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About XGX7PM

  • Birthday 02/01/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Western New York
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing and Masonry.

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Live in 9A, Hunt 9M
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 700 chambered in .243
  • Bow
    Bear Anarchy
  • HuntingNY.com
    Live from the woods, been reading it for a few years.

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  1. Don't dish it out if you can't take a bite when it's your turn. Those are literally your words applied to a comparable post. That post was rather "hateful" bud. You're just here to test the boundaries since your vacation.
  2. Looks like something that someone who "lives at home with mommy and eat hotdogs in her basement" would post. Gotta love double-standards and hypocrisy... Now that's humorous.
  3. 10 minutes by car from my office. Sick.
  4. Near the Cattaraugus State Forest
  5. Westchester County Seeks Permission to Set Pistol License Fees By Robert Romanowski The Westchester County Board of Legislators has requested “home rule” legislation from Albany that would allow the County of Westchester to raise Pistol License fees to any amount. Bill A-07939 introduced in the Assembly by Steven Otis (D-Port Chester) and S06659 in the NYS Senate by Shelly B. Mayer (D- Port Chester) would allow Westchester to have home rule. That is, to set its own licensing fees. Westchester County currently uses the New York State fee schedule. All of this is being done without any comment from the public, pistol licensees or gun owners. This legislation would allow the county to set fees for new applications, amendments and re-certifications. It has been reported that the current $10.00 fee could rise to as much as $200.00 per year, raising the cost of a 5-year re-certification to $1000.00. This could make pistol licenses unaffordable to a whole segment of the community such as retirees, people on a fixed income and lower income wage earners. This legislation has nothing to do with any kind of budget shortfall in Westchester County and everything to do with making a Constitutional right unaffordable to as many Westchester County residents as possible and to discourage others from applying for permits. Beware of actions like this in our home county! All SCOPE members are urged to contact their State Senator and Assembly member and tell them to please oppose this legislation. By killing these bills in Albany, Westchester County cannot act on this matter. If you are a Westchester County resident, please call 914-995-2800 to tell your County Legislator that you oppose this legislation
  6. FYSA, SCOPE: Pistol Permit Recertification Email Several SCOPE members are getting emails about their pistol permit recertification and are, legitimately, concerned about a scam. SCOPE tried to get confirmation from the state police. A visit to the state police web site is not helpful in confirming if these Emails are valid. The state police web site “contact information” contains a phone number. (You will have a better chance reaching the IRS on April 15th). We tried. After a very long message you get to press 1 and end up in oblivion. The web site also has an Email address - but it goes to the governor. Good luck getting a timely response that does not refer you to the state police web site. Finally, calling the local troop headquarters got a human being who tried to help. She investigated and could only say, “We believe Emails are being sent out”. She could not confirm yes or no and she cautioned not to click on any links in the Email. Our best advice is to treat the Email as a reminder, only. Do not click on the links. Below is the information that SCOPE previously sent out. It contains a legitimate link to start the recertification process. The deadline for pistol permit renewal in New York is five years after your exact date of certification. Examples: 1/1/2017 is due 1/1/2022; 1/31/2017 is due 1/31/2022; 1/1/2018 is due 1/1/2023 You can check on the date you certified on this site: NYS Pistol Permit Recertification You will need your driver's license number. It's faster submitting the information on-line, but you can still submit a paper application Information is available at the NY website. NYS Pistol Permit Recertification You will need all of the information on the pistols you will be submitting AND your New York Driver's license SCOPE strongly suggests that, before sending the information in, you TRIPLE CHECK the information, as just one mistake can cause a problem. After submitting, you can go back to the "HOME PAGE" and check for confirmation that your application has been accepted and that you're "good". Do yourself a big favor and print out the information so you can have it when you have to renew again.
  7. Ty everyone! Went to a Hibachi grill last night, relaxing today.
  8. https://wyrk.com/lancaster-toddler-crib-bills-song/
  9. No impact on any of my few hunts this year. Years past it would've been great, especially when the snow is present and reflecting light. ł like the change, expect to take advantage of it eventually so long as it sticks around.
  10. Congratulations to everyone who punched a tag this year and to those who didn't but enjoyed themselves anyway. Congratulations to those who learned from their time in the woods. Congratulations to those who just got out and were able to clear their minds... A big Congratulations to anyone who just experienced their first season hunting deer in NY and an even bigger thank you for joining us. Memories made, freezers filled... lessons learned. TIME WELL SPENT. Some will hang racks and others won't. How ł/you/we measure success vs how anyone else measures success is irrelevant. Some of us made memories we will cherish forever. Whether they were first time experiences or unbeknownst to us, the last of many because we may lose someone we love and/or enjoy spending time with before we have another chance to make more memories with them. The petty strife is setting in and it's depressing. Thank you to everyone who kept this thread and the overall forum positive and had allowed others to learn from or take pleasure while reading about your experiences. Here's to a successful and drama free 2022...
  11. The fog is lifting, can see all the way up to the top of the hill now! Here's to hoping...
  12. In til dark, good luck to everyone on their final "2021" sit... If ł knew it would be foggy like this ł would've opted for the Xbow over the muzzleloader. Oh well, it might clear and my view may expand further up the hill. Little knee biter at the neighboring parcel was on a property line trail yapping. We'll see how everything plays out.
  13. ł second the urinal, we have one in our tower. Used a oversized funnel leading in to a 5 gallon jug with a gallon of rv antifreeze in it. Will swap that out for an upside down 5 gallon jug which leads down clear plastic tubing in to small french drain. Didn't have a chance to "plumb" it this year, ł have been working non-stop since covid began.
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