal clanking, huffing and puffing, and the occasional curse word. You know, sounds just like a live deer....
  18. Where are you guys getting your vacuum sealer bags from? Normally I just pick them up at Wallyworld, but figure some of you might know websites to get them cheaper. I bought some rolls this year from a site called thevakshack, and the prices were better than Wally. Just want to see what you all are getting them for. I picked up 4 8" 22' rolls for $25.
  19. The dedicated, hardcore guys are a small group. There are power in numbers, you arent stupid, you know it. Unless you want our sport completely under the control of government bureaucrats that know nothing of the sport to begin with, then we need numbers to strengthen our voice. You arent talking a little respect and appreciation, you bash anyone that doesnt hunt the way you do, even if its withing the limits of the law and regulations. You look down your nose at the majority of our ranks with comments like "gun hunters...". You need those guys for funding of the DEC, Pittman Robertson, etc etc etc.
  20. Youre taking what Im saying wrong. Im not as worried about the average non hunter being offended by hunters bashing other hunters that arent breaking the law, that one is a win for the antis on multiple levels. First, it shows division amongst our ranks. Second, it puts off some younger, newer and even experienced hunters, and causes some of them to quit the sport. Further diminishing our ranks. The elitism and bashing of hunters is a problem, its not good for our sport, whether you want to admit to it or not.
  21. Aw man, ya gotta hate when they get all busted up like that. Oh well, hopefully he will make it through and end up as a better buck next year. Thats cool on the new camp, good luck with it. Nice property I assume?
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