What is the most accurate bullet to be used with a Thompson Hawkins 50 cal Muzzle loader. It has never been fired would like to start hunting with it next season. Bought in in the 1970's.
All they would do is vote themselves more hand outs, more welfare, taking taxpayers money and not contributing one dam thing to society. Plus teaching their children don't work when you can get something for nothing.
Guys just send the GOV"T all your money and they will take care of every freeloader they can find. And you will get nothing in return. OBAMA say's just pay your fair share, well what about the 51% who pay no Federal income tax? What's their fair share????????????Sorry they are the people who voted for him!!!!!!!!! My personal view is if you don't pay federal taxes you should not be able to vote. JMHO I know some may disagree.
This is not our country anymore. Our politicians have given it to all the minority and foreigners who arrive here whether legally or illegally. They have the rights we use to have. WE just pay the bill.
Just figured the spell check thing out. I have a Apple lap top with Firefox installed . So now when the red line appears under a word i just put the cursed on the word Hold down the control button and hit the right side of the touch pad. Then the options appear and you just pick the word you want to replace the underlined in red word. Of course I didn't figure it out myself.
Guy's what is ideal rabbit habitat. I have meadow of about 5 acres and have never seen a rabbit or ground hog. I cut about 2 acres ever two weeks during the growing season. So that area is nice grass see plenty of deer but no small game.
I have heard about a 10 year cycle too. Just what it means I don't know. Could it mean 7 to 10 years of lots of rabbits and then 7 to 10 years of no rabbits?