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Everything posted by mowin

  1. I'm thinking it's a weasel. Pic of a tree rat that might be a little closer to the cam for reference.
  2. Well, that was brilliant. What a idiot.
  3. Welcome to the circus. Good luck this yr. Please wear a safety harness when using the climber or any stand.
  4. Not sure if I'll try eating them. Can't get the image of a rat with wings outta my head. Lol
  5. I read that yesterday. Think king Andy would do the same if it gets that bad here.
  6. Just got a email from a client asking if I could, or new anyone that could do pigeon control at his barns. He's been trying with a BB gun, but it's a loosing battle. So, is it legal to shoot them? Be good trap shooting practice... Does anyone eat these rats on wings?
  7. I need a couple also. I don't go in the basement often, and if that freezer craps out, it's not going to be pretty when I find out.
  8. This guy has a bunch of different patterns. The snow camo is sharp also.
  9. Thanks for the info. Learn something new every day. Doubt I'll uses it, IMO just feels like cheating. No disrespect to those who choose to. If it's legal, have at it.
  10. Your link is the general regs. If you can, post a direct link to the law.
  11. So, one saying not legal, the other, legal......????
  12. Welcome to the circus. Lol. Lots of great members on here with sound advice.
  13. Is it legal to use a recording on your phone in NY?
  14. I was wondering who was going to notice that. If someone misses, that's there punishment. Lol
  15. Dropped Dom's head off on October 5th. Fast turnaround. Think it came out great.
  16. Smash a couple and tell me they dont stink Lol, nothing compared to the true stink bug. Look at fist page, and you'll see the difference.
  17. These are not stink bugs. Google search shows a round bug. Believe these are a western conifer bug. First page of this thread shows the difference
  18. My nephew and I got a double this evening.. Double miss... He missed a doe, I missed a 8pt. Both shot low. Oh well. If I would have connected, I would be missing the best part of the season. Wish my nephew would have connected. It was his first archery attempt.
  19. In most cases, the deer didn't know I was around. Thats ideally the way I want it. But I've missed deer, and ended up getting a second shot that connected. As far a letting a area clam down after being busted, that all depends on how many others stands options I've got, and hunting opportunities. If I only had one 20 acre patch to hunt, I might give it a day. During the rut, I'm in there.
  20. Only 25% capacity. How can a theater pay for the overhead? That wouldn't pay the rent, let alone wages, utilities.
  21. Last weekend, a buddy texted me that he had 5 big Tom's in the field, and was hoping they came close enough for a shot. He didn't believe me when I texted back turkey isn't open yet.
  22. I've rattled in a few bucks over the yrs. Nothing big tho. The bleat can is a different story. I've taken some great bucks using one of those. Most of those, however, were bucks that I could see and watch the reaction.
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