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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. My morning sit pretty much peeved me off. Right around daybreak, I noticed a deer out in the field, about 150 yards out. It was too dark to see just what the deer was, but by the size of the body, I was pretty sure it was a good size buck, and was hoping it was the big one I saw the other day. He was calm and content and just milling around when all of a sudden, a minivan stopped in the road that skirts the field. He backed up and turned his van into the field so that his headlights lit the whole place up. I looked toward the deer and sure enough, it was the one from the other day. Needless to say, he was gone in a flash and the a-hole in the van backed out and left. I just sat there in disbelief at what had just happened. I saw nothing the rest of the morning and came home. Ill be heading back soon for the evening sit.
  2. In my stand again. The rain is gone and the air is cold. Should be a good day. I picked up dim esterous scent yesterday so in giving it a shot today. Hopefully the big guy comes back.
  3. I had a 30 yard pass through with that bow, my second deer with it. Updating a house is completely different than buying a new bow. You are talking investment vs expenditure, not even close lol.
  4. Boy, some of you guys have a hard time recognizing sarcasm, dont you? Lighten up guys, deer season is still open ya know.
  5. Gonna be too late for me by noon, I am picking my daughter up at 2. Hopefully the rain will stay away, Im planning on taking her squirell hunting this afternoon.
  6. I used to live in Clermont County OH and it is a completely different attitude out there than in alot of NY.
  7. I dont remember anyone ever saying that permission for private land was any easier to get in Ohio than in NY. Hmmmm. Enough with the thread hijacking though, if you want to argue Ohio, take it to another thread. This isnt the place.
  8. I got the jacket yesterday, they shipped the wrong size. Its a very nice jacket, just doesnt fit. The dealer said I should have the right one in a few days.
  9. @$&*#!ing rain! Maybe it will clear out in a little bit and today wont be a completely wasted day off.
  10. Back when I was a kid, youd see places all over that got TP'ed on Halloween. You just dont see it anymore. That town takes pride in getting TP'ed the worst. Just something fun for them. Its not really that much of a pain to clean up, TP breaks down pretty fast out in the weather.
  11. Geno, I gotta disagree with you here. Bow technology really hasnt made any quantum leaps (besides carbon risers that work) in the last 5 or 6 years. My 13 or 14 year old PSE Thunderbolt used to put pass throughs on deer without a problem. In fact, the guy that bought it from me probably still uses it. Speed is more of a sales gimmick than it is truly useful for hunting whitetails. Theres an old saying that holds true no matter the technology in archery. Its not the arrow, its the Indian. Now dont get me wrong, I loooooooooove new bows and new gadgets, but sometimes its best to not fix what isnt broken.
  12. My fiance wants to at least learn to shoot a bow. She may never hunt, though she loves going out with me. I bought her a PSE Chaos but we havent had a chance to get it all setup and tuned yet. Its a great bow, dual cam, very adjustable. Its pretty much a mini X-Force. After she has the baby Ill get it set up for her. Its my way of getting her into hunting in a round about way.
  13. I got 2 for 8h the first time around and 2 on the 1st. So no, its not just if you got denied the 1st time. Well, for some it is, but not the ones offered in the stores. 8w is not on the list though.
  14. Im pretty sure any set back (programmable) thermostat is energy star rated. I could be wrong though. Culver, I hear ya, we have 5 blankets on our bed, I can shed them as needed or bundle up. I cant stand being hot when I sleep.
  15. The best buck sign Ive seen all year was this morning. I had 3 different bucks within 20 yards of me.
  16. You dont see that much anymore. I grew up in Livonia, we used to go "bombing" every Halloween. Lots of kids would gather on the library lawn and hit cars with eggs, the whole town got TP'ed and shaving creamed. It was a tradition, but they dont do it anymore. In Ionia, they have a tradition of dumping a couple of truck loads of pumpkins in the 4 corners, theres usually TP involved too.
  17. I saw a few does across the field tonight, nothing in range though. Ill be back at it in the morning! I did find out that it will be another couple of years before my spot at my father's goes away. The owners of the adjoining land are holding off on their horse fence for now.
  18. Oh and if you're in the Rochester area, I could be of service to you after deer season.
  19. You can bait coyotes. A roadkill deer staked down in front of ablind would work well.
  20. In back in the same stand hoping to redeem myself. I'm also hoping for the rain to stay away. We've been lucky so far today.
  21. I say no to illegal means period. Hunt them, maybe even get some guys with dogs to come in and hunt them, but dont do anything illegal.
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