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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by REDNECK4LIFE32

  1. Venison Michigan with homemade cheesy tomato shells.
  2. If I couldn't eat the meat I wouldn't be shooting the deer just to put them in compost just a waste. Id rather take a ticket then waste it. I think this will be our last year doing this as the land owner is putting a 8ft fence all the way around the vineyard. As is the case a couple deer might get in but he'll just shot them then call us to go get them. Instead of having to over watch the vineyard. I might say they do have a beautiful overview of lake Champlain,
  3. Absolutely no fat on this deer. I can definitely tell it's going to be tender vitals.
  4. Well we finally got the call to go use some nuisance tags for a buddy. He has like a 70 acres grape vineyard and the deer are recking havoc. The other night he had between 8 and 15 deer out at a time. So we went out yesterday just b4 6pm and sat and waited just b4 dusk two deer came out and only one left. Fresh venison for me. Fresh back straps tonight!
  5. The wife and I planted our garden on sunday. We had planted a couple rows or radishes and beets, swiss chard, carrots and green beans the week prior. Sunday we planted corn, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers. Onions, started eggplant, started tomato plants, started jalapenos and green bell peppers. This weekend well be planting pumpkins and 2 more rows of green beans. Plus I made the garden bigger this year went from 15x30 to 30x70. Let's see how it grows. My radishes and beets have already broken ground.
  6. You were like 23 miles from me.Lots of good fishing up this way. I usually hit the ponds for brookies. Franklin falls and union for walleye. Buck pond and Macomb park campgrounds for bullhead. Lake champlain or chazy or chateguay foe bass and pike.
  7. Like they say suck it up and drive on. Wish I was there the guy wouldn't have had a job or his teeth being disrespectful like that. Not to talk tough but someone needs to stand up for what is right.
  8. That right there I thank you for I bet you made his day.That's what I like to see thank you for your appreciation.
  9. May all our combat kia's and mia's and wounded and others with wounds that aren't seen. Never be forgotten and just a thank you.
  10. Too all my fellow veterans combat and not happy memorial day. May we all realize the sacrifices that were made for us to enjoy what we have and to look forward to. May he rest in peace my best friend Richard Rosas Operation Iraqi freedom 5/24/2004. RIP BROTHER. HOOAH.
  11. I kill gobblers every year and this year has been very difficult but just down the road. The school just bought some property off the state beautiful fields 3 of them to be exact 3 gobblers every morning. So yea I guess I need to find a spot but at least I'm trying to find a bird right.
  12. Went out this morning Still haven't heard a gobble this year. Walked 4 miles did see 2 deer, 2 gardner snakes sunning them selves spooked a hawk that was on the ground probably with it's prey. Lots of crows and blue jays and song birds. Just nice to be out there just gotta find out where the turkeys are.
  13. Just checked the local news and heard about a fight in Plattsburgh. They even gave a website to see it on. Just check out youtube SMH crazy fight at motel. Check it out me and the wife were laughing like crazy tell me what you think.
  14. Homemade turkey noodle soup. Turkey, onions ,celery, carrots , salt pepper bay leaves thyme and parsley with homemade stewed tomatoes. It hit the spot for sure. Sorry no pic but just imagine.
  15. dilly dilly bud light no change maybe an occasional corona.
  16. Congrats TF on the nice gobbler. Didn't make it out today had a fundraiser for the disabled American veterans so we can buy another van to transport us to Albany. Ill be out tomorrow in force hope the gobblers will finally wanna play. Turkeys 6or 7 Redneck 0.
  17. their out already where I hunt got bit in the eye lid already. Sucks to be me.
  18. Well went out today on my walk in ran into a hen on the logging road. She bolted went to my honey hole but not one gobble on my way out I seen I think the same hen on the logging road. Walked 4 miles today at least I know there are turkeys around. Just got to find where the gobblers are. Overall good day to be in the woods.
  19. Turkey's 5 or 6 Redneck 0 and counting. Just need one gobble.
  20. Just left over spaghetti and meat sauce and chicken and macaroni salad and fresh garlic knots from sam's club. Gonna figure out now that leftovers are gone for something new.
  21. Went out the last 2 mornings and still the same old no birds no gobbles but did happen to see 4 deer. Wishing the toms will sound off eventually. All in all it's just nice to be out in the woods.
  22. This year it's early but it's really been tough. Gonna tough it out it usually pays off. Just have to work harder I guess not no guarantee's this year.
  23. Well went out today after dropping wife off at work. Walked 4 1/2 miles not a single gobble or any sign of turkeys. Gonna try new state land tomorrow. Hope I have better luck. Turkey's 3 Redneck 0. I don't know what's going on this year not one gobble yet. I know there their just not responding to calls. Don't know what's going on.
  24. Well hit the woods this morning at 515 couldn't hit my go to spot due to a down tree in the main road so hit the spot I hunted on Thursday. Called about every hundred yards not a gooble to be heard. Just about to my honeyhole I'm walking on the logging road there he is standing like a statue. Too far for a shot and he seen me and booked. I set out the decoy and short calls every 10mins nothing did this for about an hour. Then I walked and walked not a gobble anywhere. Don't know what's going on. He was alone and still not one gobble. 4 miles put on today seen 1 bird and jumped 2 deer. Not bad just wanna hear a gobble lol.
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