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Everything posted by mowin

  1. Piebald deer? The tail looks long, but that could be a shadow or something beyond it.
  2. I don't blame you to be nervous AF. I'd be shaking like a bowl of jello. You've got a great pit. Heard nothing but great reviews on PK pits. B&B is the choice of bbq pros. I'd be happy to place next to last, lol. Here's hoping your in the top 10. I'm pulling for you. Like I said I'm way to scared to even enter any event. I can cook a whole hog for a wedding reception, but anything competition wise has me shaking in my boots.
  3. Supposed to be a nasty morning. No lawns to mow tomorrow if it's as wet as the weather man predicts. Seen a big ol smart tom in the same 30 acre field around 9am the past two mornings. Problem is he's been on opposite sides. Might try to ambush him.
  4. So a minute 30 into the incident they try to call for help? He did great, but the first thing I'd would have done is to tell the copilot to call for help.
  5. Congrats. Love those classic hunts when they gobble at everything you throw em.
  6. I'm too chicken to do it, but I'd be a helper on a team in a heartbeat. That way if we flopped, it wasn't my fault, lol. Where is the SCA event? And most importantly what are you cooking on and what are you cooking? Good luck. Post pics of the trophy.
  7. Was mowing a clients lawn and found 8 or so morels. Didn't pick them as there small. Will they get bigger or go pick em? My mower blades jut nicked the one in the bottom pic.
  8. Congrats Bill. Nice bird to break in the new shotgun with.
  9. I slept in. Had the alarm set, but just couldn't force myself out of bed. Time to fuel up the mowers and get some lawns done.
  10. Even with a 12g, open choke, the key was to get on the clay ASAP when shooting trap. Some would let it sail a little before shooting. Not me. Pull..bang.
  11. Humm. You might be correct. #8 isn't very common though.
  12. I've got a steevens single my dad bought for my oldest brother. Was handed down to me from my middle brother. I've given it to my young nephew, but its still in my safe because he's too young. I've got no clue what the barrel is choked at. Killed many a tree rat and bunny's with that shotgun.
  13. Pattern at 20, 25, and 30 yrds. See what you effective pattern is. 30 yrds I'd only use 4's if it's a killing pattern. Otherwise I'd use the 6's but keep shots to 25 or under if it's a killing pattern.
  14. Ok, so what's the 11/87 on me going hunting in the morning.
  15. So, the alarm is set. What's the over/under on me getting up, lol.
  16. .410 is legal. TSS is the best option, but I think it's only available in #9 shot in .410 which isn't legal. 7 shot is the smallest shot legal in NY.
  17. Don't have a 835, but for turkey's, I'd go with the 22".
  18. Tons of gobbling on roost, then silence. Moved to a different area. Sun is shining and I'm having a difficult time staying awake.
  19. So much nicer out this morning. However campfire and bourbon until almost midnight isn't making this a fun morning....yet. If my cousin doesn't show, I just might go to his house and start shooting. If I'm awake he should be also..
  20. Going out tomorrow with my cousin. I'm hoping he connects. But I'm really hoping for a double so I can be taged out. Got too much stuff going on.
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