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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Not to point out the obvious, but if you actually look at their web site, youll see they carry alot more than just their own brand. http://www.fieldandstreamshop.com/#!/brands
  2. Dicks will probably shut down their store in the mall. You guys know that F&S is the same as Dicks, right? I doubt Gander will go anywhere.
  3. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/54147263/ns/local_news-rochester_ny/#.UuA94LQo7RY The old Bob's/DSW building is coming down to make room for it. 55,000 square feet.
  4. Exactly, the landlord gets the tax break for owning the property and paying the taxes. This does not cancel the landlord's tax break, or even reduce it.
  5. http://13wham.com//news/features/featured/stories/sigh-tax-relief-renters-nys-2187.shtml Hmmm, tax breaks for those that dont pay property taxes. Unbelievable...isnt this state in need of income because its broke??? More entitlements....
  6. Do you want me to reopen the other want ad Bubba?
  7. Oh, well insert tradition in place of difficulty in my statement and it still works lol.
  8. See, I dont see it as making anything easier, just adding another option. If the level of difficulty is what you are all about, give up the compound and any gun you currently use and go to a long bow and open sights flintlock. Also, toss out your stands and hunt from the ground, with no store bought camo.
  9. I didnt attack you. Sensitivity 101. Ive already posted many times why I think they should be legal.
  10. It is cool that he does that, but you cant really say its a passion for using a vertical bow, when its his only archery option. Just saying, maybe you shouldnt be using it in that fashion to try and further your anti crossbow agenda. JMO
  11. Great pic, and great guy for doing it, but I wouldnt call that passion exactly, Id say its his only option. Now, if crossbows were legal, and he still chose to do it that way, then Id say its more of a passion thing.
  12. Nope, not sure where you would get that notion from bub
  13. WTF are you talking about? Ive explained what my point has been a bunch of times, and you dont get it. I never said you were wrong on anything, I said the advice to possibly void the warranty on a brand new bow is not good advice. Good lord. Never mind that though, go on a typical lame-o name calling assumption rant fest because you got all butt hurt and everything lol. Dont presume to tell me what to pay attention to and what not to. Talk about narcissistic lol.
  14. Wow, you still dont get it. Carry on, ignorance is bliss...
  15. Not everyone who is pro gun (F that "pro-assault-weapon" nonsense) is right to life or anti gay, or fits any little preconceived notion that Cuomo is spouting about. Hes a delusional windbag.
  16. http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/203801/cuomo-extreme-conservatives-have-no-place-in-the-state-of-new-york/ ...and go....
  17. Its only a matter of time before any critter is dead.
  18. Just because I dont know how to do it, doesnt make it rocket science lol. I dont honestly give a rats patoot about you taking any advice from me, nor do I have a "hardon" for anyone or anything here. Im just not going to sit back and not comment when someone is telling a 15 year old kid to possibly botch up the warranty on his brand new bow.
  19. Scout now, then decide stand placement based on sign and typical wind direction for the area.
  20. The half ton engine is not a Cummins. Its a VM Motori engine, which is a company in the same group as Fiat and Alfa Romeo. Its a V6, 3.0 liter turbo. Its been around for a few years in Europe. I own a 2010 Ram, theres nothing wrong with it. Id put it up against anything in its class in a heartbeat.
  21. You are talking about tearing the whole bow down, not doing something extremely simple, like replacing the site or even the grip. The advice is ridiculous because the bow is new and under warranty. Why in the heck would you chance screwing up your warranty, which you paid for in the price of the new bow? Its just silly. I have worked on my own bows, but never taken them down, etc. I dont have the time or desire at this point to learn how to do it, but it doesnt mean that I couldnt if I took the time.
  22. Dont cheap out, you can always resell a higher quality gun for close to what you paid for it.
  23. Well Ford can put ll of the small displacement engines in they want, and claim this mileage and that, but if I were to buy a new truck this year, it would be the diesel 1/2 ton Ram. Boost a gas engine all you want, it wont have the life expectancy of a diesel.
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