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Loaded Gun + Unlocked Car = Stupid

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Seriously.... they want to charge the person with ARMED robbery?...Why not charge Mr. Stupid the reckless endangerment?...

I remember not too very long ago ...the Livingston County Sheriff had his guns stolen out of this police car in...Monroe county...in the Mall parking lot...

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Seriously.... they want to charge the person with ARMED robbery?...Why not charge Mr. Stupid the reckless endangerment?...

I remember not too very long ago ...the Livingston County Sheriff had his guns stolen out of this police car in...Monroe county...in the Mall parking lot...

yup, i there was more to the story or him

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Charge the person with Armed Burglary??? How do you burglarize a car???.... What ever. They should find the person, give him one free slap across the dopes face and then give the person an award.

I'm sure it was someone who knew the dope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yikes....... I hope the police do find that person and charge him or her. Stealing is stealing whether you give the item back or not it is still theft no matter what way you look at it. that person entered someones elses vehicle and took something that did not belong to them. granted leaving the firearm in the car unlocked was stupid but 2 wrongs does not make a right.

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theft!?!? if I when into your vehicle and took your wallet (if you left it there) that is theft.taking anything that belongs to another person is theft and is wrong.

Sorry IMO if that happens 3 wrongs won't make it right,,, The only way to make it right would be reckless endangerment for Mr. Stupid..which wouldn't hold and trespassing for the note maker....Then every body learns a lesson

I can agree with reckless endangerment but just trespassing for the other? that person stole a firearm which is a Felony. I have work in loss prevention within retail stores for many years and I dont care and neither does NYS, if someone shoplifts and exits the store and I go and apprehend that person, it is still larceny even if that person gives the merchandise back... what the note maker should be charged with is trespass and robbery, posession of a stolen merchandise, and being in possession of a weapon without a permit. maybe i am misreading your post or misunderstanding in some way but I am comfused as to how it is ok for someone to take mr. stupids property (gun or not) without permission and not get in trouble,. this just says its ok if you steal just make sure it is for a good cause......(teach someone a lesson) Edited by apoallo
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Why does he need an excuse? It's his pistol, in his car, in his driveway. If he left money on the seat, and it was stolen, I bet a lot of the reactions in here would be different. Since it's a gun though, we have self-righteous indignation? What does it matter what he left in his car? It's his property and it was stolen. The only person in the wrong here is the thief.

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that person stole a firearm which is a Felony. I have work in loss prevention within retail stores for many years and I dont care and neither does NYS, if someone shoplifts and exits the store and I go and apprehend that person, it is still larceny even if that person gives the merchandise back.

Glad you made that comparison...Now in the story Mr clueless actually walked past his gun to find it missing in the car...on his property...He found it and note at his door when going into report it stolen...still on his property

If I go into your store and take a shirt off a hanger..walk around the store and decide while in.... say the tool dept. I don't want the shirt after all... place it on a shelf next to the wrenches..still on your property...no where near where I found it...is it theft?

If some one took money out of the guys car and put it in a bag next to the door and he called the cops...think on this...honestly...what do you think those cops would tell him?

Is it a felony to take some ones bullets? Please need to see that particular law...talking the bullets not a gun...the gun never to anyone's knowledge left the premises...just moved location....so you want to get him I'll concede theft of bullets and trespassing...

Now if you want to do what if's as with the money scenario...lets do that...what if Mr Stupid...being distracted left his dangerous(guard dog) pitbull out unconfined..uncontrolled on his property in a neighbor hood with kids? A neighbor seeing the potential danger in the middle of the night...tazed(sp) the dog...put a leash on it...carried it to the front door and tied it up.... What would be your reaction to that?

Edited by growalot
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If I go into your store and take a shirt off a hanger..walk around the store and decide while in.... say the tool dept. I don't want the shirt after all... place it on a shelf next to the wrenches..still on your property...no where near where I found it...is it theft?

Bad comparison. Your stuff on your property is not the same as a store, which gives you permission to handle their wares as long as they dont leave the premises without you buying it.

The second that person went into that guys car, they committed a crime unless he gave them permission to be there.

Scot, nowhere in the law does it say that I cannot keep a firearm in my car on my property, period. The gun owner committed no crime.

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Cool I can take stuff and if I get caught with it,that would be ok because I was going to give it back.

That said I'm not in favor of leaving guns in cars since cars are broken into far more often then houses .

2 Guys I work with have put safes in their trucks,hidden,bolted down push button access makes it pretty fast. I put one in my trunk for the rare time I can't have my gun on me.

Oh i forgot my loaded gun was in my car,oh I forgot to lock the car, oh i forgot it was out in the open....Ok gimme your gun, here's some pepper spray, don't point it at yourself !

Edited by Larry302
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@WNYBuckHunter.. exactly. No one's saying the man wasn't at least somewhat irresponsible. The fact remains, there was only one crime committed. That crime was the THEFT of a man's property, fom inside another piece of his property, while it was parked on his real property. The fact that it was a firearm is immaterial. It could just as easily have been a piece of bazooka gum. That's like blaming me for when my car stereo was stolen from my driveway, because I left it in my car. Somehow though, because it was a firearm, it's partially the victim's fault simply because of what the property was? That makes no sense. Prosecute the criminal, not persecute the victim.

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First he off made the store comparison first...

second did your car stereo actually leave the premises? If it did it was stolen....

Now WNYBH please remember to explain how there is no law against leaving a loaded gun in your car on a residential street with kids....to the person who's kid finds it and kills them selves or some one else....

I Am saying they were BOTH wrong...could the person...who may have a kid.... handle it better...you bet!...could have just locked the door....gone and knocked on the door ...picked up the phone...

Also you have to be aware of there is more to the story then was reported...more than likely a p---ing match between neighbors...who knows...but you don't go out of your way to ruin a persons life...with armed robbery ..because they tried to make a point...WTH are you guys Democrats!!

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Glad you made that comparison...Now in the story Mr clueless actually walked past his gun to find it missing in the car...on his property...He found it and note at his door when going into report it stolen...still on his property

If I go into your store and take a shirt off a hanger..walk around the store and decide while in.... say the tool dept. I don't want the shirt after all... place it on a shelf next to the wrenches..still on your property...no where near where I found it...is it theft?

If some one took money out of the guys car and put it in a bag next to the door and he called the cops...think on this...honestly...what do you think those cops would tell him?

Is it a felony to take some ones bullets? Please need to see that particular law...talking the bullets not a gun...the gun never to anyone's knowledge left the premises...just moved location....so you want to get him I'll concede theft of bullets and trespassing...

Now if you want to do what if's as with the money scenario...lets do that...what if Mr Stupid...being distracted left his dangerous(guard dog) pitbull out unconfined..uncontrolled on his property in a neighbor hood with kids? A neighbor seeing the potential danger in the middle of the night...tazed(sp) the dog...put a leash on it...carried it to the front door and tied it up.... What would be your reaction to that?

after rewatching this clip your right no where did it say the person taking the firearm from the vehicle left the property however my opinion does not change the Firearm was taken from the vehicle. So that person still broke into someone elses vehicle which is a crime he/she entered without permission. That person entered the gun owners property(home lot) tresspassing with intention to do something...... otherwise they would have no reason to go on the Property(home lot). as for your other question on the shirt off the hanger and the u left it in the tool isle. is it still theft.??? my answer is no, because the article of clothing never left the store property and never went into any area designated with signs (No merchandise beyond this point) Example bathrooms if you took that shirt into the bathroom it is theft. You can even conceal the shirt inside your jacket or shopping bag, but it is still not a crime untill you pass all points of sale ( front doors, bathrooms) if you conceal the shirt then try to go into the fitting room with intention of stealing the shirt in the fitting rooms it is theft. Now a different scenaro lets not use a firearm in this one. if you left your vehicle in a mall parking lot and left your laptop computer in the car and someone took the computer then brought it to back your house. mind you this person is a complete stranger. they broke into your vehicle and took your property with out your permission. then for some reason had second thoughts about it and returned the computer.. doing the deed then having burglars remorse about it later is still not an excuse and is not ok. the crime was already commited.. Edited by apoallo
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I do feel that if a firearm wasnt involved this would not have been such a huge deal. the firearm owners actions of leaving the pistol out in the open and doors unlocked are questionable and I feel he did not do enough to keep the honest people out. If someone wants something bad enough they will get it. however leaving your firearm in your car and loaded is not a crime either. Maybe if this happened in a different town or different state the firearm owner would have some explaining to do..... who knows. but something we all can agree on is that this incident is unfortunate and aids in giving all gun owners a bad rep.

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Now WNYBH please remember to explain how there is no law against leaving a loaded gun in your car on a residential street with kids....to the person who's kid finds it and kills them selves or some one else....

If its inside his car, then nobody should "find" it, because nobody should be going through or opening his car.

As far as things leaving the premisis goes, if you take $20 off of my dresser, without my permission, and you put it in your pocket, you stole it. Even if you have not left my property, you stole the money. Even if you put it back, or put it in my car, you still stole it.

Now think about this, the person that went into his car was also TRESPASSING!!!!!!! Thats a crime punishable by death most of the time around here, isnt it?

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