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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. This always reminds me of a Native American trail marker. Similar.
  2. I bought a box of odd and ends on an auction some 30 years ago. It has 2 Diamond stones in it that I still use to this day. Always wanted to make a jig for them to get the right degree edge on the knife. Best 5 bucks I ever spent. My sandstone wheel does a nice sharp edge also.I use that for my draw knives and block planes.
  3. A hunter entered a woods and noticed a rather large fresh deer track. He decided to follow it in hopes he might run into the large beast. Quite a ways in the track suddenly turned into a human print. Stunned and confused, he stood looking forward trying to see into the darker woods. As his eyes grew more use to the conditions, he sees a human figure in a big bright orange coat. He continue forward; upon getting close enough, he sees it's his wife. He asks how in the world, what in the world are you doing out here? She replies," Well ever since deer hunting season started, I had to come up with a way to find out what you wanted for super."
  4. Oats have to be crimped for an animals digestion system to benefit. I read this in the comments that their using them. The owners sometimes remark in the comments section. Must be quite a financial responsibility to under take. Nice that their state allows it.
  5. Good luck to you, First-light. My father was an excellent trapper for many years. He always said knowing the animals traits and habits your trapping leads to a successful outcome. I still have several of his poles, traps and stretching boards.
  6. Quite a few blue jays at the feeder this morning. The camera lens looks like a deer licked it.
  7. Politicians are representives of the people. Not representative s for themselves. They are suppose to act on fact, not emotion. What is truly best for the people. What they determine the majority of their voters " think" would have a successful outcome for the non voter. What gets me, fact; population is declining in New York. Then politicians look at each other dumbfounded and ask the question why.
  8. Are the prices for out of state ammo that much lower, that it is worth a drive for 55 cent a mile to purchase? Or is it the fact that people don't want New York officials to know what weapons they own? Firearms dealers are already struggling to stay in business, with this state tightening the noose around their necks. I don't see the reason why consumers would want to tug a little harder.
  9. I enjoy hunting to be out in nature. Enjoying what you do is what counts in life. Right?
  10. Acting on emotions is never a good way to establish a law. This is what has been happening in New York for several years now. This governor has ecellrated this effort.
  11. The search for the needle in the haystack. Shed some light on this subject.
  12. Take the blinders off Politicians are good at twisting wording and making it all seem rosey red. The Safe Act is meant to do one thing, put the firearms sellers out of business in New York. The politicians know it and won't let up until the agenda is complete.
  13. And transporting across state lines in 2024. Starting to see this show up on a few outlets. Anyone else seeing this or have information?
  14. Another great year for the family of deer hunters here. Taking the grand children out during bow season topped the list. They stayed still enough to gain success in seeing deer which really pumped up the young fellas drive. Some came in really close as we used new blind buildings as well as wind direction to pick our sit spots very carefully. Getting them more involved with their own binoculars and range finders will hopefully gain an advantage for next season. IT lifted my hunting experience to a higher level. The season couldn't have been any better. We hope to introduce them to the firearms season next, if ready.
  15. Doesn't make much sense, does it? Of course, we all know politicians rely on " experts" in their field. The problem is, they don't get out in the field.
  16. Yes, and from what I have read, the State Assembly has all the control in the matter.
  17. Deep fry in peanut oil, and it all taste good. Maybe try it with carp, LOL.
  18. I've tried several carp recipes from some of the best old time farm chefs in the business. I didn't care for the flavor. They tasted just like bottom feeders taste. I can verify however, that they do grow some outstanding truck crop veggies.
  19. If like to thank the administrator(s) for adding the 2024 onto the title of this thread. Your effort is appreciated by me, and I know by others on this site for all your efforts.
  20. Grams would probley have used a crock pot, but we're talking back in the 70's. How would they do in Insta Pot? Like par boil them.
  21. Couldn't close the deal tonight. The quest continues for a keeper buck. All in all, it was a great season. Can't wait to look for sheds.
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