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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Did I actually read that someone said something to the effect of "why do they need all of that money" and another "you dont need that type of gun" in the same thread? Why is that not surprising?
  2. A lot to learn about what? Free thought? Realism? I'm work too hard for my money to send it away to some lobbyist in Washington to defend a right that's not going anywhere in the first place. When someone tells me the sky is falling and says he needs my money to continue holding it up, you bet your a** I'm looking upwards before I hand over my dough. You have alot to learn about the way things work in the world. Not saying I dont as well, just saying that you are young and ambitious, but dont go confusing your book smarts for knowing everything. There are plenty of people in England and other countries that said they would never be forced to give up their guns, and that they didnt need to defend that right or privilege, kind of like what you are saying. Well, look where that line of mistaken thinking got them. The proof is in the pudding.
  3. and your pointless banter is somehow better or more important? : You drinkin again Pat? ;D
  4. Ive seen a few in the last week with their antlers.
  5. The limbs arent carbon fiber, they are dipped with a carbon fiber design. Not the same thing. The Hoyts have carbon fiber risers. thats pretty much what i said... i would be amused tho to actually see a truck drive over a carbon bow and see the bow shoot well after that. carbon is strong, its not that strong. ive had hoods and other car parts made of carbon, its a lite agent with nice durability in comparison to its weight, but its not extremely strong material. but then again bows were not designed to be driven over lol You said Mathews had carbon limbs, they dont, they just have limbs dipped in film with a CF design on it. ask and ye shall receive.... If you look at more videos in that series, Im pretty sure they shoot the bows they run over. The CF they make hoods and most other car parts out of is different, more like fiberglass. CF is used for all kinds of frames in bicycles, and even cars. Aston Martin has a supercar they built out of mostly CF. http://www.carbonfibergear.com/aston-martin-one-77-supercar-carbon-fiber-in-the-raw/
  6. Looks kinda like a nipple to me.. come on now guys.. you all thought that too! A purple and greenish scabby nipple maybe ??? .....Im gonna go puke now.
  7. I have moved over to the Predator camo. Most of the twig and leaf patterns look like dark blobs at a distance, and I dont care about close up detail. I used to buy ones that look good to me, tried many of them, but now have done my research on the patterns and how they work in the field before I bought any. Its too damn expensive to "experiment" with.
  8. Way to dance around the issue with blinders on. All I have to say is stay in school, and open your eyes. You have alot to learn.
  9. You dont usually cut yourself with the knife. You get a little scratch or nick from the edge of a broken or otherwise sharp bone edge. I dont know about you, but I dont want to be there for 20 minutes gutting a deer, I like to get it done and over with.
  10. What an idiot. Who would let their little dog get that close to wild animals. Poor dog.
  11. It also died at 2 years old. It was a farm raised, genetic freak, nothing more, nothing less. It would never happen in a wild deer.
  12. So then, you admit to not knowing what you are talking about. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and leave no doubt. -Mark Twain
  13. It has alot to do with age, actually age is the number one factor in antler growth. A deer's body will not dedicate the full amount of resources toward the antlers that it possibly can until the rest of its skeleton reaches its peak size and maturity, usually around 4 years old. Do some research on antler growth, youll see.
  14. The limbs arent carbon fiber, they are dipped with a carbon fiber design. Not the same thing. The Hoyts have carbon fiber risers.
  15. Sure it healed slow, but it healed. What are you gonna do? if you nick your hands in gloves, and the gloves tear, whats the difference if you just dont wear them?
  16. Well, it says it heals up after a while with no lasting effects. Im not worried about it. I dont bother with gloves, I always end up nicking my hands up with or without them anyway.
  17. Take a peek at some of the Vortex scopes. Lifetime warranty, made in the USA, light on the wallet and high quality. Best prices around are through swfa.com Nice gun BTW, Ive been looking at the cantilever version, I looked at that one but dont want to haul the weight around with the heavy barrel. They are supposed to be deadly accurate though.
  18. Been shooting a 20 for 20 years. Making the move to 12.
  19. Just make sure to not get a bull barrel. I love my 700, but with the 26 inch Bull Barrel, scope, bipod, etc, its not exactly fun to carry around lol. Accurate as all get out, but not light.
  20. Im pretty sure the Carbon Matrix is in the $1500 range bare. The Carbon Element is a few hundred less. You are talking about carbon fiber bows that you can run over with a truck and still use though, not a high priced single cam bow like the Mathews. I wouldnt pay over $600 for ANY bow, Id rather go on AT and buy one with 30 shots through it for alot less, but Im a tightwad lol. Wow i did not think they were THAT expensive... 1500 bare bove, carbon fiber or not that bow better talk to me and make me dinner... you can get those high price mathews you speak of in carbon as well and single cam aside they prob shoot faster then the hoyt or equal to for a solo cam... Mathews doesnt make a carbon fiber bow. Speed isnt what Hoyt was going for in the Carbon bows, Thats what the Alpha bows are for.
  21. Im pretty sure the Carbon Matrix is in the $1500 range bare. The Carbon Element is a few hundred less. You are talking about carbon fiber bows that you can run over with a truck and still use though, not a high priced single cam bow like the Mathews. I wouldnt pay over $600 for ANY bow, Id rather go on AT and buy one with 30 shots through it for alot less, but Im a tightwad lol.
  22. I was out some this weekend and walking any real distance in 2 feet of crusty snow is tough. No, night hunting is not easy. Predator hunting is not exactly easy, really. I wouldnt bother with a Mag light though. It will get you to catch the reflection from their eyes, but you need something more powerful so that you can see what you are shooting at. Especially if you are new to the game. A deer's eyes glow very similarly to a coyote or fox's and things can get deceiving at night. You dont want to be taking shots at deer out of season and at night lol. Not to mentions someone's dog thats out running around.
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