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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. My daughter goes out hunting with me a few times per season at least. My fiance has gone with me before as well. My fiance's cousin has been going with my buddy for a couple of years now, Ive been out with them a few times, and he is old enough to get his license this year. I love seeing new people get into it.
  2. Most of next week is going to be in the 40s. It will be a heat wave!
  3. So bowhunters should just roll over and let their sport dwindle and diminish? Why should bowhunters have to sacrifice for crossbows? Is bowhunting not worth protecting? Thank god for NYB,representing and protecting the interests of ALL NY bowhunters. What are bowhunters sacrificing exactly? Sounds to me like there are more participants in archery season. Why is that a bad thing?
  4. So you cant back it up? Then you just resort to your usual personal attacks. After you call me "full of crap?" Really? What a freakin joke. The truth hurts huh?
  5. So you cant back it up? Then you just resort to your usual personal attacks. Whos really the buffoon?
  6. Probably not that much older than that, otherwise he wouldnt be using sayings like "Epic Fail". Nobody over the age of 20 says that with any amount of seriousness.
  7. You go find them....I am busy. They were done by Cornell in 2000 and 2005, if I remember correctly. And who cares if you haven't got a survey...you think the world revolves around you? If you are going to make a claim, back it up. The burden of proof is on you. I made the comment that I have never been given a survey, so how can they come to an accurate count of the percentage of people that want them in bow season? Thank you for further reinforcing how full of crap you are and how baseless your argument is.
  8. You are in the wrong topic lol. This one wasnt about disabled hunters
  9. The last 2 surveys by the DEC regarding crossbows show that only a small minority (20% and 25%) wanted them included in bowseason. Now, if we can all agree that the will of the majority of NY sportsmen should be respected....we are done here. Care to back your claims up with links to the surveys? I have been a hunter in NY for the majority of the last 20 years and have yet to be given a survey by the DEC on crossbows.
  10. Did you consider that maybe the guys that shouldnt have been in the woods with regular bows were most of that 30%? Remember what I said about the guys that dont have time or dont take the time to properly practice with their bows going out into the woods anyway? You are so blinded by what you think is a "real bowhunter" that you dont stop and think about whats best for the sport as a whole. The guys that go out there and make bad shots so that Bambi runs around the neighborhood with an arrow sticking through its neck or face just fuel the antis. Rather than have those guys injuring deer, I would rather see them make a good shot with a piece of archery equipment that they can be accurate with.
  11. I wasn't talking about rules. I was talking about definitions. States' DEFINE a bow as long bow, recurve, or compound bow. They DEFINE a crossbow as...well, a crossbow. You are confused...it is your OPINION that a crossbow is a bow, but in state after state, it is not....BY DEFINITION. ;D No, you are talking about rules. NY state defines a crossbow as a crossbow, that does not mean they are right. They also have some whacked out definitions of assault weapons. Doenst mean they are right. I am not confused at all, but you sure are delusional.
  12. Great example....and precedent. MZ and centerfire are both firearms, but we do not allow rifles in MZ season. A crossbow may be an archery tool, but it is not a bow......and does not belong in a bowseason. Thanks for proving my point! I didnt prove your point, as I was not talking about season placement. There you go again twisting things. :
  13. Its not an opinion, its a fact. Just because states have different rules regarding different types of bows, doesnt mean any of them are not bows. That would be like saying they have different rules for different types of guns, so some types are not guns. Your line of reasoning doesnt add up. Again, be ready to be disappointed when full inclusion comes, because it will come.
  14. I loved the first season, and Im hoping this one is just as good. The owner of a local pizza chain is on it this season. Ill be watching.
  15. See arrow, your rhetoric is just plain wrong. A crossbow is, in fact, a bow whether you like it or agree with it or not. Like I said to spiker, you NYB guys lost the battle to keep crossbows out of NY completely, get ready to loose the fight against full inclusion, its not far away.
  16. Wow, I even told you Ive been saying things just to yank your chain, and you still dont get it. LOL Oh, and I did plenty of discrediting your message, but you probably did a better job of discrediting it on your own.
  17. Oh please, you havent defeated anyone. Ive just been seeing if I can get you to respond for a while now though. Thanks for playing lol.
  18. You forgot the details, someone of your grand bowhunting standards should be more detail oriented. The astricks does matter or they wouldnt have it in there.
  19. I gotta say, really cool stuff guys!
  20. Bubba, we are trying to get one of these crossbow threads up to the same level as the infamous AR thread!
  21. For someone saying others need to stick to the truth, you dont seem to mention any astricks or that the rules changed. Someone as good as you should be pointing out all of the details, dont you think? Or are they irrelevant to the conversation and will be ignored? :
  22. LMAO, didnt he say he was somehow associated with P&Y? ;D Regardless, hes now professing to know what hes talking about and got schooled again. Hilarious!
  23. ROFLMAO You're kidding right? Right? You guys started it, and have hurled 3X the insults......and you want to blame ....me? LOL LMAO ROFLMAO Really? all Ive done is call you a liar, which you are. Not an insult, more of an observation. Lets take your tally... #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - Thats all that I feel like looking up at this point, but there are more, and you busted out with the "lazy" crap before anyone said anything vaguely personal to or about you. Keep dancing, you are fun to watch.
  24. Youre thinking of the wrong guy I never said "yer" lol. And I never said that anyone who is anti crossbow is racist either. Im not angry, not in the least. You know, I would be able to respect your opinion if it wasnt for the childish (not trying to call you any names) comments like "crossgun", etc. BTW, I was mistaken, you havent been a flinger, just that flinger guy. I apologize for that.
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