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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. if you know of illegal things going on, why not just report it? I see all of these threads where people are complaining about this stuff going on, and that the DEC doesnt do anything, but i see far fewer saying they reported it.
  2. I work in IT, and by far, the most network and user friendly phones are iPhones. Broken screens? Thats a user issue, not a problem with the hardware. We have far more issues with Android phones and Exchange than we do with iPhones. There are 3 of us that run the network and security for our company, not one of us has less than 15 years experience, and all 3 of us have iPhones.Battery life? Just turn off wifi when you arent using it.
  3. Ethics are a matter of opinion. Laws are laws.
  4. There are bad apples in every bunch, and nobody is saying that there arent. What i have said in the past is that people that hunt within the confines of the law should not be snubbed or looked down upon just because they arent as dedicated as some of us are. Broad brush generalizations that "gun hunters...." are slobs are just plain stupid.
  5. Havent had a ton of time to hunt this week, but we did get out for Thanksgiving morning. Sat in a stand near one of the plots, but saw zip. Got down around 9:30 to meet up with everyone to go push a bunch of lots that we do every year. My daughter was excited, as it was her first time doing drives. We pushed a couple of new spots, with no success, they were extremely thick, and deer were sighted, but we didnt have enough guys to keep them from just circling back around the pushers. It was also too thick for the pushers to get any shots. Next we went to a large gully that we do every year. Pretty much right off the bat, the guys bumped out a 2 1/2 year old buck. The one guy that bumped him took a shot when the deer first stood up, but missed and the deer took off. I was standing at the other end, and saw the buck, which was just trotting across the field at that point. That was it for that one. We went to another property and hit a few spots there, but didnt see much. We all had fun, and my daughter said she did as well, and we headed back home to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. Saturday afternoon, I headed out on my own, as my daughter had an upset stomach. I went to a spot where we had just hung a new set last weekend. It was all the way at the other end of the property, and i didnt have a ton of time to get there, so i took the ATV along the opposite side of the property and parked it over there and walked to the stand, about 600 yards away. About an hour before sunset, i caught some movement about 100 to 125 yards out in the thick brush. I saw a flash of antler, and a big body as I glassed the area. I got my rifle up and searched for an opening. Then tried to make out the rack, but i never did. For a second, i had a clean shoulder shot, but decided not to take it, as i couldnt make out just what the buck was. With about 20 mins to go before sunset, i made the decision i would hop down and still hunt my way back to the ATV. Just as i lowered my rifle, a doe came theough the funnel, and stood there, dead broadside at 35 yards looking away. All i could do was shake my head and kick myself. After she left, i hopped down and hunted back to the ATV, of course seeing nothing. Today im going out for the afternoon, after the kids get picked up. Probably going to go to the same spot as the winds should be good for that one again today.
  6. I dont know if the poacher with the orange vest thing adds up, but then again, who knows. Other than the antlers being half hacked off, it sounds like someone cut themselves while gutting or something along those lines, then maybe some other guy came along and found the carcass and tried to steal the antlers or head off of it.
  7. Using fireworks (illegal) and doing crap like that on state land is different than someone that pumps gas on the way to go hunting. The guys he is talking about are the ones we should be calling the DEC on, etc. Nice try though.
  8. iPhones are really where its at. When it comes to security on a mobile operating system, iOS cant be beat. Theres a few new strains of mobile based ransomware and spyware that are going to become extremely prevalent before too long, and they target android and windows mobile OS. All APPs for iOS have to get Apple's OK before they can be added to the App Store. Want to live dangerously with an iPhone, you can just Jailbreak it. I have had multiple Android based phones, with all kinds of issues before i got my iPhone. Since then I have had a few minor issues with software upgrades, but I download them immediately and sometimes take the brunt of any glitches. Also, I am not a fan of Samsung. Ive had nothing but problems with their products, from phones to refrigerators, to TVs and audio systems. I wont buy their crap anymore.
  9. I have had them tore up by the snow too. I have one that needs poles replaced, as they snapped off due to snow loads. We had another one destroyed last year. They arent very good for snowy climates to use for a season long structure. Short term, yeah they work great unless you are leaving them out through a snow storm. We are working on building a couple of shooting houses, and a couple of more permanent natural style ground blinds.
  10. I forgot I posted it. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/13792-venison-heart-fajitas/
  11. Most of the time I slice it thin, and throw in some onions, red and green peppers, a dab of olive oil and my home made fajita seasoning, then put it in tortillas.
  12. I used to get them when I had a processor do my stuff. I need to get one of the cubers to make my own
  13. And not using screw in steps (damaging trees) on state land isnt part of conservation law, and you cant have a loaded gun after dark in the field, etc etc....par for the course....
  14. I did answer your question. There are no ARs? Really? In NY? Um, last I checked there were quite a few AR zones. I wasnt just talking about regs, which is why I stated "regulations and such". Bashing other hunters, calling them slobs, looking down your nose at those that hunt differently, etc drive people out of the sport.
  15. So I got my bags in the mail, and packaged up my deer in them. They are great. Only thing missing is the little lines that I usually use to measure them. Not a big deal though. Culver, if you want to try them in your sealer, let me know.
  16. Id rather save the heart and blast them through the shoulders, neck, or double lung them. Unless its my bow, Im not shooting for the heart.
  17. You are doing it how you should be, just missing some easy shortcuts. BTW, the guys at the big box stores calling themselves techs is like a burger flipper at McDonalds calling themself a gourmet chef.
  18. ARs for one. Some people were against crossbows, Youth seasons, etc. I seem to remember certain people saying that certain other segments of the hunting population quitting wouldnt be a bad thing in their eyes. You know "slobs" that only hunt a couple of weekends a year, or get gas on the way to their stands....
  19. Well we wont be doing any adding of boots if we keep making regulations and such that cause more hunters to drop out of the game, which in turn, defunds the DEC. Just sayin......cant have it both ways.....
  20. Can we get back to Thanksgiving hunting?
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