Even if you are considered "in shape", the ability to swing ones own weight back up into a treestand when it is above your waist and to your side is still not something most can do. Think about it, you are usually wearing more than a pair of shorts and some tennis shoes and a tee shirt when you are hunting, you also have extra gear, etc. Saying that one that is not in shape shouldnt get into a treestand is just silly. Fits with your "Im the ultimate" attitude on alot of subjects though.
"I'm the ultimate" LOL!! OK wiseguy, have it your way! I have seen plenty of lard butts in the hunting field who can barely walk on a sidewalk. Can't even go the 150 yards to their stands without needing to fire up an ATV to get there. Just keep telling them it's OK to get up into a treestand in the shape they are in. I hope your not the one they call when it's time cut them down.
HAHAHA, I thought youd appreciate that.
Im just trying to say that just calling yourself in shape doesnt mean youd have any easier of a time getting yourself out of a situation like that unaided.