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Everything posted by tarheel95

  1. Sitting in a new spot where I tracked back the tracks that walked my property line yesterday. Looks promising but even if not, better than being on a train into work. 37, no wind and dead quiet in 3g. Good luck to all out there. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  2. Back out for afternoon sit. Got home from CYO basketball and saw the Giants up 21-7. I figured their good luck charm might be me not watching. After seeing nothing all morning slow walk back to the house to check for tracks in snow. 10 yards from my backyard, I catch a massive print. Big track skirts my lawn on thicket and takes a big dump. My neighbor tells me a big buck was in our backyards this am. Sigh. At least I know they are out there but suburban hunting gets a little tough at times. Off on private land in 3g. On a bench overlooking a swamp. Fresh tracks since this am. Snow is too crunchy for a stalk so setup in a blowdown to see if something makes a mistake. Good luck to all out there. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  3. Totally dead this am. Not a shot heard nor a deer sighted. Icy cold. About 30-45 more minutes then need to head back. Good luck all. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  4. Back at it for a short sit this am before mass. Could not have made more noise coming in on the frozen snow. Hoping a deaf deer or two remains but odds are dubious. Beautiful morning regardless. 30 and cold with slight west wind in 3g. Congrats on all the trophies taken today and good luck to all out there. Also, no shots before sunrise today. Not sure if that is a good or a bad sign. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  5. Called it quits for opening day. My oldest is in the all state band for trumpet and has a performance this afternoon. No deer seen. Slow meander back and cut one set of a small group of deer. Followed them to property boundary. Lots of coyote tracks. May explain lack of sightings. Beautiful day out in 3g. Congrats to all that connected and good luck to those still out there. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  6. 6 shots already. Sunrise still 5 mins away. No deer tracks cut on the way in. Large coyote prints in my footsteps from yesterday. Not a great sign. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  7. Mmmm. Just like grandma used to make. Her secret was a hint of menthol cigarette ash that fell off her cigarette while she was making the perogies. I have the noodle board she used to make them all. Probably 100k perogies made on it. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  8. I was thinking of starting a food plot next season. Instead I am going to plant privet, put in a stone patio with a fire pit and pool, and put up no hunting signs. The guy (and all of his neighbors) don't hunt at all. I told him there are dudes out there that would pay money just for the opportunity to see a buck like that much less hunt one. His response was, "really? They are in my yard every day." Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  9. Live from my friend's patio. Suburbs of northern NJ. No hunting in town limits. I told him to run out with a butcher knife and try to jump on its back. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  10. Called it quits in the morning sit around 1030. Action died off around 9. Home for a bowl of oatmeal and a power nap listening to jets fans pound on their team. Back out for a PM sit. Final sit for early season for me. Not a lot of PM action on this property, but it beats working. Good luck to all out there. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  11. Spike continued to harass the yearling doe for about 45 but she did look a little receptive. They walked off together. 5 mins later another doe comes ripping through from the opposite direction. No shot opp and nothing in tow. Up on their feet and good action in 3g. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  12. I think I need to call the police. There's a spike chasing a yearling doe. That just ain't right. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  13. Out in 3g. 29° and light wind from NE. Clear skies and sun is peeking over the horizon. Crosswbow and doe tags with me. The volume on the leaves was turned up to 11 with this morning frost. Hope nothing was close to my trail cause they are long gone now. Good luck to all out there and thanks to all the vets for their service. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  14. Yup. Wind just kicked up by me. Makes it feel a lot colder. I got 15 more mins then slow walk back. Good luck Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  15. Two confused doe Fawn just meandered by me. I am guessing mom was the doe being chased. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  16. Just had a buck chasing a doe 100 yrds out. Too much cover to see clearly but looked young. They are on their feet and moving around us. Good luck biz. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  17. Late start in 3g. Buck from earlier in the week is processed and in freezer. Out on private with crossbow and doe tags. 31° and dead calm in 3g. I think every animal withing 10 miles heard my entrance to the woods with the crackle of the leaves. Beautiful morning nonetheless. Best of luck to all out there. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  18. First year I had a cross bow I was out on a still hunt. The biggest 8 point I had seen to that date was up crossing a trail at 90 degrees to me. No clue I was there. I knelt down to take a shot and I must have hit some magic combination of keys on my iPhone and Siri started talking to me. Buck stops and if it could give a WTF face it was. We are in a standoff as Siri continues to talk and the buck tries to figure out where this woman is. My shot sequence is totally thrown off. I try to relaxe, ignore Siri's protests, have him sited, go to squeeze trigger and nothing happens. Safety is still on. At that point buck flips me the flag and tells me that I had my chance. First thing I do now is put my phone on DND when I enter the woods. First year bow hunting I am on the ground in a blowdown. Two owls fly into a tree nearby, I am assuming a breeding pair. I am watching their behavior intently for about 30 mins. Also watching me intently, and unbeknownst to me, was a basket 6 trying to figure out what this blob in a blowdown looking at two owls was. He was 10 yards away when I noticed him. Despite ninja like moves to raise my bow and attempt to shoot, he managed to scoot away. My skills may be inept today but they were woefully inept then. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  19. You are a better man than I. I spend my train ride looking at the backs of my eyelids as I nap. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  20. Live from Metro North. 32° and light wind in 3g. Looks like clear skies and a perfect morning for those going out. I will live vicariously from behind a design. Best of luck. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  21. Sorry... Meant to reply to Biz's comment on his crossbow and I just clicked reply as opposed to reply to his post directly.... Agreed. I have an Excalibur recurve as well. Only downside is the weight and width get a little cumbersome after a while. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
  22. Live from the train. Skinned and quartered the buck I killed yesterday and it is sitting in the cooler on ice. Butcher it tomorrow and wrap for freezer. Saturday it's time to catch up on fall cleanup, then back out for does Sunday and Monday. Looks like a great morning in Putnam and Westchester. I hope they are on their feet and moving. Good luck all. Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk
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