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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Yeah the MSRP on the BAR is over a grand, like $1100 to $1200. You can find it right on Brownings site. I compared and the Remmy is just a touch heavier, not by much, just a few ounces. For the price difference Ill carry the extra weight lol.
  2. -10 this morning here and falling. It was -6 when I got up. I dont know what the wind chill is, it doesnt really matter anymore at this point lol.
  3. It was Mark Brunell he wiped it on lol
  4. This topic has been moved to Small Game Hunting. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=3326.0[/iurl]
  5. Who saw Sanchez wipe the booger on the guy next to him?
  6. I have a great joke about this, but Ill keep it to myself.
  7. Yeah I like him too, thats the second time Ive got him on that deer. I see him all the time sitting in the big oak trees in the back yard.
  8. This stuff is working good, but my cam is getting wierd in this super cold weather. I checked it yesterday, you can see tracks all over, but not many pics. something started dragging the deer head and hide, but no pics of the culprit. The worst is going through the crow pictures lol. For every 1 pic of a fox or something, I have 20 or 30 crow pics. Here are a few from the latest batch...
  9. WNY Where are you hunting out of?!? My father is in Lima, I am in Honeoye. I hunt both areas.
  10. I hope your high priced TAC15 lives up to its marketing hype for you Eddie :
  11. I watched most of it last night and finished it this morning. I have to say it was pretty darn good, especially for the first DVD. The thing about it that was the best for me, is one of the hunts was filmed right around the corner from my father's property. Great job guys!
  12. Got my DVD today in the mail. Getting ready to pop it in right now because its too damn cold to head out for coyotes.
  13. See, there you go again, not comprehending. I wasnt saying anything about you questioning him about it, its the relentlessness I was referring to. You said you were done with it yesterday morning, and then were back at it in the afternoon lol. When you see the Nugent name, youre like a pitbull lol. Im in no camp, I see Nugent for what he is, and thats all. While I do agree with some of the message he delivers, I certainly dont agree with it all, and I dont put THAT much into what he says or how he acts. I also dont bother attacking him for his personal life, because I look at it like the message is more important than the man. Anyone that thinks he or any other single person is a spokesperson for the hunting or gun owner community is just plain misinformed.
  14. Yeah, for that price, you would think it would. Armalite stuff is on the high side price wise to begin with if I remember right though. Im with you, I like my trigger to be under tension right away.
  15. Tough $#!+!. If you don't like what I write, then don't read it. Yes, I dislike Nugent and am always curious of the reasons why others think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. By the way, if you think I hate Nugent, you don't want to know what I think of you! LOL LOL, I dont give a rat's butt what you think of me, you dont know me except from here, so your opinion is based on a pretty minimal set of facts anyway. You taking my disagreements with you so personally really goes to show just what kind of hothead you are. I just find it funny that you get so worked up over someone that you profess to not care about. Good lord man, get over it and get a grip. ;D
  16. All a red filter is, is a piece of red translucent plastic. Making your own is easy with the plastic and some electrical tape. Check at a craft store for it.
  17. I always said I would mount my first buck, and I did. Here he is
  18. dont ruin it for the rest of us and give out some insite to the video! lol jk I wont spoil it for you if I see it before you do, Ill just post a general opinion on it. I hate it when a movie gets ruined for me lol.
  19. I havent shot that one, but I know some of those ARs have funny triggers. Its pretty easy to have the trigger worked on or replaced with a better one. I like the Rock River Arms and DPMS rifles.
  20. And? In the case of using a crossbow, they would be a poacher, and whats to stop them from doing it now. The bill being passed wouldnt enable them in any way.
  21. Night hunting is a challenge, but when you see that set of eyes bounding in at you, theres nothing in the hunting world like it. I have started trying the night thing alone this year, but havent had any luck yet. Seen some, but havent gotten a shot.
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