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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Thanks for posting pics G-Man. We're seeing better than average buck movement thought this extended record high warmth. I always enjoy the daytime pics of a buck moving on a sunny day.
  2. We're still waiting on key Senate and House races. I pray to God they go Republician.
  3. Actually, the facts state Donald Trump's father was the bussinessman, responsible for the presidents fortune. It's been exchausted by the president.
  4. We have one hanging in an area running 46 degrees packed in ice. I know what I'm doing today.
  5. Trump is suppose to be a multi million dollars business man ; he sure hasn't showed it by some of his verbal statements while president. He shot his mouth off without getting the facts first, and it came back to bite him in the butt.
  6. All you have to do is use a more effect word that a swear word.
  7. It' s what the cake tastes like on the inside that counts, not the greasy pretty frosting on the outside.
  8. The correct sharpning angle, as well as the sharpener contacting the whole edge correctly, is the key to a good sharp cutting edge.
  9. This was the biggest problem with President Trump, shooting his mouth off before knowing the facts. He missed alot of Democrat voter this go around, and may have cost him a second term.
  10. Look at the land, make sure it's what you want. Then look at all the tax bills; in this state, that may be enough to scare you off.
  11. We have had a few similar siturations in some of our school systems . Niagara Falls had one school close for the 14 day quaratine period, as a low percentage of students tested positive. Now back reopen for 2 days on 3 days remote learning., as all of Niagara Falls schools started the year. The city of Buffalo infection rate has been running higher than the rest of the Western New York " region." They elected for remote learning only with little backlash from parents. Higher population. This virus has been taking hold on larger clusters of population. It hit NYC, hard at the beginning. I don't think, at this point anyway, why anyone would be willing to take the chance with children lives in higher populated areas?
  12. Doe permits were never issued, years ago. This was another failed program attemp on the part of the DEC. to control the deer population.
  13. Cuomo gets an F in a business management coarse. Now he wants to be the teacher in all of New York
  14. All I see is a strong commander and chief. Someone that doesn't think eveyone in the world is our friend. Don't trust our enemies. Someone that is holding Iran and North Korea in check. Someone that is responsible for sending the stock market to record levels, someone that created jobs and lowered unemployment to very low levels. Ya, Trump really a bad choice. Ha. Can you say that about the Obama years. The years of stagflation. Complete failure in Foreign Policy. Not even enough balls to be a good Senator in Illinois. Country's on the right road fella, get you head out of the sand.
  15. Thank you for all the replys. Been to several dealers. Looks like it will be a 400, no power steering. Wait time is 3 months out, my choice. Several prices right around $4700.
  16. Can't go wrong with Dr. Grant Woods. No chunks here. End up with some fine cuts and you get all the meat.
  17. I have had this on cabbage grown in the same area prior years. Haven't growned cabbage for deer in quite a few years though.
  18. Alternaria Leaf Blight is what I believe to be on the radish here. More common in southern states. Dry conditions. The pics enclosed show exactly how my plants look.
  19. LOL, With 50 years of Agricultural experience, I don't think it's nutrient issue.
  20. Like to get some ideas on purchasing an ATV. Looking at 400 or a 500, non China series / 4 WD.. Power steering is a strong consideration. If you had 5 grand or little less to spend, What would you buy?
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