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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Ok, I have to ask, whats the twist rate in the barrel of the rifle? I dont know if its been asked before, but Im not gonna search the whole thread.
  2. Why would it jam? Its just 5 standard 10 round mags attached to each other. Once the first mag is empty, you have to drop it and manually move to the next mag. Unless your mags jam, theres nothing else to go wrong.
  3. Last year my daughters teacher was doing a unit on nutrition. My daughter came home saying meat is bad for you blah blah blah. I was in the school in a meeting within 2 days. I asked the teacher why he would teach that kind of nonsense and it turned out he was on some fad type diet where he didnt eat meat and other things. After I told him that teaching my daughter about his diet choices was unacceptable, and contacting the principal, it stopped. All of a sudden she was bringing home real nutrition curriculum. Just dont sit back, be proactive about it. Bring other parents in on it as well. Get school administration involved right off the bat.
  4. Man, hes all kinds of busted up! Looks like he likes to fight!
  5. I would love to see stuff like this hit the mainstream media, but think of the sheer number of issues proposed each year. People would become so inundated, it would become white noise anyway. Shoot, Id say most of the people that do actually care about this stuff dont know about it, let alone people that are more concerned with Keeping up with the Kardashians.
  6. Agreed, Im not sure why it keeps going lol. The title of the thread says the rules were "proposed by cuomo", thats what I tried saying a few pages back hahahaha. I love the chaos reading the written word sometimes causes....
  7. The Bills actually lost their 4th Superbowl by the same 35 point spread. It was a horrible game, and the commercials were pretty lame.
  8. I think you are wrong on that. The only sure fire way not to have your opinion on a subject heard or not make a change in things, is to bury your head in the sand and say "my voice doesnt count anyway, so why bother". The evidence of that attitude is around us every day.
  9. I havent heard anybody disagree that Cuomo is grand standing with this stuff. What is being said is that these proposals would have been there this year regardless. He came up with no original ideas on these subjects.
  10. I know what your point was Doc. How do you think they should have announced it? Is there some way that you can see that would have made people pay attention to it?
  11. What i meant was the DEC announced it. It just got posted on here. It was in the NYODN and a bunch of other places as well. If you dont pay attention to Outdoors stuff, you probably wouldnt have noticed though. Most people wouldnt have noticed even if they put it on the 5 oclock news.
  12. Here you go... http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/9400-ny-dec-proposes-changes-to-deer-and-bear-hunting-rules/?hl=%2Bpublic+%2Bcomment http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/6543-assessment-of-public-comment-on-the-draft-nys-deer-management-plan/?hl=%2Bpublic+%2Bcomment http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/6429-ny-dec-adopts-deer-management-plan/?hl=%2Bpublic+%2Bcomment There are a bunch of other threads on the 5 Year Management Plan, and quite a bit of discussion about it. I cant seem to find the exact one I was thinking of though. It could have been one of the topics about the 5 year plan, then the public comment period was added into the thread at some point. I dont have that much time to dig through the individual threads though. It was a pretty hot topic back then.
  13. Doc, there was a thread on here that gave all of the info on the public comment period for the 5 year management plan. I remember it being replied to quite a bit. Ill see if I can dig it up. The DEC did announce the public comment period though.
  14. Geeze, whered ya get that nice hat from Larry?
  15. Who was being a wise ass? You got butt hurt (aka defensive) because of what I pointed out. Where do you get off saying what comments are helpful and what comments arent? Whatever problem you have with me is your problem, I dont give a rats ass about it, but you could at least man up and not act like a child during every conversation.
  16. Or we are stuck here because of family or other obligations. Nothing lazy, apathetic or ignorant about it.
  17. Oh dont get all butt hurt because I pointed something out.
  18. It was part of the budget proposed last year, and did not make it through then.
  19. Ive used the Bose ones, they are very good and produce alot of sound. The SkullCandy Air Raid set is pretty nice too.
  20. Sure they can, how do you think they get their proposals put into bills, etc? There is a branch of the DEC called the OLA (Office of Legislative Affairs) that works with the state legislature. There are also comittees within the legislature that deal with DEC stuff. http://www.dec.ny.gov/about/652.html The DEC takes input from many sources and organizations, including the CC. Do they play a major role? Not usually AFAIK, but the input they do provide pops up on different subjects from time to time.
  21. First off, whos arguing? Second, I seperated the two statements. You asked who was insinuating that Cuomo came up with the proposals, I pointed out the name of THIS thread, not a crossbow thread from last year. Didnt think Id have toexplain that one lol.
  22. No problem, I also have alot to learn. I like these types of discussions. Better than participating in a pissing match about who the better hunter is lol.
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