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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20101117/NEWS01/11170335/Suspected-local-attack-raises-specter-of-growing-coyote-threat&referrer=NEWSFRONTCAROUSEL
  2. LMAO I use the back warmers when it gets really cold out, they strap around your stomach. Come to think about it, I gotta stock up on hand and foot warmers soon....
  3. In my 260, I use 140 grain Remington Core Lokts. My 223 uses Remington UMC 55 grain FMJs for targets and Hornady V-max 55 grain ballistic tips for hunting. My 30-30 uses 170 grain Remington Express Core Lokts. Id like to try the Lever-evolution rounds for that, just havent gotten a chance to and I shoot iron sights on it anyhow.
  4. Thats a shed, you can tell by the base. Nice find!
  5. Sounds like a great christmas to me! Well, minus the pocketbook.
  6. Or you can just wear a better safety harness and not have to guess whether or not you can crawl back into your stand.
  7. Even if you are considered "in shape", the ability to swing ones own weight back up into a treestand when it is above your waist and to your side is still not something most can do. Think about it, you are usually wearing more than a pair of shorts and some tennis shoes and a tee shirt when you are hunting, you also have extra gear, etc. Saying that one that is not in shape shouldnt get into a treestand is just silly. Fits with your "Im the ultimate" attitude on alot of subjects though. "I'm the ultimate" LOL!! OK wiseguy, have it your way! I have seen plenty of lard butts in the hunting field who can barely walk on a sidewalk. Can't even go the 150 yards to their stands without needing to fire up an ATV to get there. Just keep telling them it's OK to get up into a treestand in the shape they are in. I hope your not the one they call when it's time cut them down. HAHAHA, I thought youd appreciate that. Im just trying to say that just calling yourself in shape doesnt mean youd have any easier of a time getting yourself out of a situation like that unaided.
  8. Geno, yours was obviously an injury to the antler while it was growing. You can tell because the base is normal and then all of a sudden its messed up. Never heard of the burrowing antler bugs though lol.
  9. I cant remember exactly what the name of it is, but its for the Whisker Biscuits. Scorpion Venom makes good stuff, I think they have a whole line of products.
  10. Thanks! Yeah, I can always use more of those lol.
  11. Even if you are considered "in shape", the ability to swing ones own weight back up into a treestand when it is above your waist and to your side is still not something most can do. Think about it, you are usually wearing more than a pair of shorts and some tennis shoes and a tee shirt when you are hunting, you also have extra gear, etc. Saying that one that is not in shape shouldnt get into a treestand is just silly. Fits with your "Im the ultimate" attitude on alot of subjects though.
  12. Wrap each part of the laptop separately then lol ;D
  13. Either an injury to the left rear leg or the right pedicule. Look for scars or broken bones on the left hindquarter when you are skinning and butchering him. That is if you do that yourself.
  14. Thanks Bushnell. The updated due date is mid April.
  15. I was asking because I was thinking of getting one of those Primos blow up decoys after season is over. They are cheap and should be even less after season.
  16. There is a product called Scorpion Venom that is made for Whisker Biscuits, it is scent free and you can spray it on anything. It works great.
  17. Chevy, try a prussic setup for your stands, you can be attached all the way up and down, they are inexpensive and easy to make and work great. I have gone to them and absolutely love them.
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