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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I love that thing. I might buy one just because of the music in the video. Does it come with a carpeted floor? I know thats an important feature for you.
  2. I used to use my climber all the time, and if i had to hunt state land, Id have kept it. The biggest disadvantage, is you have to have the right tree in the right spot, and alot of the time, where I want to be doesnt have the right tree for one. We use a variety of hang ons and ladder stands. I have gotten to where I like hang ons the best. With a light weight one and a good set of climbing sticks, they are far more versatile, quick and quiet than a climber. Takes practice though, and Im not quite there with them, so for now I just have a bunch of stands set in spots.
  3. Same here. I spend ALOT of time maintining my relationship with the landowner, the farm manager, and other people that hunt the land and have good relationships with the manager and owner as well. My wine comment just goes into a very tiny part of it, and was a suggestion that next time, offering venison only isnt always the best route.
  4. Field & Stream is owned by Dicks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_%26_Stream I went last night, its pretty darn sweet. Gander is dead to me as well at this point. Bass Pro in Victor is going to make the F&S store look like a mini mart though.
  5. They do, but Im not 100% that its free. Theres state land in Richmond that gets farmed.
  6. racist? Its not racist in the least, where the heck do you come off with that? its a knock off made with sub par materials. If you want to waste your money on junk, feel free, I could care less. When the string lasts less than a season or the limbs blow up, or you have cam wear issues, dont be shocked lol. Oh and BTW, dont believe everythign you read, Hoyts are made in the USA, that thread on AT is bogus in the beginning, the OP even later apologizes and recinds what he said. http://discussions.texasbowhunter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187361
  7. For some people, that would just be replacing one dummy with another one
  8. I was thinking about that just the other day.
  9. http://www.prlog.org/12282653-new-2014-rage-70-pound-compound-bow-by-wizard-archery-is-killing-the-competition.html
  10. No, the model of the bow is Rage, and its made by Wizard Archery Bows. Chineese. Google it, youll find the info on it.
  11. Legal to ship too. I just sold and shipped a bunch a couple of months back.
  12. Honestly, i wouldnt touch that thing. No name Chineese garbage. Go over to Archerytalk.com and look in the classifieds, lots of good deals there.
  13. Its legal to sell. List it right here in the classifieds.
  14. Your drivers license number is already in their database, and its a state system. Nothing to worry about creating an account. Your ATM card and credit card numbers are in more danger everytime you swipe them at a store. Its super easy to report online.
  15. Ok, some good guesses. The buck was 163# dressed, shot less than a week after the last photo was taken. That would put him right around that 200# mark on the hoof. When I gutted him, his stomach was enormous, and packed full of corn. Thats just about all that was in there actually. He was spending most of his time bedded right in the corn. Oh, and BTW, thats a 2 1/2 year old lol
  16. Yes, I pee in them any time I need to pee and are nearby. Freshened a couple yesterday in fact.
  17. I have a water bottle like you use on a bicycle. Seals great, is plastic, but heavy plastic and silent. Ive had it for years.
  18. Im still curious as to the "unrealistic expectations" you are always talking about. The kids hunt the regular season too, and know that the youth season is only available to them while they are certain ages. I just dont see it.
  19. I have noticed the numbers of female hunters growing as well. Gotta be the pink camo and gear lol. kidding.
  20. Guess the weight of this deer On the right in this pic I can tell you what he dressed at so we can figure on the hoof weight from that. Culver, dont answer. lol
  21. Its an election year, they are sure to skyrocket after the sheep vote the incumbants back in again....
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