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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Lmao nice 2 mins after you told me there was a jab somewhere on the board haha
  2. I make that all the time. The kids love it.
  3. Doe's point is that if you, and a whole bunch of other hunters took 1 or 2 does instead of just trophy hunting, you might not need the cull programs in your area.
  4. Depends on when and where its done. Shooting through a woods canopy, not so effective. Catching them out in a field or brushy area, plenty effective. The helo being able to keep up with them as they run makes for alot more shot opportunities than a hunter standing on the ground or in a tree stand.
  5. If youve ever seen the videos of the helicopter shoots in other places, they are pretty darn effective at wiping out large groups of the animals at once. Much more effective than some guy shooting at running pigs from his tree stand.
  6. http://www.wideopenspaces.com/new-york-feral-pigs-face-death/ Oh man would that be a good time!
  7. The sensationalization comes from the insinuation that Cuomo is behind the proposals.He merely supports them. The article you posted also makes it sound like these proposals will pass in the budget, and theres no way around it. This is not true. Its half assed journalism. Unfortunately, people blindly buy into it.
  8. Yup lol, like a champ! Itll blow the doors off that Titan while its doing it too lol
  9. Thats the most obvious one. What if someone wants to break into your house? pop a tile on the undersid of your car, and they know just how far away you are. Dont think for a minute that this technology wont be mass marketed in some form other than a kinda obvious looking white tile. You could drop that into something that looks like a rock, or any other shape you want. Then, it will get smaller. Put them in all credit cards, insurance persuades you to have one in or on your car through a discount, Car companies installing them in each car they build, etc etc etc Then think of the dangers of the database that holds the coding for all of the tiles being hacked into, or worse yet, sold off. Bad stuff.
  10. I have a 4x4 truck, I dont bother clearing my driveway. My snow blower has only been used once this year. Its a 90s Airens Snow King.
  11. This is not a good piece of technology. I could probably describe 25 devious uses for those $20 tiles in 5 minutes.
  12. Good to hear you are being proactive on this. Hold their feet to the fire.
  13. Correct. DEC will be able to decide how the setback rules will be applied.
  14. Again, these same things were attached to the budget proposal last year. They were stripped out before the budget was signed. Its not a done deal until they are left in there and the budget is passed. There are lots of opportunities for them to be removed. The author of that article just happened to leave all that out though. I wish they would not sensationalize this kind of stuff, just state the facts.
  15. Instead of covering your sights, close your eyes and draw. Just feel the shot with your anchor points, and dont think too much. Do this at very close range so theres no chance of missing. It helps your draw and anchor to become second nature, so you arent overthinking the process. I had a bad bout with target panic a few years ago, and used that method to cure it. I was overthinking things, and going over all of the steps on every shot, just like you are. Once i stopped, i calmed right down.
  16. I cant take credit, one of the guys in my office called it
  17. http://dailycurrant.com/2013/08/22/obama-announces-plan-to-forgive-all-student-loans/
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