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mowin last won the day on December 1 2023

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About mowin

  • Birthday 11/30/1964

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  • Location
    Old Chatham
  • Interests
    The outdoors

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  • Hunting Location
    Northern Columbia County
  • Hunting Gun
    T/C pro hunter, 7mm 08
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. mowin

    The Robin Hood

    Never got that lucky. Ruined my share trying though.
  2. Not sure what colors your talking about?
  3. As mentioned.. hip issue. Could be Lyme, but all of my dogs just don't act right as far as spunk or activity.
  4. Shot one back in the 80's. 4" spikes still in velvet.
  5. Hummm. How's that quote go? Oh ya. I see I'm living rent free in your head.
  6. In all honesty, you make it easy to "hate". Most asked questions as all we have to go by is what is reported. So, ya, it's what be "believe" to be true, but you're defensive attitude from the start is what throws people off, but I kinda understand why. All I was looking for is what you knew about the situation. Whitetail or not, still concerning to most hunters.
  7. I'm assuming if you're in the same region FS, you'll probably get notified?
  8. Yes there are some that live in NJ, but hunt in NY. Don't think that makes it a NJ forum.
  9. I got nailed several times this year mowing clients lawns.. bastards hurt. Airedale, 7 dust is you best bet. Wait till night, and just pour a cup down to hole. Dead bees by morning.
  10. And I have no clue why the pics are upside-down. Never had that issue before.
  11. Good Lord, don't know if this was covered. Guy cutting several landowners fields was using this. He got both properties I hunt cut, and was on the neighbor's when shit hit the fan. From what I know he was doing a handshake rental. 3 head combine. These pics show the 3 heads cut off to get it off the hill. I've been told $275,000, loss.
  12. I haven't seen, or heard a turkey in my area yet. I don't know what happened. 3 yrs ago we had tons all over, now nothing.
  13. We had gusts( according to the local weather) that topped 60mph, and I believe them. Lots of areas out of power. Tons of large tree down all over the area.
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