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Looking into the legality of food plots.

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No, im just done listening to you. You sound cocky in almost every post you write, have you get always have the last word(type) You remind me of the guy in the song"online" by Brad Paisley. Sitting down in your basment weighting 400lbs and stuffing your face with pizza all while sounding like a bad ass on a hunting forum.

Done with you

Ahhhh, the personal shots, and right on time too.

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Oh I love being challenged. Look back at my posts. But I prefer being challenged by someone who has something intelligent to say. You frankly are boring. But I must ask if you have never had any experience with food plots, what do you base your opinions on?

I simply was expressing my opion on the legality of a food plot!!! Which is in my opion, a loop hole, in the system ,as I have stated ...I think its a Legal way to bait deer based on the results of landowners and friends,, That have PLANTED THESE BAIT LOTS ... I do no live in a area where there are 700 acres of corn... Swamp and hardwood,, place a tasty food plot and works havoic on the natural deer behavior.. For neighboring hunter who may not be able to afford this type of hunting... Not to metion the increased deer take...Not helping the heard !!! through the winter .. This is just a seperate perspective on the issue ,,, There are many different scenrios and results Positive and negative,, I just try to play devils advocate and see both sides.. Just a thought.. If you can plant a apple tree why cant you spread apples in a 30 foot radius,, its not a pile.. If you do it long enough you may start to belive there is a tree there..

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bowshotmuzzleloader go back and read post number 31. There is all the legality NY state has put in place for all hunters to follow. Pretty simple. That right there is what is legal and what isnt. There is absolutely no debate its law. Its legal. What is so confusing? It also states the exact reasons why a bait pile is illegal and why a food plot is not. To question the moral values of us food plotters and the legal practice of us spending our time and money to put them in place has no bearing on what you are expressing. There are far more reasons than what you have in your head as to why we do them. The picture you and others have painted in your minds is farther from the actual most all of our reasonings are. Its just another one of those false premisses that TV hunting shows have put in peoples minds. It just isnt the way it is in reality, yes they shoot deer over those plots on TV but tell me exactly how many of them advertise come er deer, and the million other baits they sell. Bet you cant find one show that does not promote them. The point is they are most likely using both food plots and attractants to entice that deer under there stands, and not to mention they wrapped up a whole season of hunting in 30 minutes. You think they just climbed up in a stand and shot a whopper buck in 10 minutes?

One other reason I have not seen mention is its a fun way to get to know the deer in your area as well. Like I said I dont hunt my plots nor trails leading into them. Its a basic sancturary and alot of guys feel the same way. But one thing I will tell you is I would of never gotten a picture like these. And due note the time on the camera, why? because that is the time that these plots are vastly used and Im sleeping. Best of luck to you this hunting season and hope you find some peace with this debate you are having with yourself and the legality of food plots.



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I simply was expressing my opion on the legality of a food plot!!! Which is in my opion, a loop hole, in the system ,as I have stated ...I think its a Legal way to bait deer based on the results of landowners and friends,, That have PLANTED THESE BAIT LOTS ... I do no live in a area where there are 700 acres of corn... Swamp and hardwood,, place a tasty food plot and works havoic on the natural deer behavior.. For neighboring hunter who may not be able to afford this type of hunting... Not to metion the increased deer take...Not helping the heard !!! through the winter .. This is just a seperate perspective on the issue ,,, There are many different scenrios and results Positive and negative,, I just try to play devils advocate and see both sides.. Just a thought.. If you can plant a apple tree why cant you spread apples in a 30 foot radius,, its not a pile.. If you do it long enough you may start to belive there is a tree there..

two words SPELL CHECK. As the thread is about the legality of food plots, and that has been determined often, you are not debating the legality now, you are trying to debate the morality. That is entirely another topic. Suppose the farm where you hunt over the pseudo plots suddenly stopped farming today. What do you think would happen to the deer population there? I am guessing it would not get stronger or healthier. I again feel bad that you have to hunt on some one else's property and have to follow their rules. But I again do not see how you can have an informed OPINION on how something works, if you have never done it or seen it. You have taken a high moral road, and then admit you hunt over a field of food. I on the other hand hunt way away from the plots and they are in more of a sanctuary where the deer can eat without being shot at. To me it seems less ethical to sit on the edge of the field and shoot a deer while it is eating. Get on the woods do some scouting. Pattern the deer and get one that way. That is hunting. What you do is sitting and waiting. Now since again this thread was about the legality of plots, and that has been determined, I am done posting. Oh and your sentences are a little run on and hard to follow. I might suggest putting some thought into a response and not just typing out the blurbs that enter your mind. Oh and By the way welcome to the site.

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Hey sad.....but prob. true

Yes, your personal attacks are sad but typical. Some guys just cant handle being wrong, and apparently you are one of those guys. Maybe one of these days youll grow up and just admit when youre wrong instead of trying to insult people with lame country song references.

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I've never planted a food plot but I do own a few acres and will most likely plant one in time for next season . As far as the "Legality" of a food plot I believe its entirely up to the owner (Tax Payer) of the property to determine . Just my opinion ..

actually the state already said they are legal, its just up to the landowner if they wish to plant one as the law already allows

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or im right and you are a fat lazy cocky a$$hole. either way thats how i know picture you.....haha. now go ahead, i know you need the last word big guy.

Before you claim you are right you might want to say something that pertains to the conversation even in a slight form other than asking one question. I never knew a question made a person right or sarcastic name calling did either. Look we get it you are against food plots. Its not like the friggin deer at my house are going to make there way to your place so dont plant the plots. I dont see anywhere in the laws where it says its manditory if you are a hunter with land you must plant a food plot. Pretty sad you are against anyone enhancing there land to better the wildlife and for human enjoyment. And people wonder why us landowners dont give out hunting permission anymore, the world is full of jerks and we dont want them. So go watch your hunting shows and be pissed off about the false premisses they are putting in your head too. Have a great hunting season sitting over the farmers corn field.

Edited by wdswtr
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i talked about a corn lot and asked a question about brush hogging it. I hunt several fields some with corn some with rye ect.....again nothing against food plots, i repeat nothing against food plots. If your still having trouble reading it let me know i can gladly sound it out for you.

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or im right and you are a fat lazy cocky a$$hole. either way thats how i know picture you.....haha. now go ahead, i know you need the last word big guy.

fat? no. lazy? far from it, work 72 hours a week and do side work, and take care of my food plot. sounds like you were picked on a lot as kid and deprived as a child with that come back. therefore, you really are dumb. i will agree wth the a$$hole part though.
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