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Everything posted by mowin

  1. There was something on the news that a bunch of people went for there 2nd shot, and were given the wrong one. Someone messed up bad. If I were ever to get the shot(not happening) I'd definitely ask before they stabbed me the second time which one are you about to give me.
  2. Yep, cancel culture at it best. Good for her for sticking to her beliefs.
  3. She is so cute. Love the first pic. Congrats
  4. And nobody knows what happens to people who get the vaccine five years down the road.
  5. What, no vaccine was being developed. These vaccines are being pushed on us with zero long term testing. I can see the commercials in 5 yrs, if you had the vaccine, and had complications........
  6. For some reason, site wouldn't let me post more then one pic at a time.
  7. Got a "remember this day 3 yrs ago" notification on my phone the other day. It was a recipe I don't even remember seeing, let alone saving. However, it looked fantastic. So, core out a whole onion. Stuffing is 50/50 beef and sweet Italian sausage with diced pepper and your favorite rub. Line the bowl of the onion with the meat mixture. Place a few cubes of you favorite cheese(I used smoked pepper jack), then cover with the meat mixture. Place more cheese on top, wrap with bacon, sprinkle with some more rub. Smoked a 225° for 2.5 hrs, then coated with bbq sauce for the last 30 minutes. Fantastic..
  8. mowin

    Dog names

    So, @Zag, have we helped you narrow it down, lol
  9. Good luck guys. I'm going Friday with a couple friends of mine.
  10. As food becomes more steady available, they tend to change their patterns. Move them around a little and see what happens. I rarely put cams out during the spring and summer.
  11. Out of likes . I would have fired up the concrete saw, lol.
  12. Fantastic. Sneaking up on them isn't easy. Congrats.
  13. Not scared at all. Also not scared of the China virus. I'm thinking those that are scared of this are wusses.
  14. We had a fantastic hunt. Toms were gobbling like crazy on the roost. At least 10 different birds. Lila did great and took a Jake. I posted a pic in the youth thread.
  15. Well, that a vision I wish I never had to see.
  16. Not a snowballs chance in hell....
  17. mowin


    Used to work for Surpass Chem. Customers used to come to the plant and purchase. Maybe there a chemical plant nearby that you can do the same.
  18. Have to agree with Bill. Northern Columbia and Southern Rensselaer countries are thick with birds. My cousin had over 100 wintering on his property. No crops around, just a few hay fields. Buddy that has 6-8 cows had over a 100 winter on his property also. Seeing lots of strutting birds while driving around early mornings.
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