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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I agree with burmjohn, take a different approach. You dont want to shoot yourself in the foot for future possibilities. Maybe offer something other than venison as an appreciatory gift. A bottle of wine or something like that maybe. Not everyone likes venison. Even if you dont get access back this year, send the gift for Christmas or something and try again next year.
  2. First Place Prize Package 4 - 15 foot ratchet straps 4 - screw in gear hooks 2 pack LED flashlight and headlamp Fox n Hound Deer antler knife Mossberg skinning knife Sharpmaster knife sharpening system Tarsel Wick scent drag Doe N Esterous scent 4oz Silent Spin bucket seat Hand Made NY State wine cork hot plate 1qt Pure NYS maple syrup 1 year QDMA membership HuntingNY hat and other swag
  3. Ive been playing with mock scrapes here and there for a few years, they work great. This year, I decided to try setting up a whole mock scrape line on the edge of one of our food plots. I went around the entire plot and cut any branch less than 6 feet off the ground, except for 5 that were in a path from one end of the plot to the other. All of them have been hit, and you can tell from the tracks that deer seem to be using one after the other. All of them were created by leaving the licking branch, scraping the ground with a rock rake and urinating in them. I have video of bucks and does using them. Its pretty neat. I have a stand set within bow range of two scrapes on one end of the scrape line, on the predominately downwind side. Im hoping to kill a deer or two off of that scrape line this year.
  4. I used to, and had a pretty good collection of old licenses going, but I tossed them all a few years ago and have since thrown all of my old tags away when I get my new ones.
  5. Just put the 9 year old behind a mini gun, no problem with recoil lol
  6. Boy, thats a great thought that I had never heard before.
  7. Ziptie, either to the antler, ear or leg.
  8. Ive made a ton of them. Forgot to nock arrows, playing with my phone and a deer walked by or popped out, eating when a deer came out, forgot to chamber a round, etc.
  9. Crap. Yeah I started keeping mine a couple of years ago. Now I keep them from every buck. Been debating about pulling doe jawbones too, usually I am tired and dont bother with those.
  10. I either pickle mine like Culver described (freakin awesome BTW), or I slice the heart up the same way, like a pepper, and cook in a pan along with onions, peppers and my homemade fajita seasoning, and eat it on tortillas with a jalapeno sauce. Mmmmmmmmmm cant wait to shoot one......
  11. Id still like to get a look at the jaw bone for poops and giggles. Can we please get a pic of the side view of the left jaw bone, then a straight down shot of the same one? Pretty please??? lol
  12. I had one when I first started bow hunting. It worked ok until the day I forgot to unlock it while I was in a treestand and missed a really nice buck. Got rid of it, and switched to a 3 pin. One less thing to remember to do.
  13. That stinks, but at least youll be back in time for the rut! Good luck on a fast recovery!
  14. Last year the farm that i hunt had an issue with rubbing damage on some of the trees in the yard. A bunch of them were killed from it.
  15. All sausage takes is a grinder. Jerky takes a dehydrator, smoker or oven and a knife. Some deer i grind the whole thing besides the backstraps, others i grind everything but the roasts and backstraps.
  16. Looks like just an odd angle to me on the first one. Neck looks thin, and meets the chest higher than the pic makes it look like. Not much in the front shoulders either. If you have any other pics, it would be helpful.
  17. Tons of scrapes on our place. Has been for a month almost. The big one I have a cam over is down to the dirt the size of a car hood already, and the clover its in is super thick and about 8 inches tall.
  18. I looooove the heart, but I dont love it that much to go back after a warm day and get it.
  19. Great buck! Congrats!
  20. Just wait til rigor sets in, or use a sawhorse
  21. Not the two we got spotted in, they are open front stands with no good way for adding the burlap for bow hunting. Trying to get her to learn to not fidget as much. The lessons may cost me deer in the freezer, but they are valuable for her to learn. She has 2 years before shes the one with the bow in her hand out there.
  22. Sunday afternoon, we headed down to the farm around 3, and got into a new stand that we had set on the other end of our plots. My thought was the deer had come from that end the day before, so if they did the same thing again, I should have a shot at them. On the way to the stand I noticed my containment cage is really starting to show the signs of how heavilly the plot has been browsed. Its tough to see in this pic, but the Brassicas in the cage are almost twice as tall as the surrounding plants. We got into the stand, and right around 4:30, I was watching some movement at the other end, and my daughter started tapping my leg. I heard her say "dad, deer" and I slowly looked around. There, not 10 yards away was a huge doe staring right at us. In her excitement, my daughter had moved too much, and we were busted. The doe stared us down and started the old stomping routine, before turning and leaving, taking 2 other doe and a couple of fawns with her. Right about then, I turned to see another big doe and a fawn walk right by the stand we were in the day before. Ugh. So I sat down and explained to my daughter that I understand shes still learning, and thats a great thing, and to not be bummed because of what happened. She should take it as a learning experience, that she has to slow down and think before she acts, especially when deer are that close. We didnt have much action the rest of the day, just a couple of fawns in the plot. Overall, it was a great weekend, and we both had fun and enjoyed the time together. Heres a few pics from the afternoon hunt... Next weekend, Im on my own. Time to get down to business!
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