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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I would actually prefer to go with a 40mm-ish objective, but they dont offer that size in the power i am looking for. I have some fields that are very long, and i want to use this rifle to whack chucks way out there. 500+ yards. I need a high power scope for that stuff.
  2. I meant illuminates reticle. Sorry, should have been more specific.
  3. So I have pretty much decided on the glass. Much to Pygmy's dismay, Im going to with either the Vortex Viper HS-T 6-24x50 with the VMR1 MOA reticle, or the Viper PST 6-24x50 FFP with the EBR2C MOA reticle. Not sure if i want the illuminated reticle or not. I will be using this rifle at night on yotes, so I may spring for that option.
  4. 7.5 without the bipod. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my mom told me that every day. im not sure why..... Lmao
  5. Of course it will wear a Vortex Larry, thats how I roll my friend! : ) Culver has the dies, so Ill be loading for it. I think shes sexy. From what Ive read, she ought to be a tack driver!
  6. Hahaha yes I am Dan, yes I am. I want to be able to reach out 500+ yards with it, a 4x isnt gonna do the trick.
  7. So I decided to get rid of my Remmy 700 SPS-V 223 that I put together some years back. It was an absolute tack driver, but I wanted something I could hunt deer with, not just yotes and such. Today the 223 was sold, and I picked up my new project. A Remington 700 VTR in 308. This rifle should be good for just about anything I want to go after in the foreseeable future. I havent decided on the glass just yet. I also need to figure out the bases. Probably the Leopold twist ons. Heres a couple of pics of the starting point...
  8. Maybe this gives you a better idea http://www.themakogroup.com/product_p/pmc.htm
  9. Working? Dude, its 5 mags. Theres nothing to it. The mags arent feeding each other, when the first one is empty, you pull the whole contraption out, turn it, and pop the next mag in the gun. Its nothing more than a gimmick product made to snub the anti gun crowd.
  10. For the hundredth, and last time, my issue is the half assed journalism and the insinuation that any of this is Cuomos idea. None of it is. The authors of such articles are playing on your emotions. Its not legitimate news, its misinformation. I dont care what side of the fence it comes from, misinformation is a bad thing.As far as if it was so or not, look it up. I believe there was a thread or two on it last year here.
  11. I just got rid of my 700 SPS-V in 223. Love the 700s. Congrats on the buck!
  12. Nevermind, I was looking at the wrong area's ad. I hate that crap. In Indiana (why that came up i dont know) they have the 700 SPS Tactical for $699. Here its the SPS-V for $649. Ugh. I dont want the long barrel.
  13. But its your dog.... Wait, wrong subject...
  14. Doc, what part of it was tried to be put through the same way last year dont you get? Many things are written into the budget every year. Look into it, youd be surprised.
  15. I am looking for a Remington 700 in 308. Preferably a VTR or Tactical model.
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