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Everything posted by mowin

  1. If you really want them down, don't think its matters when you take them down.
  2. If I did the long range shooting you do, I would probably change the way I sight in or practice. Guess I'm just so used to shooting, sighting in my way, that changing anything now would just confuse me. Never liked the BDC reticle. Scope looks to cluttered.
  3. I'm the same. Most shots 100yds or less. I want the center of the reticel to be where the bullet goes. Every once in a while I get 250-300yrd shot. Time on the range behind the trigger makes those shots possible.
  4. Not sure. Buddy of mine is in the business. Got a great deal. I pd little under 5k in Nov '18.
  5. Good luck Cynthia. Sounds like you've got a few members in your area willing to help out.
  6. My furnace is oil and my hot water is electric. I plan on replacing the boiler with LP as well as the hot water tank. The mini splits will continue to do most of the heating, and all of the cooling.
  7. Don't recognize any names, but they are true heroes in my book, as well as all our former and present military are first responders.
  8. Its a lot of work. Cutting the firewood, tapping collecting. So easy to scorch a pan if your not paying attention.
  9. I really want a auto 20g turkey gun. Congrats on number 5.
  10. Lol, now that I can sink my teeth into. Pink Floyd is my favorite band.
  11. Went to a local sporting good auction this past Saturday. Everything went for stupid money. Just a couple examples.. Two mugs of Remington 22LR, 300 rds each, so 600 total went for $175. A ruger 10/22 stainless, birch stock with a cheap Sliver scope hammered for $550. The only rifle that went for decent money was a lefty Weatherby vanguard 308, I believe, for $700. I tried for some .40cal, but wasn't willing to pay the prices.
  12. 1300 sqf. The living and kitchen is fairly open. The larger BTU (think its a 7k) is in the living room facing the kitchen. Ceiling fan in LR helps a lot, but I hate ceiling fans, lol. Master has a 5k unit I believe. The master is at the opposite end of the house. During the night we keep our door closed. The other two bedrooms are fine as long as those doors are open. If someone was in those rooms with doors closed, they would definitely be on the cooler side. During the day, all doors are open, and the house balances out nicely. The pellet stove in the basement really helped this yr. Ours are heat and cooling.
  13. Sounds like you had a great season. We definitely learned a lot this yr. Its my friends first yr, and while I had experience running a evaporator in the 90's, I definitely learned a lot running this sized evaporator. Our Sugarbush in North facing, and the ground has a lot of frost in that area, we might get additional runs after this warmup, but its going to be close.
  14. Love my mini splits. Heat, and cool my ranch house with one in the living room and one in the master. Both run off the same outside unit. Cost less the buring oil by a huge margin. However, some only work to -5°. Our is a Fujitsu and works to -15°, but the colder it is, the efficiency drops. Another issue is my basement gets very cold, because the oil furnace never comes on. I installed a pellet stove in the basement and use it from Dec to March. Used 1.5 ton of pellets.
  15. Id love to take a turkey with a BP shotgun. Congrats, beautiful shotgun.
  16. I wish I was that talented, lol. Its made by Bubba grill and smokers.
  17. I love my 250 gal reverse flow. Holds temps within 10° from right to left. Yes I need to add splits every 30 to 45 minutes, but the quality of the meat is second to none. Dont get me wrong. I love my pellet proper. Turn it on and go to bed and my brisket, or pork but is about ready to be wrapped around 7am when I get up. But the smoke flavor, even with smoke tube just isn't the same flavor profile as the stick burner with 3 yr old seasoned wood.
  18. This... its most likely your form. I wish I was closer to you. I would love to help u out. As mentioned. Go to your local archery shop. But, try this. I was taught this while attending PSE school in Indiana. Get close to your target. Like 5'. Draw, aim... close your eyes once your on target. Release. Repeat, over and over. Don't worry if your not hitting POA. Your looking for consistently hitting the same spot. If your form, release is consistent every time, you'll have a tight group. Gradually extend the range by a couple feet. This will help you learn muscle memory and a consistent anchor point.
  19. Ended up with about 500g today. It was just me boiling down, and a evap this size really needs two people. So I ran the sap level really high in the pans all day. When my buddy got home, I dropped the sap level to 1.5", and within 30min, we had a 5gal draw.
  20. Id give them a 10 if I could taste them, lol. Never used a UDS. But have heard great things about them. Have to get out my reverse flow soon. Need some smoke therapy.
  21. Haven't really done much except put a reflex sight on the 1187. My busy season is going to start next week. Lawn cleanups, polw repair, then before I know it ill be mowing.
  22. Good luck. Lot of work, but its fun.
  23. He fixed the lines yesterday, and there was 3/4 of a tank this morning. Everything was frozen tight. Im boiling down what's in the head tank, around 300 gal. Buddy is working today so its just me. I'll shut down once there's about 100g left and go collect the holding tanks. Both should be full.
  24. Yes, land is owned by the Columbia County land conservancy. The same guy has been tapping for 12 yrs. He wanted out of the syrup business, and my buddy bought him out, and gained the right to tap. This is our first yr there. Its possible that someone is upset we got the Sugarbush and they didn't. Might be trying to get us to say it isn't worth staying here.
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