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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Wow, way to make it personal eh? Seeing as you never gave your statement a date, how would I know what year you are talking about? : FYI, there have been reports of bears wandering through the area I am from for far longer than I have been around. My father has told me many times about them. I see the point you are trying to make, sorry that the facts just dont verify the rumors. If there was some verifiable evidence presented of a wild population of Mountain Lions in NY, I would gladly admit to being wrong.
  2. Black bears have been in the southern tier for a long long time, they used to wander up into this region from time to time, and have taken up residence up this way. There is zero doubt that bears are here, plenty of trail cam pics, sightings, videos, etc. As for Mountain Lions, there are no trail cam pics, videos, or other evidence other than hearsay and rumor, which are not dependable. Every supposed picture of one in this state that I have ever seen has been proven to be something other than a Mountain Lion. The Panthers in Florida are actually Cougars or Mountain Lions. They are a slightly different breed than the normal Mountain Lion you see out west, and the only member of that family of cats to live east of the Mississippi. They are tan, not black. All of this stuff is easily found via Google
  3. Ive eaten it, never made it though. Its good if done right. I would probably just try doing it the same way.
  4. "Black Panthers" are a color phase of Jaguar, not Mountain Lions. Black Mountain lions dont exist anywhere. Black bears are nothing too uncommon in NY.
  5. Now that would be the easy way to make some shredded pork
  6. Well, here is what the details on each generation of them is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_vision_device Id wait to hear what DEC says, but their classification is probably similar.
  7. Are you sure it just doesnt let you modify it after a certain amount of time? I can even see that being a good idea to keep the integrity of the thread. Try starting a thread to test it out, we can always delete it if need be.
  8. Yeah I think I will. Ive been eye balling them since they came out and finally decided to drop the hammer on one. The Sureshot stock is ultra comfortable and just feels nice and balanced to me. My big decision is going to be the scope. Im looking at either a 3-9x40 with an illuminated reticule or a 2-7x35 with a BDC style reticule. On one hand, I love illuminated reticules, they are just so easy to see in the field, and the 40mm lens will look a bit brighter. But on the other hand I like the lower 2x capability of the other scope for up close and the BDC reticules are supposedly very nice to have.
  9. Well, I have my new slug gun on reserve, and will be bringing her home once my taxes are deposited in my account. Its the Remington 870 Sureshot 12 gauge with the 23 inch cantilever barrel and a 2-7 x 32 scope. I will most likely be selling the scope and rings in favor of better rings and a Vortex scope. Ill be using Hornady SSTs with it and am thinking of sending it out for a custom dip job. Not sure how exactly I want to have it dipped or what pattern yet. Gotta break up the all black look.
  10. I didnt know that you couldnt.
  11. Im a big car guy Geno. That hobby is on hold for me at this point in my life. With young kids, you have to get rid of some of your hobbies. One of these days Ill get back into it.
  12. Night vision is legal for coyotes, fox, etc. Like bkln said, the term "Starlight Scope" is referring to night vision. I would absolutely love to have one, but they are pretty expensive, even used.
  13. Yep, a rerun and not much more than a hatchet job. Theres a lengthy thread around here somewhere about it.
  14. That pic could easily be taken in NY, I see herds like that from time to time in certain areas, usually where hunting is not allowed or the area is not hunted for other reasons, but other times in hunted areas where deer have yarded up looking for available food in winter. If you saw groups of deer that large all over the place, youd also be finding starved, dead deer laying around and the habitat would be decimated from 6 or 7 feet down to the ground. An overpopulation is not a healthy deer herd.
  15. Oh boy, this old nonsense again... : Anyone remember the story the newspaper from the southern tier ran last year or the year before about a ML sighting, complete with pictures? Some of us commented on the story on the paper's website saying they should check deeper into the claim, and it turned out it was a house cat? Supposedly these people that took the pic were 100% it was a big animal. Riiiight.
  16. Yeah no kidding, probably scared the hogs into the next county
  17. It sounded like it was on private land to me. Just because the power company has the right of way to access their electric towers/poles/lines, doesnt mean they own the property.
  18. What I get from the article is all of the "what if"s and "it could be"s they threw in there. Im with VJP on this, it might be a pretty decent tool for getting rid of hogs when they are a problem and such a setup would be legal for use on them. In Texas they hunt hogs with helicopters, why not shoot them remotely? Its about killing pigs, not having fun or being a "sportsmen".
  19. Problem with Disney? Really? Maybe you should say stupid people believing cartoons are real.
  20. The stuff I bought this year is holding up great, and Im not easy on it. I used it exclusively since gun season opened for deer and Im still using it for predator hunting. Ive had many other brands of camo and they usually end up with an issue or two (mostly minor stuff) after a year or two of hunting. There are a few other guys on here that have been using the Predator stuff longer than I have, maybe they will chime in.
  21. You can do it manually. John would know if it would be available in the software though.
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