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Everything posted by mowin

  1. I'm at least 10 days to two weeks out before I start mowing.
  2. Yes, yelling at the top of my lungs had no effect. Nothing to loose at that point. Ended up with a fantastic deer.
  3. I've stopped many bucks with a whistle. Most were bothering a doe. I've yelled at bucks that were running a doe hard. If the doe stops, the buck often does. I got a nice 8 few yr back that was chasing a doe at a full run through thick cover, grunting at every bound. I yelled loud, but no luck. 10 min later they came back through at warp speed. Figured I've got nothing to loose, so I touched off a round. They both stopped in there tracks. Quickly and quietly I reloded, and shot the buck as soon as he cleared some brush.
  4. In my area, if you try during the day, the panfish are too eager and strip the hook. As soon as it gets dark the panfish slow way down, and the bullhead start.
  5. The part that disturbing is the police came and confiscated ALL of his guns. He didn't point the gun at someone, rob a store, etc. So why take all his guns?
  6. Every law is in place to ensure our safety. Well, that's what we're led to believe...Unfortunately, the good guys are usually the ones getting screwed. In this case, he should have reported it. I can't remember ever where one of my guns were 100% of the time. Never once had a thought if I misplaced one.
  7. That was great. The reaction some of the women had was the funniest.
  8. Throw em out, my winning ticket should be on it way.
  9. mowin

    Barred owl.

    Sounds like a no win situation.
  10. 12g, 3" number 5 or 6's. I've been using longbeard XR. But I'd buy just about anything now.
  11. Ya, they definitely opened that place up.
  12. mowin

    Barred owl.

    That sucks. Sounds like your only option is to do nothing, or be proactive and turn him in.
  13. But realize that doesn't count a "contained" campfire as long as your cooking. Contained means a fire pit that keeps the fire from spreading, and if your cooking. Fire chef in my area said make sure you have smores ready to go. Lol
  14. mowin

    Barred owl.

    Ummmm.. if you close enough, I'll hunt it. Lol.
  15. Been using a northern tool boom sprayer with a spot wand for yrs. Spray electric fence lines to keep the grass from reducing the efficiency of the fencer. Only used the boom once to kill off the vegetation where the landowner was putting in a clay tennis court.
  16. Don't hear too many Barred Owls in my area until spring. I use their call to get turkeys to gobble on the roost before dawn. Tonight I was sitting on my deck enjoying the stars, and the piece and quiet of mother nature. Few minutes later I heard a Barred owl a long way off. Truly enjoy the call of the Barred Owl. Called back, and got a immediate response. He, think it was a male because he would challenge my every call, kept getting closer, and cutting my calls off. Started cutting his call off with just a " whooo alllllll". Last time I heard him, he was close, like next to the house close. Unfortunately, Stella, my yellow lab decided that was close enough, and started barking. Game over. So looking forward to this turkey season. It's my go to call to get a tom to reveal his location before first light.
  17. Little different than someone burning a pile of brush.
  18. My cousin and his wife borders horses. Can't remember how many are buried in his fields after being put down. Been there to witness their last breath. Every time we would "joke" about the backstraps.
  19. I can only imagine a pistol that fits that well. It really would be almost priceless. Your Porsche, Camry reference makes sense. I'm a $100.00 a bottle scotch lover on a Miller lite budget, lol.
  20. 5k .... that thing better shoot itself lol. I've never held a gun of any type worth that much. I'd be afraid to take it out of the safe. Post up some pics when you get one. I'm sure something of that quality must be a dream to shoot.
  21. She look like a clean tractor. What yr is it?
  22. During mowing season I fill my one mower every weekday morning, at least 9 gal(11 gal tank). The other mower twice a week at probably 9 gal. I go through just about 2 gal of mix gas a week in the trimmers, blowers, saws. Prob 50 gal in the truck a week. So on average about 110gal a week.
  23. I'm swapping out an old bay window thats well past its prime with a slider. 7/16 OSB is $40 a sheet at HD.
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