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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I cant believe youre selling it Moog! My Hellcat will be here this week, I was gonna see if you wanted to race
  2. Yep, its his opinion, nothing more, nothing less. Presenting it as some type of fact to back up an argument is what makes it worthless.
  3. I agree until the last sentence, but you already know that
  4. Thats not the only difference, and its a huge advantage. How about peep sights, bow mounted laser range finders, mechanical releases, fiber optic lighted sights, full containment rests, etc etc. There is no wordplay on the definition. You are comparing an airgun to different types of bows. I have better things to do than argue with a guy that uses a comedians definition of something to base their argument on. Have a great day.
  5. Blah blah blah. Airguns are not archery regardless of how you spin it. No limbs, no string, not firing an arrow with a broadhead off of said string, not archery. Like I said before in this thread, if you want to limit crossbows, then you have to set limits on compounds also. Keep on quoting a stand up comedian, it just makes your argument that much less substantial.
  6. You guys are goofy if you think Florida residents dont go outside when its hot, or just go from AC to AC. You become acclimatized. I lived down there for a few years, had no AC in my truck and worked outdoors at a marina running up and down the docks all year round. I had to buy a winter jacket after I had been there for 8 months. It felt downright freezing if it was below 50. You get used to it. When I moved back up North, for a few years I wore a jacket if it was below 65 degrees.
  7. In every respect. Freshwater and Saltwater. Well, unless you like walleye, trout and salmon fishing. Other than that, Florida has NY beat without a doubt.
  8. If we locked every thread where people started name calling, more than half of the threads on the site would be locked.
  9. "Airbows" are just airguns that shoot an arrow as a projectile. Just because Crosman came up with the term Airbow for marketing purposes, doesnt make them a bow in any way shape or form. I could care less what Joe Rogan says, hes a shitty stand up comedian, nothing more, nothing less. Using his quotes is a pathetic argument.
  10. Cool, but they are made the exact same way as arrows. Manufacturers use the term so that the average Joe doesnt get confused and buy crossbow arrows for his vertical bow and vice versa. Feel free to look up what bolts are.
  11. for no reason. I unlocked it.
  12. Exactly. Look on boattrader or any of the other sales sites out there and people are asking $13-14k for the same setup. Just trying to help you sell your boat instead of sitting on it and becoming frustrated with why it doesnt sell.
  13. You must not have driven any of the new Stangs, they are meant for the twisties, not straight lines.
  14. You know top list on that boat is about $10k less than youre asking for it. You could go out and darn near buy a new one for that. Good luck.
  15. Modern crossbows use arrows that are constructed the same way a vertical bow's arrows are. same materials, same parts and pieces, just shorter with a slightly larger diameter and thicker walls for weight. Bolts have no fletchings and are very short. Feel free to look it up.
  16. Crossbows have been around almost as long as vertical bows. Go try and use your hunting compound, or any other vertical bow that doesnt meet the class standards in the olympics and report back with what they tell you. At least Belo has some valid points in his anti-crossbow arguments. You just make yourself sound silly with your nonsense.
  17. Then lose the fiber optic pin sights, bow mounted range finders, full containment arrow rests and mechanical releases from vertical bows. Those things make compounds far superior to recurves. Its not fair!
  18. We called it a day. No birds seen. At the local diner having eggs Benedict and bacon. We will be back after them tomorrow.
  19. These birds are driving me nuts this year. I hear Them in the woods but they haven’t come out yet.
  20. Heard a shot a few mins ago over on the other side of the swamp. I’ve been hearing birds back in the woods for a while now, no gobbling though. They have been out in this field the last couple of mornings right around 7:30 so if they show up on time, it shouldn’t be too much longer.
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