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for yote hunters....

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I have a ? been wondering for several years now maybe you can answer it....

First........story behind the ?....

Deer hunting and flock of turkey came in....A fox came in behind 30 yrds from me and was stalking the turkey...so I shot it...dropped where I shot...turkeys all fly off up the hill...so I sat there practicing calling them back with my voice...mind you 16ft tree stand...so I catch movement out of the corner of my eye and here comes a yote cautiously approaching the dead fox..maybe 30 mins. later...which surprised me....I dropped it about 40-50 yrds out ....Well I later got a doe and never bothered with the two dead...was going to move them the next day farther away from the stand.....Went back and no sign of them except some fur and blood???

Now Mr B shot a yote during opening of gun one year and they dragged it to the gutting field and took pics and the darn thing remained the the rest of the season....What would have come in and taken those two predators???

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Well I don't sell the hides....and I don't want a bunch of yotes and fox killing the animals I do hunt....plus mange in the fox population here is very bad... lastly yotes before the local dogs killed all my goats killed several kids off our place....That answer it for you?

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Id say it all depends on how hungry the other yote's in the area are, if there not getting alot of food then they will eat just about anything.It's rare for a yote to eat right where the "prey" is they usually drag the carcass and then eat, thats from my observation others may not agree. Also dont forget crows !

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Where I live the Fox have just about killed everything thy could,on my property the were having 3 to 7 young ones a year.No rabbits,no grouse,no turkeys,and in one year the must have killed over 30 of our neighbors chickens.Thank's to a local trapper most of them are gone + the ones that were shot.Only a few left and the also have the mange.

Blast em growalot.

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GROWALOT...Not too far from where I live I used to practice my turkey calling. It was a great spot with lotsa birds, but a no firearms area, so NO hunting.....One spring I set up and called in 4 toms and noticed one looked like it had a chunk of feathers bit off his tail... I asked a local who was familiar with the area who told me that it was probably done by a red fox, because the fox had killed off most of the turkey in that area, (a local official verified the story about the fox killing off the turkey.).

I tried calling the following spring and there were 0 turkey..

I'm into game calling with mouth calls and I call in a number of red fox every year, but I don't shoot them. However, when I was into turkey hunting if fox were killing too many turkey in the area where I hunted I would have shot some to reduce the fox population.

I believe that predator control is a necessity, I was a coon hunter for a number of years and hunted coons with hounds in some areas where the land owners asked us to control the population because of the predation that they did....


By the way, if you fish... I used fox and coyote fur, esp. from the tails for some flies that I tied, and they also work good wrapped on lead heads tied similar to a bucktail

Was it a gray, or a red fox ?

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Only another person would have taken them. Coyotes will not eat dead Coyotes.

Absolutely 100% FALSE!!!! I shot a coyote that was in the process of eating another coyote that I had shot a couple days before!! They absolutely WILL eat each other, I saw it with my own two eyes.

Zhe Wiz

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I've had piles go untouched for entire seasons. Only the birds will indulge.

Pretty fresh


Months later someone cut off their snoots and tails. Crazy I know, but the other Coyotes won't go near em.


I guess maybe they would if they were starving?

This one is still there a year later.


Edited by CoyoteKiller
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I've had piles go untouched for entire seasons. Only the birds will indulge.

Can't explain why the difference between what you are seeing and what I saw, only things I can think of are possible hunger levels, and the fact that the one I witnessed feasting on an adult coyote was obviously this year's pup. Fact remains they will eat each other.

I've had dead possums and turkey carcasses go untouched by coyote over several days, eaten only by birds and foxes in an area with plenty of coyotes. I chalked it up to the location of the "bait" but never put much thought into it.

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Greybeard...every year I come across just the wings of turkey in different places on our place...and even though I hate Voles...they are the scourge of the world....and love the fact that fox and yote gobble them far more than my dogs do...populations do need controlling...Your right they can destroy a turkey population....yotes too...our camp was where I always turkey hunted ...you could trip over them...yotes moved in and I don't even bother going down during turkey any more...That being said....

When killing an animal on our lands I have to take into consideration many things....Sightings...domestic kills not only on us but neighbors and the number of other predators that are off limits to me.....Fox and yotes can some times get a bad rap as far as small game decline go....We have a very healthy hawk and falcon population and then you need to consider the owls...and there are many different species of owl here or that visit here...one of the times I regret most not having the camera on me was pulling out of the drive with a wonderful red sun set and a massive great horned owl sitting on the telephone pole it was a sight to see....I once was still hunting deer and watching a rabbit in the snow...... when all of a sudden a red tail snatched it away....in no time at all that hawk had left him just a sack of skin and bones...

So when some predators are off limits...and rightly so ...we have to help balance things and populations by taking others....I would love to have the drumming of grouse back on our place......

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A kid is a young goat.

thank you just wanted to make sure we arent talkin humans. I still beleive just killing an animal and leaving it out there is pointless. Fox and coyotes also help to control other animal populations that we humans cannot. If your gonna shoot a fox or coyote atleast do something with the fur, they sell kits to tan them yourselves at home.

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I raccoon hunt as well and won't touch a hide...See I have had 2 bad experiences that could have ..due to just bizarre circumstances..... ended with me contracting rabies...I will not touch the hide of and warm blooded animal....unless deer. turkey,rabbit or squirrel that I have been able to observe closely and then I'm very careful about handling those....

Superstitious by nature...or rather experiences.....As I said we have plenty of other predators around that do a fine job

I don't even have my deer heads mounted...pics are just fine as a reminder for me

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Two weeks ago I found a dead doe on prop I hunt. Could not find entry/exit but due to smell I wasn't checking too close. Went back this weekend and she is still there, UNTOUCHED by an animals and there are a fair number of coyotes, fox, and recently we saw a bobcat in area. Shocked that it no on apart seeing as gut piles and remains are gone the next day. Strange crap happens out there

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