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This ever happen to you?


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As long as you know whats in the background and are being safe, you are fine. You cannot tell me that you have never had a bullet cross a property line and be truthful about it. I dont care what the Encon guy said, they are not infallible. Using that logic, its trespassing every time I mow my lawn and a rock or leaf goes over the property line. Good gravy.

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Sure, it could be, but it wouldnt matter if it crossed a property line or not for something like that to be reckless endangerment.

Basically, IMO, what we have here is someone was hunting, something spooked the deer he was hoping to shoot, and hes pointing fingers because hes upset. Other than hearing the shots, theres nothing thats been said to substantiate a claim that the shots were directed toward the deer or him, or that the shooter was being unsafe. Sorry, I just dont buy into it, and apparently the DEC officer didnt either.

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i can c ur point i would be REALLY MAD if i thought someone was shooting at a deer i was getting ready to shoot..... altho i can understand the other guys point of view to, i mean if you had a squirrle in ur attic all nite and could not go to sleep you would prob try to shoot it to...

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Well, i respect everyone's opinion and points of view. I can understand some sarcastic remarks, cause bullets do carry off your land that may be unavoidable sometimes. And I did get up before dawn and i might have shot the 4 pointer :D. My spot doesn't really have alot of opportunity did pass up a couple spikes this year trying to get others onboard as well in my area but some shoot the first thing that walks by.

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Well, i respect everyone's opinion and points of view. I can understand some sarcastic remarks, cause bullets do carry off your land that may be unavoidable sometimes. And I did get up before dawn and i might have shot the 4 pointer :D. My spot doesn't really have alot of opportunity did pass up a couple spikes this year trying to get others onboard as well in my area but some shoot the first thing that walks by.

Not judging just having a little fun. I have absolutley no problem with anyone shooting anything they want within the confines of the law.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Posted 15 November 2012 - 08:03 AM

hunting out of a stand will pretty much negate any chance of you shooting into someones land unless you're shooting a deer on their property or are a really bad shot. simple a^2+b^2=c^2 there.

Tell me you did not say that....Have no hills in your area huh?

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