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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Hey guess what Cuomo also now supports......crossbows for deer season..... Just wait till that thread starts....
  2. You dont think they already can? Come on man, take the tin foil hat off. Your DL is already connected to your hunting license, and the rest can be cross referenced. LOL, conspiracies....
  3. I dont see the majority of posts in this thread saying what he did was unethical, but I do see the majority of the posts being from the people that think its unethical.
  4. I know, but its legit. I use the stuff all the time. There have been lots of things I built and let rust purposely so I could paint them with it.
  5. No, if you are there first, tough luck to him. Hes the one using the stand thats less portable. Not your problem. Its completely realistic. Ive hunted state land and had guys come into my area wanting to hunt it, but leave because I was already there. Whats the difference?
  6. Thats not what permanent means. Theres nothing against it in the rules. Why does the presence of a stand there ruin the spot for someone else? Want to hunt that area with your climber, simply use a different tree and hunt away.
  7. Ive mentioned multiple studies, and all of them came up with similar results. Some of them were down south, others were up north. Dont bother reading though, education is over rated.
  8. Just because its a ladder stand, doesnt mean its permanent. On state lands you are allowed to leave your stand as long as its gone after the end of the season, as Culver said. Screw in steps are illegal though.
  9. Exactly. This change is not a big hassle, but it doesnt save us much. Who cares...carry on....
  10. Yes I know he was, but he is specifically being called a loser for responding back to people. Thats what I was commenting on. See, you are really coming off like a complete dope at this point. When did I ever say the guy was great or that I was a fan of him or anything like that? You are calling someone a loser for making wise ass remarks, and doing the same exact thing yourself. Pot, kettle.
  11. Hes a big boy, he can do it himself. Funny how hes being called a loser for responding back to people.
  12. Or the three stooges smashing each other with things, cartoons full of anvils being droped on characters, sticking fingers in the barrel of a gun as the hunter pulls the trigger, etc etc etc. NAHHHHHHHHHHHH, they werent violent.....
  13. I actually noticed Dicks around here had lots of 223 a month ago, and could have before then, I hadnt been looking for a while. It was $25 a box for Hornady Vmax. Same price its been for a couple of years IIRC. They had a ton of it too. Maybe the manufacturers finally caught up to demand? I dont know.
  14. Its his opinion, I was just saying I dont agree with it, and I do think its silly. Its just as silly as thinking the SAFE act will cut down on gun violence. Treat the symptom, and not the disease. Again, JMO.
  15. Sorry, but blaming gun violence on movies and TV is pretty silly. Thats not where the problem lies. You kinda sound like the old people in the 50s and 60s blaming all the problems on Rock and Roll music. JMO
  16. I registered my account. Came up with all of my info correctly. The only thing that I couldnt get to work was the historical data for tags I had already reported.
  17. It doesnt happen like it does in the movies, where someone has time to rack their weapon. What if you only have one hand available to use? Are gonna ask the attacker to hang on a second so you can put your grocery bag down? Or maybe little Sally or Johnny? Most people arent capable of making the decision to use their weapon and remember to take 2 or 3 extra steps to get it ready to fire at the moment of truth. Think of the adrenaline thats flowing in a situation like that. Also knowing your weapon and practicing with it are essential if you are going to effectively use it in a high pressure situation. Its kind of like shooting your bow, so that you dont have to think about as much of what you are doing when the deer is in front of you. Your body just does it from trained memory.
  18. Oh look, its built to support Internet Explorer 8 & 9, 2 versions behind. Also Firefox 17, which is 9 versions behind. Way to go NY....
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